
Apples are the "accelerator" of kidney failure? Doctor reminds: If you want kidney health, eat less 3 kinds of fruits

author:Director Xu Health said

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"Mom, I heard that if you eat apples every day, it may cause kidney failure." Li Ming pushed open the door of the house, saw the apple on the table, and frowned.

Aunt Li was busy washing apples, and when she heard her son's words, she was stunned for a while, "What? Can apples still eat kidney failure? Where did you hear that? Li Ming took out his mobile phone from his pocket, flipped out a health article and handed it to his mother, "Look, it is said on the Internet that there is a substance in apples that eating too much for a long time will be bad for the kidneys." ”

Apples are the "accelerator" of kidney failure? Doctor reminds: If you want kidney health, eat less 3 kinds of fruits

Aunt Li's eyes widened, "Really? So I have an apple every day, but what should I do? Let's go to the hospital and ask the doctor. As soon as she said go, Aunt Li took her son and hurried to the hospital. In the hospital, they registered, waited for a while, and finally it was their turn.

Apples are the "accelerator" of kidney failure? Doctor reminds: If you want kidney health, eat less 3 kinds of fruits

"Aunt Li, Li Ming, please come in." Doctor Dr. Chen greeted kindly. "Doctor Chen, you have to help me see, I eat apples every day, and I heard my son say that it will cause kidney failure, is this true?" Aunt Li asked anxiously. Dr. Chen smiled and motioned for them to sit down, "Don't worry, listen to me tell you first." ”

Apples are the "accelerator" of kidney failure? Doctor reminds: If you want kidney health, eat less 3 kinds of fruits

Dr. Chen put on his glasses and picked up a medical document, "Actually, apples are very healthy fruits, rich in fiber, vitamin C and a variety of antioxidants, which are good for the heart and digestive system. However, any food should be eaten in moderation, and eating too much can be problematic. For people with renal insufficiency, there are some fruits that should indeed be eaten sparingly, such as those rich in potassium. ”

Apples are the "accelerator" of kidney failure? Doctor reminds: If you want kidney health, eat less 3 kinds of fruits

Aunt Li nodded, "Then Dr. Chen, will apples cause kidney failure?" Dr. Chen shook his head, "Apples themselves do not cause kidney failure, but if people with poor kidney function eat too many fruits rich in potassium, it will indeed increase the burden on the kidneys." The potassium content of apples is not particularly high, but you still need to pay attention to a large amount of it every day. ”

Apples are the "accelerator" of kidney failure? Doctor reminds: If you want kidney health, eat less 3 kinds of fruits

Li Ming interjected on the side, "Mom, you have to eat less apples." Dr. Chen continued, "Not only apples, but also some other fruits, which also need to be paid attention to for kidney health, especially the following three: bananas, oranges and coconuts. These fruits are high in potassium, and for people with poor kidney function, consuming too much potassium can lead to hyperkalemia, which affects heart and muscle function. ”、

Apples are the "accelerator" of kidney failure? Doctor reminds: If you want kidney health, eat less 3 kinds of fruits

After listening to this, Aunt Li put her mind at ease, "Then I will eat less of these high-potassium fruits and eat more other fruits in the future, right?" Dr. Chen nodded, "Yes, the most important thing is to have a balanced diet and consume all kinds of nutrients in moderation. Eat more low-potassium fruits, such as apples, strawberries, blueberries, etc., which are low in potassium and have less burden on the kidneys. ”

Apples are the "accelerator" of kidney failure? Doctor reminds: If you want kidney health, eat less 3 kinds of fruits

Li Ming smiled and said, "Mom, you can rest assured now." Aunt Li also smiled, "Well, don't worry." That's what you need to pay attention to in the future. Seeing that they were relaxed, Dr. Chen added, "In fact, diet is only one aspect, kidney health also needs to pay attention to lifestyle habits, drink more water, avoid high-salt and high-sugar diets, maintain proper exercise, regular physical examinations, early detection and early treatment." ”

Apples are the "accelerator" of kidney failure? Doctor reminds: If you want kidney health, eat less 3 kinds of fruits

Just as he was about to leave, Li Ming suddenly thought of a question, "Doctor Chen, why are people with poor kidney function so easily affected by diet?" "This is because the kidneys are important organs for the body to detoxify and regulate electrolytes. If the kidney function is not good and the detoxification function is reduced, the electrolyte balance in the body is easily disrupted, especially the balance of potassium and sodium. ”

"If you consume too much potassium food, your kidneys can't excrete it in time, and excess potassium accumulates in your body, which can cause various problems. Therefore, people with poor kidney function should be extra careful in their diet. ”

Apples are the "accelerator" of kidney failure? Doctor reminds: If you want kidney health, eat less 3 kinds of fruits

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Apples are the "accelerator" of kidney failure? Doctor reminds: If you want kidney health, eat less 3 kinds of fruits

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