
Ume has been an anti-cancer medicine since ancient times, used to eliminate "bad flesh" lumps! I have used it to cure countless cancer friends

author:Professor Li Zhong, an expert in traditional Chinese medicine oncology
The lumps and tumor-like protrusions produced in the cavity of the human body that the ancients could not see can also be classified as 'evil meat', and the black plum has a killing effect on it.

Wumei pill, the main medicine Wumei, "Materia Medica" said: "Go to blue and black moles, malignant diseases... Eat the flesh. ”

The "Compendium of Materia Medica" says: "Inside the crossbow of the corrosive sores." ”

"Materia Medica" cloud: "Eat the evil flesh and come quickly." ”

It is pointed out that black plum has the effect of "eroding evil meat", and the "Theory of the Origin of Disease" points out that evil meat refers to "the body suddenly has meat like red bean grains protruding, slender and slender, like cow and horse milk, and also like the shape of a rooster's comb." ”

Evil flesh in ancient books mostly refers to the rotten flesh that grows on the surface of skin sores, and the use of black plum burnt ash external coating has a good therapeutic effect, such as the "Taiping Shenghui Fang" said: "Black plum (seven burned to ashes), on the top to apply the evil flesh in the sores, immediate effect." ”

Ume has been an anti-cancer medicine since ancient times, used to eliminate "bad flesh" lumps! I have used it to cure countless cancer friends

In view of the fact that malignant tumors can be affected by multiple factors and the clinical manifestations are complex and changeable, Professor Li Zhong, a clinical expert in TCM oncology, often combines Wumei pills with other prescriptions or drugs to improve the efficacy.

For example, a large amount of raw astragalus membranaceus and burning astragalus are commonly used to strengthen the qi and guard qi, and the meat of the mountain is to nourish the liver and kidneys and collect the essence qi, the lotus seed meat and the root are nourishing the heart and the kidney and the spleen to collect the essence and qi, and the keel, cuttlefish bone and red stone lipid are used to fix the spread and metastasis of the cancer toxin;

If people with chest pain and stomach pain should use salvia to drink blood to invigorate blood stasis and relieve pain;

If the reaction to radiotherapy and chemotherapy is obvious, nausea and vomiting, the stomach qi cannot be breathed and falls and the stomach qi is taken advantage of the deficiency to dry, and those who have difficulty eating often use ginseng essence pei qi decoction to replenish qi and nourish blood, nourish yin and reduce adversity;

Ume has been an anti-cancer medicine since ancient times, used to eliminate "bad flesh" lumps! I have used it to cure countless cancer friends

If there is a lot of phlegm, it is difficult to eliminate the lack of food, and it is often combined with the Sanzi Yangqin soup to warm the lungs and dissolve phlegm, reduce qi and eliminate food;

If accompanied by heartburn and acid reflux symptoms, Zuojin pills are often used to clear the liver and relieve fire, reduce inversion and stop vomiting;

If it is accompanied by shortness of breath in the chest, cough and phlegm, and heartache, people often use melon and shallot, white banxia soup or citrus aurantium and shallot white cinnamon branch soup to clear yang and disperse knots, dispel phlegm and lower qi. Yin deficiency and rapid growth of cancer tumors add turtle nails to make up for its deficiency, Zhejiang fritillary to dissolve its phlegm, benefit yin and remove heat and dissipate;

For those with severe pain, add Sichuan pepper and fine pungent to warm it; add white grass root for those with hemorrhage and hematemesis; add crane grass for those who are tired and weak;

Those with thick and greasy tongue coating, accompanied by water circulation disorders such as lower limbs or eyelid edema, add Poria cocos, Ze Yuan, Bitter Herb, Reed root, ginger and other warm yang drinks;

The meridians are blocked, and the numbness of the hands and feet is obvious, and the whole scorpion, zombie silkworm, earth dragon, centipede, bamboo ru and other products are used to pass the channel.

Ume has been an anti-cancer medicine since ancient times, used to eliminate "bad flesh" lumps! I have used it to cure countless cancer friends

In clinical treatment, on the basis of full analysis of commonalities, I grasp the personality characteristics of tumors of different individuals, different disease stages and different biological characteristics, comprehensively distinguish the dynamic characteristics, and flexibly add or subtract according to the syndrome to achieve better treatment results.

In the process of treating patients, I will remove the environment for tumor growth by regulating the body's yin and yang, qi and blood, and the physiological functions of the viscera meridians, so as to improve symptoms, improve quality of life, improve body immune function, regulate endocrine function, balance yin and yang, stimulate the body's own righteousness, and achieve the purpose of strengthening the body, eliminating diseases, inhibiting the development of tumors, alleviating the disease, and prolonging survival!

If you need help with traditional Chinese medicine and want to find me to fight cancer, you can click on the right to make an appointment with Professor Li Zhong!

What is the use of my anti-cancer Chinese medicine?

1/ Change the "cancer" constitution, change the patient's internal environment suitable for the growth of cancer cells, and improve the immune function of cancer patients. Fundamentally prevent recurrence and metastasis, and truly succeed in fighting cancer!

2/ Anti-cancer tumor, TCM anti-tumor treatment, while protecting normal cells and enhancing autoimmunity. Eventually, you can suppress the recurrence of cancer on your own!

Ume has been an anti-cancer medicine since ancient times, used to eliminate "bad flesh" lumps! I have used it to cure countless cancer friends

3/ Improve and alleviate clinical discomfort symptoms, enhance and reduce toxicity of radiotherapy and chemotherapy, alleviate bone marrow suppression after chemotherapy, solve digestive system reactions, prevent and treat peripheral neurotoxicity, reduce radiation inflammation, etc., and delay targeted drug resistance!

4/ Promote the recovery of cancer patients after surgery and prevent tumor recurrence and metastasis.

5 / Topical use of Chinese medicine can also control and relieve cancer pain.

6 / Relieves pain and improves quality of life and length of life. Extending the life of cancer patients and living as well and as long as others is a success in fighting cancer!

If you encounter any questions in the process of fighting cancer, you can ask me at any time, and I will answer them as soon as possible after the visit. Follow me to the cancer state and successfully fight cancer!

Click me to make an appointment with Professor Li Zhong!

Ume has been an anti-cancer medicine since ancient times, used to eliminate "bad flesh" lumps! I have used it to cure countless cancer friends

#中医##癌症##肿瘤# #乌梅#


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