
Sweet potatoes are the "accelerator" of stomach cancer? Doctor: I don't want stomach cancer to come, so I can't eat 3 things if I can

author:Lao Wang's Health Talk
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"Uncle Li, your stomach problem is not small, you should pay attention to your diet." Doctor Director Wang said while looking at the report.

Uncle Li is a 65-year-old retired driver who went fishing with a few old friends on the weekend and always felt itchy when he came back. At first, he thought it was a mosquito bite, so he casually applied some ointment, but the itching not only did not relieve, but also accompanied by stomach discomfort. So he went to the hospital for a check-up, and found that he not only had skin problems, but also had health problems in his stomach.

"Director Wang, what's wrong with my stomach? I don't usually feel so uncomfortable. Uncle Li asked with some concern.

Sweet potatoes are the "accelerator" of stomach cancer? Doctor: I don't want stomach cancer to come, so I can't eat 3 things if I can

Director Wang sighed: "Uncle Li, you have chronic inflammation in your stomach and need to pay special attention to your diet. Especially sweet potatoes, which are foods, are best eaten sparingly. ”

Uncle Li was stunned for a moment: "Sweet potato? Aren't sweet potatoes a healthy food? How does it still affect the stomach? ”

Effects of sweet potatoes on the stomach

Director Wang explained: "Sweet potatoes are indeed rich in fiber and vitamins, but they also contain a lot of starch and sugar, which are easy to ferment in the stomach and produce a lot of gas. This is very detrimental to people with stomach problems, and may even worsen stomach discomfort and increase the risk of stomach cancer. ”

Uncle Li was a little surprised when he heard this: "Then my stomach problem, is it caused by my usual love of sweet potatoes?" ”

Director Wang nodded and said, "It's possible." Especially if you eat a lot and don't pay attention to a reasonable diet, the burden on your stomach will be heavier. ”

Sweet potatoes are the "accelerator" of stomach cancer? Doctor: I don't want stomach cancer to come, so I can't eat 3 things if I can

Medical Research Support

Director Wang took out a research report, pointed to the data above and said: "A study showed that the incidence of stomach diseases was 30% higher than that of the general population in people who consumed a large amount of sweet potatoes for a long time. Among these people, there are significantly more cases of stomach upset, gastritis, and stomach ulcers than those who do not eat or eat less sweet potatoes. ”

Research data shows that the gas produced by the fermentation of starch and sugar in sweet potatoes in the stomach not only causes stomach flatulence, but may also damage the gastric mucosa and increase the risk of stomach inflammation. If these inflammations are not effectively controlled for a long time, they may develop into more serious stomach diseases and even stomach cancer.

Real case stories

In order to give Uncle Li a better understanding, Director Wang also told a few real cases.

Case 1: Uncle Zhang, 60 years old, retired worker. Uncle Zhang likes to eat sweet potatoes very much, and he eats one or two for breakfast every day. Over the years, he always felt bloating, stomach acid, and even sometimes stomach pain. He went to the hospital for examination and found that he was suffering from severe gastritis. The doctor advised him to stop eating sweet potatoes and to treat them. After a period of conditioning, Uncle Zhang's stomach condition has improved.

Sweet potatoes are the "accelerator" of stomach cancer? Doctor: I don't want stomach cancer to come, so I can't eat 3 things if I can

Case 2: Grandma Li, 68 years old, housewife. Grandma Li likes to use sweet potatoes to make all kinds of snacks and eats them almost every day. Later, she found that she often had stomach bloating and acid reflux, and after going to the hospital for examination, it was found that her stomach mucosa had been damaged, and the doctor warned her that if she did not control her diet, it might develop into stomach cancer. Grandma Li followed the doctor's advice, stopped eating sweet potatoes, and cooperated with the treatment, and her stomach condition gradually stabilized.

Uncle Li listened to these stories and was a little nervous: "It seems that I will have to eat less sweet potatoes in the future." ”

Director Wang nodded and said, "Yes, especially for people like you who have chronic stomach problems, you should pay more attention." ”

Other foods that are harmful to the stomach

Director Wang continued, "In addition to sweet potatoes, there are also some foods that also have adverse effects on stomach health, and it is best to avoid them. ”

Fried food: Fried food, although delicious, is very irritating to the stomach. The high temperature and oil produced during the frying process will destroy the nutrients in the food and increase the burden on the stomach, which can easily lead to gastritis and stomach ulcers.

Spicy foods: Spicy foods can irritate the stomach lining and cause stomach upset. For people with stomach problems, spicy foods may worsen inflammation and even trigger stomach ulcers.

Carbonated drinks: The gas in carbonated drinks can cause stomach bloating and increase the burden on the stomach. In addition, the sugars and acids in carbonated drinks can also cause irritation to the gastric mucosa, which is not conducive to stomach health.

Sweet potatoes are the "accelerator" of stomach cancer? Doctor: I don't want stomach cancer to come, so I can't eat 3 things if I can

Healthy eating recommendations

Director Wang gave Uncle Li a few suggestions for a healthy diet:

Eat more easily digestible foods: such as rice, noodles, vegetable soups, etc., which are less irritating to the stomach and easy to digest.

Control the amount of food you eat: Don't eat too much at once, eat small meals often, which can reduce the burden on your stomach.

Avoid foods that are too cold or too hot: Foods that are too cold or too hot can irritate the stomach lining and cause stomach upset.

Drink plenty of water: Water can help dilute stomach acid, reduce stomach irritation, and improve digestion.

Regular medical check-ups: Detect and treat stomach problems in a timely manner to avoid minor illnesses from becoming major ones.

After listening to these suggestions, Uncle Li's heart suddenly brightened: "It seems that diet has a really big impact on the stomach." ”

Director Wang smiled: "That's right, reasonable eating habits can greatly reduce the risk of stomach diseases and protect stomach health. ”

Sweet potatoes are the "accelerator" of stomach cancer? Doctor: I don't want stomach cancer to come, so I can't eat 3 things if I can

The end leads to new questions

At this point in the story, Director Wang suddenly asked a question: "Uncle Li, have you noticed that in addition to food, some lifestyle habits also have a great impact on stomach health?" ”

Uncle Li was stunned for a moment: "Living habits? For example, which ones? ”

Director Wang explained: "For example, staying up late, smoking, drinking, etc., these bad habits will cause damage to the stomach. Staying up late for a long time can lead to gastric acid secretion disorders, smoking can irritate the gastric mucosa and increase the risk of gastric ulcers, and drinking alcohol can damage the gastric mucosa, leading to stomach inflammation. ”

The relationship between lifestyle habits and stomach health

Director Wang further explained: "Scientific studies have shown that good lifestyle habits can effectively prevent stomach diseases. Regular work and rest, healthy diet, moderate exercise, quitting smoking and limiting alcohol are all important measures to protect stomach health. ”

Research data supports: A long-term study of 5,000 people showed that people who adhered to healthy lifestyle habits had a 40% lower risk of stomach problems than those with unhealthy lifestyle habits. The study, which tracked participants' lifestyle habits and health for 10 years, showed that people with good lifestyle habits had a significantly lower incidence of stomach disorders.

Director Wang concluded: "Therefore, in addition to paying attention to diet, developing good lifestyle habits is also an important measure to protect stomach health. I hope you can fully understand this knowledge and protect your stomach. ”

Sweet potatoes are the "accelerator" of stomach cancer? Doctor: I don't want stomach cancer to come, so I can't eat 3 things if I can


After listening to this, Uncle Li's heart suddenly brightened: "It seems that we must not only pay attention to our diet, but also develop good living habits in order to truly protect our stomach." ”

Director Wang said with a smile: "That's right, health is all-round, and only by paying attention to it comprehensively can we truly achieve longevity and health." ”

This is the end of the story, but Uncle Li has a new question in his mind: in addition to diet and lifestyle habits, what other factors will have an important impact on stomach health? This question has sparked a new round of his exploration of health.

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