
Is garlic an "accelerator" for colon cancer? Warning: For gut health, eat less of 4 fruits and vegetables

author:Old prescription medical miscellaneous

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"Doctor, I've heard that garlic is an 'accelerator' for colon cancer, is that true? I eat garlic every day, will I get cancer? ”

As soon as Zhang Daming entered the consultation room, he asked nervously. He is an ordinary bus driver, who comes and goes in the wind and rain every day, although the days are dull, but they are also delicious. It's just that recently I heard the small talk of the neighbors, saying that eating too much garlic will cause colon cancer, so he was scared to come to the hospital for consultation.

Is garlic an "accelerator" for colon cancer? Warning: For gut health, eat less of 4 fruits and vegetables

Doctor Wang Weiguo is an experienced and well-informed expert in his sixties. Seeing that Zhang Daming was so nervous, he first smiled and motioned for him to sit down, and then said slowly: "Xiao Zhang, don't worry, let's talk slowly."

In fact, garlic itself is not the 'accelerator' of colon cancer, but everything you eat has a degree, and it is too much. In addition to garlic, there are several fruits and vegetables that can indeed have an impact on gut health if eaten too much. ”

Is garlic an "accelerator" for colon cancer? Warning: For gut health, eat less of 4 fruits and vegetables

Zhang Daming was nervous when he heard this, and hurriedly asked, "What kinds of fruits and vegetables?" I usually like to eat fruits and vegetables, but I don't dare to eat the wrong one. "Let's talk about garlic first. Garlic itself has many benefits, such as being antibacterial, antiviral, and some studies say it has anti-cancer effects.

Is garlic an "accelerator" for colon cancer? Warning: For gut health, eat less of 4 fruits and vegetables

However, eating too much garlic does stimulate the gastrointestinal tract to a certain extent, and it is easy to cause gastrointestinal discomfort. Therefore, garlic should be eaten in moderation, especially raw, which is easy to stimulate the stomach. ”

"So what other fruits and vegetables should we eat less?" Zhang Daming continued to ask.

Is garlic an "accelerator" for colon cancer? Warning: For gut health, eat less of 4 fruits and vegetables

"Actually, there are three kinds of fruits and vegetables that we should pay attention to." Dr. Wang waved his finger and began to go through them one by one. "The first is broccoli. You may wonder if broccoli is not a healthy food?

But in fact, broccoli is rich in fiber, and eating too much will increase the burden on the intestines, leading to problems such as flatulence and abdominal pain, especially for people with poor gastrointestinal function. ”

Is garlic an "accelerator" for colon cancer? Warning: For gut health, eat less of 4 fruits and vegetables

"The second is apples. Many people think that apples are a symbol of health, and every day an apple doctor stays away from me. However, apples contain fructose and fiber, and excessive consumption can also cause gastrointestinal upset, especially in patients with irritable bowel syndrome, who are more likely to have diarrhea or constipation due to excessive consumption of apples. ”

Is garlic an "accelerator" for colon cancer? Warning: For gut health, eat less of 4 fruits and vegetables

"And the last one, and one that you probably eat every day, is tomatoes. Tomatoes contain a lot of acidic substances, and eating too much will cause excessive stomach acid, resulting in stomach pain, heartburn and other symptoms, and in the long run, it is also an irritation to the gastrointestinal mucosa. ”

Zhang Daming nodded again and again when he heard this, and he couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart: "Oh, what can I do about this, I really didn't pay attention to these before." ”

Is garlic an "accelerator" for colon cancer? Warning: For gut health, eat less of 4 fruits and vegetables

Dr. Wang smiled and patted him on the shoulder: "The key is moderation, any food should be in moderation, usually pay more attention to a balanced diet, don't eat partially, eat more different kinds of vegetables and fruits, and consume each in moderation, so as to maintain intestinal health." ”

At this moment, Zhang Daming suddenly remembered a question: "By the way, doctor, I often feel bloated recently, and sometimes I have diarrhea, is this because I have eaten too many of these fruits and vegetables?" ”

Is garlic an "accelerator" for colon cancer? Warning: For gut health, eat less of 4 fruits and vegetables

Dr. Wang nodded: "You can try to reduce the intake of these foods and see if the symptoms improve." At the same time, drink plenty of water, pay attention to rest, and keep a good mood.

If the symptoms persist, come to the hospital again for a check-up and a detailed gastrointestinal endoscopy to rule out other possible diseases. ”

Is garlic an "accelerator" for colon cancer? Warning: For gut health, eat less of 4 fruits and vegetables

Zhang Daming nodded with satisfaction: "Thank you, doctor, I know what to do." With that, he held the diagnosis sheet and left the consultation room gratefully.

What do you think about colon cancer? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Is garlic an "accelerator" for colon cancer? Warning: For gut health, eat less of 4 fruits and vegetables

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