
The 72-year-old aunt soaked two pieces of hawthorn in water every day after meals, and after a year of physical examination, she found that her blood pressure had changed!

author:Starfire Life
The 72-year-old aunt soaked two pieces of hawthorn in water every day after meals, and after a year of physical examination, she found that her blood pressure had changed!

Aunt Li sighed: "Doctor Liu, I have been taking blood pressure medicine, but the effect is always good and bad, I really don't know what to do." ”

Aunt Li, 72 years old, has a leisurely life after retirement, but high blood pressure has always bothered her. She takes her blood pressure medication on time every day, but her blood pressure still fluctuates from time to time, which makes her very troubled.

The 72-year-old aunt soaked two pieces of hawthorn in water every day after meals, and after a year of physical examination, she found that her blood pressure had changed!

Once, Aunt Li was having a routine physical examination in a community hospital, and Dr. Liu from the cardiovascular department saw her report and frowned: "Aunt Li, your blood pressure is still not very stable, have there been any special changes recently?" ”

1. It is known as the "silent killer"

High blood pressure is more common in middle-aged and older people. Because its early symptoms are often not obvious, they can quietly damage our cardiovascular system and increase the risk of serious diseases such as stroke and heart disease.

The causes of high blood pressure are complex and varied, including genetics, unhealthy eating habits, physical inactivity, excessive stress, and obesity.

Long-term intake of high-salt, high-fat foods, and a diet that lacks enough fruits and vegetables, can lead to hardening of the arteries and increased blood pressure.

Sedentary lifestyles and lack of exercise weaken the elasticity of blood vessels, increasing the risk of high blood pressure.

At a community health lecture, Aunt Li heard that hawthorn is good for cardiovascular health, especially when it helps lower blood pressure.

The 72-year-old aunt soaked two pieces of hawthorn in water every day after meals, and after a year of physical examination, she found that her blood pressure had changed!

So, she decided to give it a try. Every day after eating, she soaked two pieces of hawthorn water to drink. At first, Aunt Li just had the mentality of giving it a try, but she didn't expect it to become her daily habit.

To cope with high blood pressure, you should start by adjusting your lifestyle. A year later, Aunt Li came to the hospital again for a physical examination.

Dr. Liu looked at her report, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes: "Aunt Li, your blood pressure is very stable this time!" Do you have any special regimen lately? ”

Aunt Li smiled and said, "Actually, it's nothing, it's just to soak two pieces of hawthorn water every day after meals to drink." I heard that hawthorn can lower blood pressure, so I insisted on it for a year, but I didn't expect the effect to be so good. ”

Dr. Liu nodded: "Hawthorn does help lower blood pressure. It contains flavonoids and vitamin C, which dilate blood vessels and promote blood circulation. Your method works well for you. ”

The 72-year-old aunt soaked two pieces of hawthorn in water every day after meals, and after a year of physical examination, she found that her blood pressure had changed!

2. Does hawthorn help lower blood pressure?

Flavonoids can effectively dilate blood vessels, increase the elasticity and permeability of blood vessels, help reduce vascular resistance, and thus reduce blood pressure.

The vitamin C in hawthorn has an antioxidant effect, which can protect vascular endothelial cells and prevent arteriosclerosis.

Soaking two pieces of hawthorn in water every day after meals can not only promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, help digestion, but also gradually regulate blood pressure.

Studies have shown that long-term adherence to drinking hawthorn water can improve blood circulation, reduce cholesterol levels, and have obvious auxiliary effects on the prevention and treatment of hypertension.

In addition to lowering blood pressure, Aunt Li also found that hawthorn also helped her digestive system a lot. She often felt bloated after meals, and since drinking hawthorn water, this discomfort has decreased significantly.

Hawthorn is rich in organic acids, such as hawthorn acid, citric acid and malic acid, which can effectively stimulate gastric acid secretion and enhance the digestion of the stomach and intestines.

For those who often feel bloated and indigestion after meals, drinking a glass of hawthorn water or consuming a few pieces of hawthorn after meals can significantly relieve discomfort, promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, and speed up the decomposition and absorption of food.

The 72-year-old aunt soaked two pieces of hawthorn in water every day after meals, and after a year of physical examination, she found that her blood pressure had changed!

One day, Aunt Li's old friend Aunt Zhang came to visit the door and talked about their respective health conditions. Aunt Zhang said: "Aunt Li, I have been feeling bloated after dinner recently, do you have any good solutions?" ”

Aunt Li brought out a cup of steaming hawthorn water: "Aunt Zhang, you can try this." I drink two pieces of hawthorn soaked water every day after meals, which not only lowers blood pressure, but is also very good for digestion. ”

Aunt Zhang took a sip in disbelief: "Is it really so amazing?" ”

Aunt Li nodded: "Yes, I have experienced it all personally." Hawthorn can promote the secretion of gastric juice and help food digestion. I used to feel bloated all the time, but now I'm much better. ”

Aunt Li understands that hawthorn water alone cannot completely solve health problems. With Dr. Lau's advice, she began to adjust her lifestyle.

Every morning and evening, she insists on walking, doing some simple aerobics, controlling the salt and fat intake in her diet, and eating more fresh vegetables and fruits.

One day, Aunt Li and Dr. Liu met again at a community health lecture. Dr. Liu said, "Aunt Li, the effect of diet therapy alone is limited, and your current lifestyle habits are also very important.

Exercising regularly and eating a balanced diet are all important factors in keeping your blood pressure stable. ”

The 72-year-old aunt soaked two pieces of hawthorn in water every day after meals, and after a year of physical examination, she found that her blood pressure had changed!

Aunt Li responded with a smile: "Dr. Liu, I now walk for an hour every day, do some simple exercises, and pay special attention to my diet. Now not only is my blood pressure better, but my whole body feels energetic. ”

Dr. Liu nodded with satisfaction: "That's right." Health is the result of comprehensive management, and diet, exercise, and mentality are indispensable. ”

The 72-year-old aunt soaked two pieces of hawthorn in water every day after meals, and after a year of physical examination, she found that her blood pressure had changed!


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