
Is garlic an "accelerator" for bowel cancer? Doctor: If you want to have a healthy stomach, you must control the amount of these vegetables

author:Director Xu Health said

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"Why do you always feel diarrhea? This broken garlic is really spicy!", I haven't felt comfortable in my stomach in the past few days.

Li Mingwei ate the dumplings, grumbling as he stuffed his mouth with a garlic-dipped sauce. This kind of scene has been playing out in his life for several years, and every time he eats dumplings, he always likes to add more garlic, thinking that it is more flavorful.

However, he's been feeling a little bit in his stomach lately. Every time I finish eating, I either gurgle or feel like my stomach is clogged.

Is garlic an "accelerator" for bowel cancer? Doctor: If you want to have a healthy stomach, you must control the amount of these vegetables

Li Mingwei works as a data clerk in the bank and deals with computers every day. Although his life is quite regular, his habit of eating garlic, and eating a lot of garlic, will eat a lot of a meal, and quietly began to affect his daily life.

At first, he only had occasional diarrhea, thinking that maybe the food outside was not clean. But slowly, the stomach problem seems to be getting worse and worse, and occasionally I find that there will be a little blood when I go to the toilet, which is really worrying.

At first, Li Mingwei thought that it might just be a problem with hemorrhoids, after all, he has a habit of sitting in the office and does not like to move.

Is garlic an "accelerator" for bowel cancer? Doctor: If you want to have a healthy stomach, you must control the amount of these vegetables

As time went on, Li began to notice that he still felt occasional gastrointestinal pain, especially after eating spicy food. He thought to himself, this is probably a temporary minor problem, no big deal, don't worry too much.

However, his wife did not take a different view, and she noticed that Li Mingwei not only had a problem with his eating habits, but also that the symptoms persisted, so she advised him to go to the hospital for a comprehensive examination.

Is garlic an "accelerator" for bowel cancer? Doctor: If you want to have a healthy stomach, you must control the amount of these vegetables

Despite some resistance, Li Mingwei was moved by his wife's persistence and decided to find a time to go to the hospital. On the day he went, there were not many people in the hospital, and he hung up a gastroenterology number and waited for the doctor's diagnosis. During the diagnosis, the doctor asked him about his lifestyle and eating habits, especially when he mentioned that he had been eating a lot of garlic for a long time.

Is garlic an "accelerator" for bowel cancer? Doctor: If you want to have a healthy stomach, you must control the amount of these vegetables

After listening to this, the doctor frowned and suggested that Li Mingwei have a detailed colonoscopy to rule out more complicated diseases. During the examination, Li Mingwei felt extremely uncomfortable, but he knew that this was something that had to be experienced.

After the results of the examination came out, the doctor's expression became serious, and he told Li Mingwei that he had multiple inflammations in his large intestine, which was not unrelated to his long-term eating habits.

Is garlic an "accelerator" for bowel cancer? Doctor: If you want to have a healthy stomach, you must control the amount of these vegetables

Li Mingwei was a little shocked after hearing this, he didn't expect that his usual casual eating habits would lead to such serious consequences.

The doctor went on to explain that although garlic has many health benefits, such as being anti-inflammatory and antibacterial, for some people with sensitive stomachs, the spicy components of garlic can irritate the intestines, and long-term consumption of large amounts, especially raw food, is likely to cause damage to the intestines.

Is garlic an "accelerator" for bowel cancer? Doctor: If you want to have a healthy stomach, you must control the amount of these vegetables

Li Mingwei realized that health really can't be taken lightly, especially at his age, and more attention should be paid to the balance and science of diet. Li Mingwei looked at the doctor gratefully, and secretly decided in his heart that from now on, he must change his eating habits and eat less or no foods that irritate the stomach, especially garlic, which he once loved deeply.

Is garlic an "accelerator" for bowel cancer? Doctor: If you want to have a healthy stomach, you must control the amount of these vegetables

Li Mingwei followed the doctor's instructions and began to return to the hospital regularly for follow-up check-ups to make sure everything was under control. A few months passed, and although he adjusted his eating habits and ate less garlic and other irritating foods, his physical condition did not seem to improve significantly.

Blood in his stool and occasional constipation still bothered him, which forced him to reconsider the hospital's recommendations and decide to do a more in-depth examination.

Is garlic an "accelerator" for bowel cancer? Doctor: If you want to have a healthy stomach, you must control the amount of these vegetables

Coming to the hospital again, Li Mingwei felt a little nervous. The doctor saw his medical records and decided to do a series of more detailed tests, including blood tests, CT scans, and a more detailed colonoscopy. Li Mingwei felt a little uneasy in his heart, but he also knew that this was a necessary step, and he needed to understand the true condition of his body.

Is garlic an "accelerator" for bowel cancer? Doctor: If you want to have a healthy stomach, you must control the amount of these vegetables

The examination process was long and uncomfortable, and Li Mingwei had to wait patiently for the results. A few days later, the doctor called him into the office and told him heavily, that the test results showed that he had early-stage bowel cancer.

This news was undoubtedly a huge blow to Li Mingwei, and he could hardly believe that it was true. Seeing his reaction, the doctor patiently explained some of the basics of bowel cancer and specifically pointed out the difference between bowel cancer and hemorrhoids.

Is garlic an "accelerator" for bowel cancer? Doctor: If you want to have a healthy stomach, you must control the amount of these vegetables

The doctor explained that hemorrhoids are mainly caused by excessive pressure in the anal veins or poor blood circulation, and common symptoms include blood in the stool, pain or itching in the anus.

Bowel cancer is caused by the abnormal and crazy growth of cells in the intestines, and eventually a malignant tumor is formed. Symptoms of bowel cancer, including blood in the stool, persistent abdominal pain, weight loss, constipation or diarrhoea, are similar to those of hemorrhoids, but the latter generally do not cause weight loss or long-term abdominal pain.

Is garlic an "accelerator" for bowel cancer? Doctor: If you want to have a healthy stomach, you must control the amount of these vegetables

After hearing this, Li Mingwei felt a deep sense of powerlessness, and he realized that he might have overlooked the severity of these symptoms. The doctor went on to explain that if bowel cancer is detected early, there is a high probability of cure through surgery and corresponding treatment. He advised Lee to make the decision as soon as possible to undergo surgery and possibly subsequent chemotherapy.

Is garlic an "accelerator" for bowel cancer? Doctor: If you want to have a healthy stomach, you must control the amount of these vegetables

The doctor gave Li Mingwei detailed explanations and suggestions, and he slowly accepted his condition. Finally, he followed the doctor's advice and underwent surgery. The surgery was scheduled a few weeks later, during which time Li Mingwei had an in-depth communication with his family, and despite the tremendous psychological pressure, he felt the support and love of his family.

Is garlic an "accelerator" for bowel cancer? Doctor: If you want to have a healthy stomach, you must control the amount of these vegetables

Finally, on the day of surgery, Li Mingwei underwent surgery under general anesthesia. The surgery lasted several hours, and the doctors successfully removed the tumor, and the whole process went more smoothly than expected. During his recovery, Li Mingwei underwent a series of chemotherapy and other adjuvant treatments, which were a physical and mental test.

Is garlic an "accelerator" for bowel cancer? Doctor: If you want to have a healthy stomach, you must control the amount of these vegetables

During the treatment, Li Mingwei gradually recovered. His appetite slowly returned, and he began to gain weight steadily. Under the guidance of his doctor, he began to live a healthier lifestyle, including regular physical activity and a sensible diet. At each check-up, the doctor could see an improvement in his physical condition, which was a relief for the whole family.

Is garlic an "accelerator" for bowel cancer? Doctor: If you want to have a healthy stomach, you must control the amount of these vegetables

During this long treatment process, Li Mingwei deeply realized the importance of health. He began to actively educate those around him about the importance of healthy eating, especially the dangers of spicy and irritating foods.

During the follow-up examination, the doctor told Li Mingwei that his body was recovering well and that there was no sign of recurrence of bowel cancer. Li Mingwei is grateful for the help of the doctors and the support of his family, and he knows that all this is inseparable from their encouragement and companionship.

Is garlic an "accelerator" for bowel cancer? Doctor: If you want to have a healthy stomach, you must control the amount of these vegetables

For Li Mingwei, this experience is not only a physical recovery, but also a spiritual awakening. He went from being an ordinary person who was indifferent to health to an advocate of healthy living. He hopes that his experience will remind more people that health is the most valuable asset in life and that everyone should cherish and take positive measures to maintain it.

Is garlic an "accelerator" for bowel cancer? Doctor: If you want to have a healthy stomach, you must control the amount of these vegetables

On Li Mingwei's road to recovery, he went back to the hospital from time to time to talk to the gastroenterologist who helped him treat his illness. This well-informed doctor understands how food can affect our gastrointestinal health.

After a follow-up examination, the doctor said to Li Mingwei: "Your recovery is very good, which is inseparable from your change of eating habits. But we need to further discuss how you should maintain this state of health. ”

Is garlic an "accelerator" for bowel cancer? Doctor: If you want to have a healthy stomach, you must control the amount of these vegetables

The doctor pulls out a detailed dietary guide and begins to explain the effects of various foods on the stomach. In particular, he pointed out that although garlic is a food with high nutritional value, it may not be the best choice for people with gastrointestinal problems due to its strong irritating properties.

"Garlic contains a lot of sulfur compounds, which may be good for health for normal people, such as anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects, but if you already have gastrointestinal lesions, these substances may exacerbate inflammation in the gut," he said. ”

Is garlic an "accelerator" for bowel cancer? Doctor: If you want to have a healthy stomach, you must control the amount of these vegetables

The doctor went on to explain that in addition to garlic, chili peppers and onions are also irritating foods. The capsaicin in chili peppers can stimulate gastric acid secretion and increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract, while onions may cause flatulence, which is not a good choice for sensitive stomachs. Doctors advised Li Mingwei to avoid these foods as much as possible in his daily diet to reduce irritation to the stomach and intestines.

Is garlic an "accelerator" for bowel cancer? Doctor: If you want to have a healthy stomach, you must control the amount of these vegetables

In order to help Li Mingwei better protect his stomach and intestines, the doctor also provided some useful suggestions. He reminded Li Mingwei: "If you want to have a good gut, eat more high-fiber things, such as whole grains, beans, and various vegetables and fruits." Fiber can help the intestines form good bowel habits and reduce constipation and other gastrointestinal problems. ”

Is garlic an "accelerator" for bowel cancer? Doctor: If you want to have a healthy stomach, you must control the amount of these vegetables

The doctor also made a point of emphasizing the importance of drinking enough water, which he said is really crucial for maintaining good health. "Hydration is a key factor in aiding digestion and promoting intestinal cleansing," he explains. Adults should drink at least eight glasses of water a day, especially after you have been treated for bowel cancer, and need to maintain a good hydration. ”

Is garlic an "accelerator" for bowel cancer? Doctor: If you want to have a healthy stomach, you must control the amount of these vegetables

Doctors also mentioned that proper exercise is also helpful and can lead to a healthier body. "Moderate exercise, such as walking, swimming or yoga, can help strengthen blood circulation in the stomach and intestines and promote intestinal peristalsis, which is very helpful in preventing constipation and maintaining overall health," he told Lee. ”

Is garlic an "accelerator" for bowel cancer? Doctor: If you want to have a healthy stomach, you must control the amount of these vegetables

After listening to the doctor's advice, Li Mingwei began to adjust his lifestyle habits according to these methods. He gradually reduced his intake of irritating foods, increased his intake of fiber foods and water, and tried light to moderate exercise. After a few months, he noticed a significant improvement in his gastrointestinal condition and the problem of blood in his stool and constipation was relieved.

Is garlic an "accelerator" for bowel cancer? Doctor: If you want to have a healthy stomach, you must control the amount of these vegetables

After experiencing the challenges and recovery of bowel cancer, Lee Mingwei deeply understands the value of health and the responsibility to maintain health. His Li Mingwei's lifestyle has completely changed. He went from being a person who didn't care much about eating to an enthusiastic person who actively promoted a healthy lifestyle.

Is garlic an "accelerator" for bowel cancer? Doctor: If you want to have a healthy stomach, you must control the amount of these vegetables

Through his actions and experience, Li Mingwei has demonstrated that people can recover and improve their health through positive lifestyle changes, even after experiencing major health challenges. Health is indeed in our own hands, and through scientific diet and reasonable living habits, everyone can have a healthier life.

Is garlic an "accelerator" for bowel cancer? Doctor: If you want to have a healthy stomach, you must control the amount of these vegetables

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Is garlic an "accelerator" for bowel cancer? Doctor: If you want to have a healthy stomach, you must control the amount of these vegetables

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