
Is hawthorn an "accelerator" for blood sugar? Doctor: If you don't want diabetes to come quickly, don't touch 3 kinds of fruits

author:Dr. Chua's health talks

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"Someone else told me yesterday that hawthorn can help lower blood sugar, is it true?" Peng Ming stroked his unfinished report documents as he unsure consulted the doctor sitting across the office.

The doctor raised his head and replied with a serious face: "Mr. Peng, in fact, some fruits, including hawthorn, are not a good choice for people with high blood sugar. In addition to this, there are two other fruits that you may want to avoid even more. ”

Is hawthorn an "accelerator" for blood sugar? Doctor: If you don't want diabetes to come quickly, don't touch 3 kinds of fruits

Peng Ming, a middle school math teacher, has always been known for his rigor, and he is always skeptical of these sudden health messages. "So, can you explain why?" Peng Ming asked.

The doctor began to explain in detail: "First, let's start with hawthorn. Although hawthorn is rich in many vitamins and minerals, which can boost digestion, it is also high in sugar. Especially in processed hawthorn products, such as hawthorn slices and hawthorn cakes, it is a large sugar concentration. Their ability to promote rapid spikes in blood sugar should not be underestimated. ”

Is hawthorn an "accelerator" for blood sugar? Doctor: If you don't want diabetes to come quickly, don't touch 3 kinds of fruits

Peng Ming listened, secretly recording in his heart which fruits should be avoided. The doctor continued: "The other two fruits are cherries and watermelon. Cherries have a sweet taste and a low glycemic index. And watermelon, because of its extremely high water content, people tend to eat more portions, which will naturally bring more sugar intake. ”

At this time, Peng Ming's cell phone rang, it was a school notice, he glanced briefly at it, and then turned his attention back to the doctor's words. At this time, doctors are using a case to specify the effects of these three fruits.

Is hawthorn an "accelerator" for blood sugar? Doctor: If you don't want diabetes to come quickly, don't touch 3 kinds of fruits

"Last year, there was a patient who was also a teacher because he liked to eat fruits, especially cherries and hawthorns, which he had to eat every day. At first, he didn't notice a quiet rise in blood sugar. Until one day, he felt unusually tired, and after measuring it, he found that his blood sugar level was as high as 11.2 mmol/L, which was far above the normal range. The doctor paused, making sure Peng Ming was following up on the message.

Peng Ming was a little surprised when he heard this, he never thought that consuming too much fruit would have such consequences. He couldn't help but ask, "So what should we do?" Don't eat these fruits at all? ”

Is hawthorn an "accelerator" for blood sugar? Doctor: If you don't want diabetes to come quickly, don't touch 3 kinds of fruits

The doctor smiled: "No, the key is to control the amount and choose the right time to eat." For example, eating a small amount of hawthorn after a meal can help with digestion, but eating a large amount on an empty stomach can cause a rapid rise in blood sugar. As for watermelon, you can choose to supplement a small amount after exercise to help replenish lost water and energy. ”

At the end of the conversation, the doctor suggested that Peng Ming do a detailed blood sugar monitoring to get a more accurate picture of his physical state and adjust his diet based on the results. Peng Ming agreed, and he has decided to pay more attention to his diet and health.

Is hawthorn an "accelerator" for blood sugar? Doctor: If you don't want diabetes to come quickly, don't touch 3 kinds of fruits

After leaving the doctor's office, Peng Ming pondered the doctor's words. He believes that by scientifically managing his diet, he will be able to control his blood sugar levels.

Over the next few weeks, Peng Ming gradually reduced his intake of hawthorn, cherries, and watermelon, as recommended by his doctor, and tried to eat a small piece of hawthorn after a meal to help with digestion. He also started using an app to track his diet and blood sugar readings.

Is hawthorn an "accelerator" for blood sugar? Doctor: If you don't want diabetes to come quickly, don't touch 3 kinds of fruits

As time passed, Peng Ming found that his blood sugar levels had indeed improved significantly. He also feels better and doesn't get tired as easily as he used to. These positive changes have filled him with a new passion and motivation for his daily life.

However, Peng's colleagues at school were curious about his changes. Peng Ming shared the advice given to him by doctors, including knowledge about hawthorn, cherries, and watermelon. His words caught the attention of the teachers present, and many said that they should start paying attention to their eating habits.

Is hawthorn an "accelerator" for blood sugar? Doctor: If you don't want diabetes to come quickly, don't touch 3 kinds of fruits

In addition to controlling the intake of certain fruits, we also need to pay attention to the total sugar intake, including the choice of carbohydrates. Choosing whole grains over refined grains and increasing your intake of dietary fiber, such as eating more vegetables and legumes, are all great ways to help control your blood sugar.

Our diet should be varied and moderate to ensure that our body is getting all the nutrients it needs and avoiding excessive intake of foods that can cause blood sugar fluctuations.

Is hawthorn an "accelerator" for blood sugar? Doctor: If you don't want diabetes to come quickly, don't touch 3 kinds of fruits

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Is hawthorn an "accelerator" for blood sugar? Doctor: If you don't want diabetes to come quickly, don't touch 3 kinds of fruits

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