
Children learn to "spend their brains", remind them to eat more 5 kinds of high-zinc foods to make up for consumption, and their brains are flexible

Children learn to "spend their brains", remind them to eat more 5 kinds of high-zinc foods to make up for consumption, and their brains are flexible

Foraging in the market

2024-05-24 23:27Published in Henan

Now that the end of May is approaching, parents who have candidates at home have been very nervous recently, because the college entrance examination and high school entrance examination that will determine their children's future path are coming one after another. Children are studying hard every day in order to get good grades, and parents, as the backing of students, naturally need to do a good job in the logistics of their children, and work hard to take care of them in three meals a day and trivial things in life.

Children learn to "spend their brains", remind them to eat more 5 kinds of high-zinc foods to make up for consumption, and their brains are flexible

Students learn to "spend their brains", parents will find ways to "make up their brains" for students, and some parents will buy various nutritional products and health products for their children to eat. As the saying goes, "medicine is not as good as food", and it is better to try to work the three meals a day that children eat.

Children learn to "spend their brains", remind them to eat more 5 kinds of high-zinc foods to make up for consumption, and their brains are flexible

"Zinc" has a close relationship with the growth and development of the human body, and is known as the "source of brain power" and "the flower of life". When the body lacks zinc, there will be growth arrest, stunting and other adverse effects, so parents should give their children zinc supplements in the usual three meals, and it is recommended to eat more of these 5 high-zinc foods to supplement body nutrition, brain flexibility and good results.

1. Walnuts

Walnuts resemble brains, and the ancients paid attention to "complementing the form with form", so they believed that walnuts were excellent ingredients for brain supplementation, and called it "the fruit of wisdom". In fact, walnuts have a high zinc content, with a zinc content of 2.17 mg per 100g of dried walnuts, in addition to being rich in nutrients, and containing a variety of trace elements and minerals required by the human body, which is very suitable for students to eat.

Children learn to "spend their brains", remind them to eat more 5 kinds of high-zinc foods to make up for consumption, and their brains are flexible

Recommended dish: [Walnut nutritious porridge]

Ingredients: walnut kernels, peanut kernels, black rice, brown sugar, wolfberry, osmanthus

Children learn to "spend their brains", remind them to eat more 5 kinds of high-zinc foods to make up for consumption, and their brains are flexible

1. After rinsing the black rice several times, add water to soak, the water soaked in the black rice will turn brown, which is the anthocyanins in the black rice, which causes the water to change color after being dissolved in water, which is a normal situation.

2. After washing walnut kernels, peanut kernels and wolfberries, soak them in water.

Children learn to "spend their brains", remind them to eat more 5 kinds of high-zinc foods to make up for consumption, and their brains are flexible

3. Pour walnut kernels, peanut kernels and black rice into the wall breaker, add an appropriate amount of water, and select the rice cereal mode to make a paste, which takes about 20 minutes.

4. Add 2 tablespoons of brown sugar and stir, using the residual temperature to melt the brown sugar. Pour the beaten walnut nutritious porridge into a bowl, put wolfberry and osmanthus, and eat.

2. Peanuts

Peanuts have always been known as the "longevity fruit", especially the content of B vitamins and zinc is not low, containing 1.79 mg per 100g. Moreover, peanuts are also known as "plant-based meat", which is rich in dietary fiber and protein, and has high nutritional value.

Children learn to "spend their brains", remind them to eat more 5 kinds of high-zinc foods to make up for consumption, and their brains are flexible

Recommended dish: [Peanut soup]

Ingredients: peanuts, milk, eggs, rock sugar

Children learn to "spend their brains", remind them to eat more 5 kinds of high-zinc foods to make up for consumption, and their brains are flexible

1. Peel the peanuts, boil them slightly in water for 1 minute, take them out and put them in cold water, and you can easily peel off the red skin.

2. Put the peanuts into the pressure cooker, add water according to the ratio of 1:6 (add about 3 bowls of water to half a bowl of peanuts), choose the bean boiling mode, and simmer for 35 minutes.

3. After the pressure cooker is stewed, pour it into the casserole, boil over high heat, and when the soup is white and turbid, pour in a carton of milk.

Children learn to "spend their brains", remind them to eat more 5 kinds of high-zinc foods to make up for consumption, and their brains are flexible

4. Beat the eggs in the bowl, pour them into the casserole after stirring, turn off the heat immediately, and blanch the eggs with the remaining heat.

5. Add an appropriate amount of rock sugar and stir well until the rock sugar melts.

3. Beef

Beef is a high-quality meat with high protein and low fat, and the zinc content of beef reaches 6.92mg/100g, and the absorption rate is far higher than that of other ingredients. In addition, beef also contains a variety of trace elements required by the human body, which is a very nourishing ingredient.

Children learn to "spend their brains", remind them to eat more 5 kinds of high-zinc foods to make up for consumption, and their brains are flexible

Recommended dish: [Roast beef with potatoes]

Ingredients: beef, potatoes, ginger, green onions, star anise, garlic, cinnamon, bay leaves; Soybean paste, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, sugar, salt

Children learn to "spend their brains", remind them to eat more 5 kinds of high-zinc foods to make up for consumption, and their brains are flexible

1. Cut the beef into pieces for later use, peel the potatoes and cut them into pieces, cut the green onion into sections, flatten the ginger, cut the garlic into garlic slices, and prepare other spices.

2. Blanch the beef, pour water into the pot first, put 2 spoons of cooking wine, two pieces of crushed ginger, pour the beef pieces into the water after boiling, cook for about 3 minutes, wait until the beef changes color and remove the water. (The blanching time can be adjusted reasonably according to the size of the beef pieces)

3. Put a small amount of oil in the wok, pour the potato pieces into the stir-fry, wait until the edges of the potatoes are browned and transparent, and then remove them for later use.

Children learn to "spend their brains", remind them to eat more 5 kinds of high-zinc foods to make up for consumption, and their brains are flexible

4. Put oil in the pot again, pour in green onions, garlic slices, and other spices and stir-fry together, pour in the blanched beef after the fragrance is fragrant, and stir-fry for a while until the beef changes color and tightens.

5. Add 1 tablespoon of soybean paste, 2 tablespoons of light soy sauce, 2 tablespoons of dark soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of white sugar, and stir-fry for about 2 minutes to let the ingredients absorb the flavor. Then pour in the potatoes and continue to stir-fry for about 3 minutes.

6. Pour in 1 bowl of boiling water, bring to a boil over high heat and transfer to a pressure cooker. Be careful not to overrun the ingredients, too much water will become a potato beef stew. Cook in a pressure cooker for about 30 minutes before serving.

Fourth, fish

The fish meat is delicate and delicious, and the amino acids, proteins and other nutrients contained in it are very easy to be absorbed by the human body, making it a good nourishing ingredient. Moreover, crucian carp has a high zinc content, containing 2.75mg per 100g, and crucian carp is used to make soup in summer, which not only replenishes nutrients but also replenishes water.

Children learn to "spend their brains", remind them to eat more 5 kinds of high-zinc foods to make up for consumption, and their brains are flexible

Recommended dish: [Crucian carp tofu soup]

Ingredients: crucian carp, lactone tofu, ginger; Cooking wine, salt

Children learn to "spend their brains", remind them to eat more 5 kinds of high-zinc foods to make up for consumption, and their brains are flexible

1. After the crucian carp is cleaned, cut the back of the fish obliquely a few times, squeeze out the juice with ginger and smear the fish body, then smear it with cooking wine, and marinate it on a plate for 10 minutes. Slice the tofu and slice the ginger for later use.

2. Use kitchen paper to absorb the excess water on the fish body, including the water in the fish belly. (In case of too much water and oil splashes when frying in the pan for a while)

3. After the wok is heated, wipe the inside of the pan with ginger to prevent the fish skin from sticking to the pan. Put oil in a pan, turn on medium-low heat when the oil temperature is 50% hot, fry for about 3 minutes on one side, turn over carefully, and fry the other side until golden brown.

Children learn to "spend their brains", remind them to eat more 5 kinds of high-zinc foods to make up for consumption, and their brains are flexible

4. After the fish is fried, pour out the excess oil and put in two bowls of warm water to simmer the fish soup.

5. Turn to high heat and simmer for about 4 minutes, wait until the fish soup is milky white, put tofu cubes, ginger slices, cover the pot and simmer for another 5 minutes, put an appropriate amount of salt to taste, and then you can get out of the pot.

5. Oysters

Oysters are almost the most zinc-rich ingredients, containing 13.25mg of zinc per 100g of oysters. In addition to zinc supplementation, oysters have high protein content and low fat content, and they are not afraid of gaining weight after eating supplemental nutrition, and are suitable for men, women and children.

Children learn to "spend their brains", remind them to eat more 5 kinds of high-zinc foods to make up for consumption, and their brains are flexible

Recommended dish: [Stir-fried oysters with onions]

Ingredients: oysters, onions, garlic, shallots; Oyster sauce, light soy sauce, salt

Children learn to "spend their brains", remind them to eat more 5 kinds of high-zinc foods to make up for consumption, and their brains are flexible

1. Cut the onion into small pieces, cut the shallots into green onion segments, and cut the garlic into minced garlic for later use.

2. Take out the oyster meat and thaw it, cook it as soon as possible after thawing, and be careful not to rinse it in water. Put water in the boiling pot, turn off the heat after the water boils, put in the oyster meat and blanch the water with residual heat for about 10 seconds, remove the water and set aside.

Children learn to "spend their brains", remind them to eat more 5 kinds of high-zinc foods to make up for consumption, and their brains are flexible

3. Put oil in a wok, add shallots and garlic to fry until fragrant, then pour in onion pieces and stir-fry.

4. Put 2 tablespoons of oyster sauce, 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce, appropriate amount of salt, turn to high heat and stir-fry evenly, pour in the oyster meat, continue to stir-fry for 10 seconds, then turn off the heat and remove from the pot.

- Lao Jing said -

In addition to these five ingredients, you can also choose from animal liver, various types of seafood, eggs, seaweed, and other foods that are high in zinc. Parents should give students more protein and vitamins in their three meals, and eat less greasy, spicy and cold foods to help their children adjust their body and energy to the best state. I also wish all students in advance that they can be named on the gold list and get admitted to the school of their choice!

I am a foraging agent in the market, and I have been fighting with the world for many years, and I am still glorious and full of interest! I like to focus on eating, drinking, and having fun in the market, updating recipes and food anecdotes every day, follow me, and share the world with you.

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  • Children learn to "spend their brains", remind them to eat more 5 kinds of high-zinc foods to make up for consumption, and their brains are flexible
  • Children learn to "spend their brains", remind them to eat more 5 kinds of high-zinc foods to make up for consumption, and their brains are flexible
  • Children learn to "spend their brains", remind them to eat more 5 kinds of high-zinc foods to make up for consumption, and their brains are flexible
  • Children learn to "spend their brains", remind them to eat more 5 kinds of high-zinc foods to make up for consumption, and their brains are flexible
  • Children learn to "spend their brains", remind them to eat more 5 kinds of high-zinc foods to make up for consumption, and their brains are flexible
  • Children learn to "spend their brains", remind them to eat more 5 kinds of high-zinc foods to make up for consumption, and their brains are flexible
  • Children learn to "spend their brains", remind them to eat more 5 kinds of high-zinc foods to make up for consumption, and their brains are flexible
  • Children learn to "spend their brains", remind them to eat more 5 kinds of high-zinc foods to make up for consumption, and their brains are flexible
  • Children learn to "spend their brains", remind them to eat more 5 kinds of high-zinc foods to make up for consumption, and their brains are flexible
  • Children learn to "spend their brains", remind them to eat more 5 kinds of high-zinc foods to make up for consumption, and their brains are flexible
  • Children learn to "spend their brains", remind them to eat more 5 kinds of high-zinc foods to make up for consumption, and their brains are flexible
  • Children learn to "spend their brains", remind them to eat more 5 kinds of high-zinc foods to make up for consumption, and their brains are flexible
  • Children learn to "spend their brains", remind them to eat more 5 kinds of high-zinc foods to make up for consumption, and their brains are flexible
  • Children learn to "spend their brains", remind them to eat more 5 kinds of high-zinc foods to make up for consumption, and their brains are flexible
  • Children learn to "spend their brains", remind them to eat more 5 kinds of high-zinc foods to make up for consumption, and their brains are flexible
  • Children learn to "spend their brains", remind them to eat more 5 kinds of high-zinc foods to make up for consumption, and their brains are flexible
  • Children learn to "spend their brains", remind them to eat more 5 kinds of high-zinc foods to make up for consumption, and their brains are flexible

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