
Watermelon is an "accelerator" for diabetes? Doctors remind: If you want to be healthy, eat less of these fruits

author:Mr. Wang Medical Science Popularization

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In the bustling market, a fruit vendor named Chen Wei is busy sorting out his brightly colored fruits, especially the large watermelons, which are the most popular items of summer.

Chen Wei is a warm-hearted small trader who not only sells fruits, but also often shares some tips on healthy eating with customers.

Watermelon is an "accelerator" for diabetes? Doctors remind: If you want to be healthy, eat less of these fruits

On this day, just as Chen Wei was recommending his watermelon to an old customer, a middle-aged lady came over, looked at the stall full of watermelons, and frowned: "Chen Wei, I heard that eating watermelon will make blood sugar soar, which is not good for us diabetics, is it true?" ”

Chen Wei smiled, he knew that this statement was grounded to some extent, but it also needed a more precise explanation. "In fact, watermelon is indeed high in sugar, and eating too much will affect blood sugar, but the key is to see how much you eat. In moderation, it's okay for most people. However, there are indeed some fruits that diabetics should pay special attention to. ”

Watermelon is an "accelerator" for diabetes? Doctors remind: If you want to be healthy, eat less of these fruits

The middle-aged lady, Wang Mei, an accountant, was very interested in Chen Wei's answer, so she asked: "In addition to watermelon, what other fruits should we diabetics eat less?" ”

Chen Wei sorted out his thoughts and continued to explain: "In addition to watermelon, similar high-sugar fruits include pineapple, mango and banana. These fruits are relatively high in sugar, and it is really not good for diabetics to eat too much. However, this does not mean that you can't eat it at all, the key is to control the amount and try it in small bites as a dessert after a meal, rather than eating it in large quantities on an empty stomach. ”

Watermelon is an "accelerator" for diabetes? Doctors remind: If you want to be healthy, eat less of these fruits

After hearing this, Wang Mei felt that this information was very helpful to her, and she decided to pay more attention to these details when buying fruits in the future. Chen Wei saw that Wang Mei was interested in this knowledge, so he continued to add: "In fact, there are some fruits that are more recommended for diabetics, such as apples, pears and citrus, which are all fruits with low GI and have relatively little impact on blood sugar. ”

In the weeks that followed, Wang Mei began to adjust her diet based on Chen Wei's advice, and she found that her blood sugar was better controlled. She is very grateful for Chen Wei's advice and often goes to his stall to buy fruits, and also recommends Chen Wei to other diabetic patients.

Watermelon is an "accelerator" for diabetes? Doctors remind: If you want to be healthy, eat less of these fruits

One day, Wang Mei came to Chen Wei's fruit stall again to buy some apples and oranges. She looked at the various fruits on the stall and suddenly asked, "Chen Wei, how do you know so much about diabetes and fruits?" ”

Chen Wei replied with a smile: "Oh, well, in fact, I didn't understand these things before. But then my dad was diagnosed with diabetes, and I started learning about it in the hope of helping him manage his health. Chen Wei's eyes showed a hint of concern, and it was obvious that this topic meant a lot to him.

Watermelon is an "accelerator" for diabetes? Doctors remind: If you want to be healthy, eat less of these fruits

Over time, Chen Wei not only helped his father, but also gradually became a small expert on healthy eating in the town. His fruit stall is not only a place to sell fruits, but also a small circle of residents to exchange healthy lifestyles.

One afternoon, Dr. Zhang from the town passed by Chen Wei's fruit stall, and after buying some fruit, he saw Chen Wei discussing the health effects of food with customers, so he joined the discussion. "Chen Wei, you really know these things, have you considered expanding your business? For example, a small lecture hall on healthy eating. ”

Watermelon is an "accelerator" for diabetes? Doctors remind: If you want to be healthy, eat less of these fruits

Chen Wei shook his head and said with a smile: "Doctor Zhang, I can't talk about teaching others this little knowledge, I just share what I know to help everyone eat fruits healthily." Despite his modesty, Chen Wei's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm for the topic.

While the two were talking, a resident named Li Fang walked over. Li Fang, a primary school teacher in the town, was recently diagnosed with high blood sugar and is looking for ways to improve her diet.

Watermelon is an "accelerator" for diabetes? Doctors remind: If you want to be healthy, eat less of these fruits

After listening to the discussion between Chen Wei and Dr. Zhang, she asked with some curiosity and eagerness: "Chen Wei, can you give me some advice, for people with high blood sugar like us, in addition to eating less high-sugar fruits, what else should we pay attention to?" ”

Chen Wei thought about it for a while, and then said, "Teacher Li, for blood sugar control, in addition to paying attention to the sugar content of fruits, it is very important to have a balanced diet. Eat more low-GI foods, such as whole grains and legumes, which can not only help control blood sugar, but also provide adequate nutrients. ”

Watermelon is an "accelerator" for diabetes? Doctors remind: If you want to be healthy, eat less of these fruits

In this way, Chen Wei's fruit stall has become not only a place for shopping, but also a small classroom for small town residents to learn a healthy lifestyle. And he himself has grown from a simple fruit vendor to a promoter of a healthy lifestyle who is respected and trusted by the townspeople.

His story inspires more and more people to pay attention to and improve their eating habits, and take responsibility for their own health and the health of their families.

Watermelon is an "accelerator" for diabetes? Doctors remind: If you want to be healthy, eat less of these fruits

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Watermelon is an "accelerator" for diabetes? Doctors remind: If you want to be healthy, eat less of these fruits

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