
45-year-old woman with a glass of cucumber juice a day, two years later went for a check-up, doctor: how did you do it?

author:Talk about the doctor's health

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"Oops, look here!" Li Ying said excitedly to the air as she flipped through the health magazine, as if the air could respond to her.

Li Ying, a 45-year-old middle school history teacher, has a regular life and has a wide range of hobbies on weekdays. One summer morning, on the balcony of her home, with the latest issue of the magazine in her hand, she suddenly became interested in an article about cucumber juice.

45-year-old woman with a glass of cucumber juice a day, two years later went for a check-up, doctor: how did you do it?

The article details the many benefits of cucumber juice, such as clearing away heat and detoxifying, beautifying and rejuvenating, and specifically mentions its potential benefits for maintaining cardiovascular health.

On this day, her husband Wang Qiang accidentally sprained his ankle while jogging in the morning, and the pain was unbearable. Li Ying accompanied him to the hospital, and by the way, he also wanted to check his physical condition after two years of insisting on drinking cucumber juice. While waiting for the results of Wang Qiang's X-ray examination, she walked into the physical examination center next to her.

45-year-old woman with a glass of cucumber juice a day, two years later went for a check-up, doctor: how did you do it?

The results were astounding. The examination showed that Li Yu's internal indicators were very good, especially the antioxidant index in the blood was higher than that of ordinary people, and the cardiovascular function was abnormally healthy. The doctor looked at the report and asked in surprise, "How did you do that?" Li Ying said with a smile: "I drink a big glass of cucumber juice every day, and I have insisted on it for two years. ”

In the doctor's office, the doctor recorded the situation and explained the mystery of cucumber juice to Li Ying. "The vitamin C and silicates rich in cucumbers can help boost the body's antioxidant capacity, thereby reducing free radical damage," he said. In addition, the bitters and fiber contained in cucumbers can also help improve blood circulation and reduce the burden on the heart. ”

45-year-old woman with a glass of cucumber juice a day, two years later went for a check-up, doctor: how did you do it?

He adds: "While it's hard to work a miracle with a single food, cucumber juice does contain a variety of cardiovascular benefits. Your example is unique in that most people don't experience such significant health gains from drinking cucumber juice. ”

After an in-depth study of Li Ying's daily eating habits, the doctor found that in addition to drinking cucumber juice, Li Ying also adhered to a low-fat, high-fiber diet, and regular exercise was also a part of her life. The combination of these factors is what makes her health so good.

45-year-old woman with a glass of cucumber juice a day, two years later went for a check-up, doctor: how did you do it?

Li's curiosity drove her to ask further: "I've heard that cucumber juice can also help control blood sugar and lose weight, is that true?" ”

The doctor explained this in detail: "Cucumber does contain some natural compounds that can help regulate blood sugar, such as its high-fiber content that slows down sugar absorption. As for weight loss, it is mainly because cucumbers are low in calories and can increase satiety. However, achieving significant blood sugar control and weight loss can be accompanied by appropriate dietary modification and regular physical activity. ”

45-year-old woman with a glass of cucumber juice a day, two years later went for a check-up, doctor: how did you do it?

The doctor goes on to elaborate on an often overlooked point: "Many people know that vegetable juices provide vitamins and minerals, but not much is known about the special role of cucumber juice, especially its potential to regulate the body's microenvironment, especially the balance of intestinal flora.

Recent research has shown that certain components in cucumbers, such as the bioactive substances in cucumber skins, can promote the growth of probiotics, which is important for maintaining digestive health. ”

45-year-old woman with a glass of cucumber juice a day, two years later went for a check-up, doctor: how did you do it?

He explains at length the importance of gut health for overall health: "The gut is known as the 'second brain of the human body', and its health directly affects the immune system, psychological state and even the development of chronic diseases. Therefore, dietary modifications, especially the addition of foods like cucumber juice, can significantly improve the composition of the gut microbiota, which in turn improves the overall health of the body. ”

Intrigued, Li asked, "So, specifically, how does cucumber juice affect the intestinal flora?" "Cucumbers contain a variety of cellulose and natural enzymes that, when they enter the intestines, can help break down food debris, increase intestinal motility, and promote the growth of beneficial microflora, thereby improving intestinal health," the doctor replied. ”

45-year-old woman with a glass of cucumber juice a day, two years later went for a check-up, doctor: how did you do it?

This overall improvement in health did not happen overnight, and Li Ying insisted on a glass of cucumber juice every day for two years before the effects gradually appeared. This persistence not only improved her cardiovascular health, but may also have unknowingly improved her gut health.

What do you think about cucumber juice? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

45-year-old woman with a glass of cucumber juice a day, two years later went for a check-up, doctor: how did you do it?

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