
Is cucumber a "depressant" of blood sugar? Doctor's advice: If you have high blood sugar, you can try to eat more of these

author:Mr. Wang Medical Science Popularization

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"Have you heard? Aunt Zhang's blood sugar has dropped recently, and she said it's because she eats cucumbers every day! And Uncle Wang was skeptical, "Can cucumbers lower blood sugar?" This is the first time I've heard of this. ”

No, even the busy postman Xiao Zhao heard about it. Xiao Zhao is a person with a history of borderline diabetes and is very interested in any method that might help control blood sugar. He decided to go to Aunt Zhang's house after work to find out the specific situation.

Is cucumber a "depressant" of blood sugar? Doctor's advice: If you have high blood sugar, you can try to eat more of these

When she arrived at Aunt Zhang's house, Xiao Zhao found that Aunt Zhang was busy with several neighbors in her small garden, which was full of green cucumbers. "Aunt Zhang, I heard that your blood sugar has dropped, is it true?"

Aunt Zhang smiled and beckoned Xiao Zhao to sit down and handed him a glass of homemade cucumber juice. "Yes, my doctor said it was weird! However, he said that although there is not much direct scientific evidence, cucumbers are low in sugar and calories, which is good for dietary control. ”

Is cucumber a "depressant" of blood sugar? Doctor's advice: If you have high blood sugar, you can try to eat more of these

Xiao Zhao drank cucumber juice, feeling fresh and thirsty. His curiosity about cucumbers grew stronger and he decided to try growing some of his own. So, he asked Aunt Zhang how to grow and take care of cucumbers, and Aunt Zhang was happy to share her experience.

A few months later, Xiao Zhao's cucumbers grew extremely well, and he insisted on eating cucumbers every day, sometimes to make salads, sometimes to juice them directly.

Is cucumber a "depressant" of blood sugar? Doctor's advice: If you have high blood sugar, you can try to eat more of these

During this period, Xiao Zhao also went to the library to look up some information about food and blood sugar control. He learned that in addition to cucumbers, other foods such as bitter gourd, celery and tomatoes are also low-sugar, high-fiber foods, which are also suitable for diabetics.

Xiao Zhao decided to hold a small sharing session at the community center to tell more people about his experience and the information he gathered. On the day of the sharing session, he detailed the potential benefits of cucumber and several other vegetables for blood sugar control, and showed his blood sugar record sheet to encourage more residents with prediabetes or who have been diagnosed to try this simple and healthy method.

Is cucumber a "depressant" of blood sugar? Doctor's advice: If you have high blood sugar, you can try to eat more of these

Dr. Li, who participated in the sharing session, said to Xiao Zhao after the meeting, "Your sharing is very inspiring. While we can't conclude that cucumber directly lowers blood sugar, it does help control total calorie intake as a low-energy-density food, helping to maintain a healthy weight, which indirectly benefits blood sugar control. ”

He added: "Such foods are beneficial for anyone, not just diabetics. As time went on, Xiao Zhao's cucumber cultivation experience grew, and his garden not only grew more luxuriantly, but also added other healthy vegetables such as bitter gourd, celery and tomatoes.

Is cucumber a "depressant" of blood sugar? Doctor's advice: If you have high blood sugar, you can try to eat more of these

The changes in his lifestyle not only improved his health, but also gradually affected his family and friends, who began to pay more attention to healthy eating.

One day, Xiao Zhao invited Dr. Li to visit his vegetable garden at home and enjoy a healthy dinner prepared with home-grown vegetables. At the dinner table, Dr. Li was full of praise and said to Xiao Zhao, "You should really consider writing a book about urban gardens and healthy eating." Your experience is very inspiring, and many people will benefit from it. ”

Is cucumber a "depressant" of blood sugar? Doctor's advice: If you have high blood sugar, you can try to eat more of these

Although Xiao Zhao is only a postman, through his own efforts and practice, he has proved that even the most ordinary people can achieve positive changes in their health through simple lifestyle changes.

At the end of the sharing session, a resident who had just been diagnosed with diabetes asked a question: "Xiao Zhao, I have just started to adjust my diet, and I would like to ask if there are any special things that need attention?" ”

Is cucumber a "depressant" of blood sugar? Doctor's advice: If you have high blood sugar, you can try to eat more of these

Xiao Zhao replied: "In fact, the most important thing is to find a balance of diet that suits you. I recommend starting by increasing your intake of vegetables, especially those that are low in sugar and calories, such as cucumbers and bitter melons. In the meantime, monitor your blood sugar response to see which foods work for you and which don't. ”

"Remember, everyone's body reacts uniquely," he stressed. It may be a little difficult at first, but don't be discouraged, gradually you will get to know your body and know what is best for you. ”

Is cucumber a "depressant" of blood sugar? Doctor's advice: If you have high blood sugar, you can try to eat more of these

Over time, Xiao Zhao has not only achieved a healthy transformation in his own life, but has also inspired those around him to start paying attention to and improving his eating habits. His story went viral in the town and became an inspiring example of how even small changes can make a big difference.

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Is cucumber a "depressant" of blood sugar? Doctor's advice: If you have high blood sugar, you can try to eat more of these

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