
In summer, it is better to eat cucumber and bitter gourd! High potassium and high calcium, mix it with your hands, nutritious and satisfying

author:Chef Hu's gourmet recipes

Reading guide: If you don't know what to eat every day, remember to read "Chef Hu's Food Recipes". Every summer, although the climate is hot, we still have to eat more foods high in potassium and calcium, because in summer, the body will sweat a lot, and there will be a lot of potassium loss at this time, if potassium ions are not replenished in time, the conductivity of muscles and the acid-base balance in the body will be destroyed. At the same time, eating more calcium-rich dishes in the summer can make your legs and feet stronger and walk harder. In fact, the main effect of this kind of food is to clear away heat and relieve heat, and other effects are less, so it is better to eat cucumber and bitter gourd in summer than to eat "green beans".

In summer, it is better to eat cucumber and bitter gourd! High potassium and high calcium, mix it with your hands, nutritious and satisfying

Every summer, it is the time when green beans are on the market in large quantities, compared with other vegetables, green beans contain more potassium and calcium than most vegetables, and calcium is higher than soybeans and chicken, and it is particularly tender and sweet, which is one of my favorite bean vegetables and the most eaten vegetables in my family. And in the summer, because the weather is hot, everyone doesn't want to make stir-fried vegetables and other more complicated dishes, so in my house, I will often eat the green beans cold, the cold beans are nutritious and satisfying, whether it is bibimbap or porridge, they are super delicious, and then I will share the detailed practice of cold beans with you, while it is now the most tender time for green beans, you can make more for your family to eat.

In summer, it is better to eat cucumber and bitter gourd! High potassium and high calcium, mix it with your hands, nutritious and satisfying

[Ingredients preparation]: 400 grams of green beans, 10 grams of garlic seeds, 5 grams of millet pepper, 5 grams of dried chili peppers, Sichuan pepper paste, light soy sauce, aged vinegar, oyster sauce, sesame oil, salt, XO sauce, appropriate amount of cooking oil.

【Preparation of cold green beans】:

Step 1: When cold mixed green beans, it is best to choose relatively tender beans, if the green beans are old, its taste will be much worse, not refreshing at all, buy the green beans at home, first throw away the two sharp ends, and then rinse the green beans with running water.

In summer, it is better to eat cucumber and bitter gourd! High potassium and high calcium, mix it with your hands, nutritious and satisfying

Step 2: Put the drained green beans on the cutting board, and then cut the green beans into thin strips diagonally, don't cut too thick, generally cut 0.3 cm thick, too thin to clamp, too thick to eat no taste.

In summer, it is better to eat cucumber and bitter gourd! High potassium and high calcium, mix it with your hands, nutritious and satisfying

Step 3: Put an appropriate amount of water in the pot, boil the water to a boiling boil on high heat, put a spoonful of oil and a small half spoon of salt into the water and stir well, then put the green beans into the pot, and remove the green beans for more than 90 seconds on high heat. The blanching time of green beans should be longer than short, because green beans have "saponin", which is a toxin, and people who eat foods containing saponin can cause vomiting and diarrhea.

In summer, it is better to eat cucumber and bitter gourd! High potassium and high calcium, mix it with your hands, nutritious and satisfying

Step 4: Prepare a basin of cold water, immediately put the blanched green beans into cold water and soak them for about 5 minutes, until the green beans are completely cooled and then removed.

In summer, it is better to eat cucumber and bitter gourd! High potassium and high calcium, mix it with your hands, nutritious and satisfying

Step 5: Mash the garlic seeds into a puree, then put the garlic seeds, millet peppers, and dried chili peppers into a bowl, then pour a spoonful of hot oil to stimulate their fragrance, and finally put the light soy sauce, aged vinegar, oyster sauce, Sichuan pepper paste, sesame oil, salt, and XO sauce into a bowl, and stir well.

In summer, it is better to eat cucumber and bitter gourd! High potassium and high calcium, mix it with your hands, nutritious and satisfying

Step 6: Pour the prepared sauce into the green beans and stir well, and finally let it stand for 3 minutes to allow the green beans to fully absorb the flavor of the sauce before eating.

In summer, it is better to eat cucumber and bitter gourd! High potassium and high calcium, mix it with your hands, nutritious and satisfying

[Lao Hu has something to say]:

1. When the green beans are soaked and cooled out, the water must be controlled to dry the green beans into the pot, if the water content of the green beans is more, the taste of the green beans is relatively poor!

2. The cold beans must be eaten as a meal, the bean food is left for too long, there will be germs, and the cold salad is put for too long, the appearance and taste will deteriorate!

In summer, it is better to eat cucumber and bitter gourd! High potassium and high calcium, mix it with your hands, nutritious and satisfying

In summer, it is better to eat cucumber and bitter gourd than green beans! Fresh and nutritious, high potassium and high calcium, mix it with your hands, nutritious and satisfying, now is in season! If today's article is helpful to you, please follow and like, this is my greatest support. In the follow-up, Chef Hu will explain more cooking tips and health maintenance skills to everyone, and finally thank you for watching.

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