
What are the must-eat vegetables in autumn?


Autumn is the season of transition to winter, the resistance will decrease, you can eat some vegetables to enhance the resistance to resist the invasion of the virus, you can see these vegetables in daily life, these vegetables are rich in nutrients, every day ranking network consulted the major websites, sorted out the top ten vegetables that must be eaten in autumn, and told you what vegetables must be eaten in autumn.

1. Okra

What are the must-eat vegetables in autumn?

  Okra contains a lot of dietary fiber, which is helpful for the prevention of constipation, has the title of "king of vegetables", is rich in nutrients, has many benefits for the human body, helps the body resist diseases, and is rich in vitamin C, vitamin C is a natural antioxidant that can prevent some diseases.

2. Yam

What are the must-eat vegetables in autumn?

  Yam is rich in amino acids needed by the human body, has the effect of quenching thirst, and is also rich in vitamins and minerals, which can prevent abnormal lipid metabolism in the human body, as well as the occurrence of arteriosclerosis.

3. 茭白

What are the must-eat vegetables in autumn?

  It is a low-calorie vegetable, which helps to maintain good health, improve immunity, delay aging, prevent diseases, prevent diseases, and prevent diseases.

4. Lotus root

What are the must-eat vegetables in autumn?

  Lotus root is rich in protein and starch, vitamin K, aspartin and oxidase and other components, the dietary fiber in the lotus root can promote the peristalsis of the stomach and intestines, can prevent constipation, is a very common food, has a certain effect of clearing heat and dampness, detoxification and swelling, removing annoyance and quenching thirst, etc., appropriate consumption can enhance the body's immunity.

5. Rhombic Angle

What are the must-eat vegetables in autumn?

  Water chestnut is a low-calorie food, rich in protein, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins and other nutrients, can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, can enhance immunity, prevent infection and disease, proper consumption is conducive to human health.

6. Serina

What are the must-eat vegetables in autumn?

  Celery is a food with a relatively high dietary fiber content, rich in nutrients and a variety of effects, which has great benefits to the human body, helps to promote vasodilation, reduce vasoconstriction, thereby reducing blood pressure, some ingredients in celery have good anti-inflammatory effects, and proper consumption has great benefits to the human body.

7. Spinach

What are the must-eat vegetables in autumn?

  Spinach is a nutritious vegetable, rich in vitamin C, vitamin K, carotene, dietary fiber and a variety of minerals, which promote human metabolism, improve physical health, help promote intestinal peristalsis, prevent constipation and other effects.

8. Pumpkin

What are the must-eat vegetables in autumn?

  Pumpkin is a very common food, rich in dietary fiber, promotes excretion, is conducive to digestion and absorption, contains β-carotene, can protect cells from oxidative damage, slow down aging, proper consumption can enhance resistance, great benefits to the body.

9. Carrots

What are the must-eat vegetables in autumn?

  Carrot has the effect of strengthening the spleen and eliminating food, moistening the intestines and laxative, dissolving stagnation, nourishing the liver and brightening the eyes, clearing heat and detoxifying, etc., moderate consumption of carrots helps to protect eyesight, enhance immunity, is a nutritious vegetable, has many effects, is very popular with people.


What are the must-eat vegetables in autumn?

  Lettuce tastes refreshing and refreshing, rich in nutrition, contains a variety of vitamins and minerals, has the title of "good nutrition in vegetables", contains carbohydrates, proteins, fats, a lot of dietary fiber, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, vitamins and other nutrients, proper consumption has great benefits to the human body.

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