
Is cucumber the "killer" behind stomach cancer? Doctor: If you want to have a healthy stomach, don't eat these 6 vegetables

author:Traditional Chinese Medicine Physician Shen

55-year-old Auntie Zhao has a variety of fresh vegetables on her table every day, especially her favorite cucumber.

However, there has been a shocking news circulating in the community recently – cucumbers can cause stomach cancer!

Aunt Zhao was confused and panicked by this, and she began to doubt her eating habits.

Don't worry, today we will unveil this "vegetable rumor" together.

Is cucumber the "killer" behind stomach cancer? Doctor: If you want to have a healthy stomach, don't eat these 6 vegetables

On the question of whether cucumbers can cause stomach cancer,

Cucumbers are rich in vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber, and eating them in moderation is beneficial to health.

However, there are some reports that if you eat spoiled cucumbers, or if you eat too many cucumbers, it may cause a certain burden on the stomach, especially if the stomach is already pathic, which may exacerbate the discomfort of the stomach.

It is important to note that excessive consumption of any food, including cucumbers, can be detrimental to health.

Is cucumber the "killer" behind stomach cancer? Doctor: If you want to have a healthy stomach, don't eat these 6 vegetables

If you have an upset stomach or other health problem, you should seek medical attention promptly, rather than simply blaming the blame on a particular food.

At the same time, maintaining a healthy diet, such as eating a variety of vegetables in moderation and avoiding spoiled or unsafe foods, is an important measure to maintain stomach health.

Food spoilage can bring a variety of hazards to human health, mainly including the following aspects:

Food poisoning: Spoiled food may contain harmful bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms, which can cause food poisoning after consumption, causing symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain, and fever.

Is cucumber the "killer" behind stomach cancer? Doctor: If you want to have a healthy stomach, don't eat these 6 vegetables

Infection: Harmful bacteria and viruses in spoiled food can cause infection, causing illness.

Malnutrition: Spoiled food may have lost most of its nutritional value, and eating spoiled food may lead to malnutrition.

Allergic reactions: Certain spoiled foods may cause allergic reactions, causing symptoms such as itchy skin, shortness of breath, rashes, and more.

Carcinogenic risk: The carcinogenicity of spoiled food is mainly related to aflatoxins,

Is cucumber the "killer" behind stomach cancer? Doctor: If you want to have a healthy stomach, don't eat these 6 vegetables

To avoid these hazards, we should try to avoid consuming spoiled food.

If you experience severe symptoms, you should seek medical attention promptly.

To quickly tell if food has gone bad, you can take the following steps:

Observe the appearance: When food goes bad, there are often changes in its appearance, such as color change, tarnishing, mold, or stringing.

The texture of solid foods may become soft or sticky, while liquid foods may become cloudy.

Is cucumber the "killer" behind stomach cancer? Doctor: If you want to have a healthy stomach, don't eat these 6 vegetables

Smell the smell: Spoiled food often releases a variety of unpleasant odors.

For example, meat, fish, shrimp and eggs with a high protein content can have a rancid smell when they go bad, while cooking oils and oil-rich foods may have a sour smell when they go bad.

Grains, vegetables, and fruits that are higher in carbohydrates may give off a sour or fermented flavor when they go bad, while moldy grains will have a musty smell.

Use technology to assist: Some smart refrigerators are also equipped with sensors that can monitor whether the food in the refrigerator has spoiled and send an alert via mobile phone.

If you are not sure if your food has gone bad, it is recommended that you do not consume it to prevent food poisoning and other health problems.

Is cucumber the "killer" behind stomach cancer? Doctor: If you want to have a healthy stomach, don't eat these 6 vegetables

When it comes to gastrointestinal health, there are indeed some vegetables that need to be consumed with caution!

Here are some vegetables to look out for and their potential problems:

Uncooked lentils: Lentils contain toxic proteins and hemolysin, which can cause food poisoning when eaten undercooked.

Zucchini cooked at high temperatures: Zucchini produces acrylic when cooked at high temperatures, which may inhibit blood flow and cause blood circulation to slow down.

Bright garlic sprouts: The bright appearance may be due to formaldehyde soaking, and long-term consumption may affect the immune system and blood health.

Is cucumber the "killer" behind stomach cancer? Doctor: If you want to have a healthy stomach, don't eat these 6 vegetables

Green tomatoes: Green tomatoes contain solanine, which is toxic and may cause discomfort after eating.

Long-term pumpkin: The inside of the pumpkin may undergo chemical changes due to prolonged storage, which may cause symptoms such as dizziness and nausea after consumption.

Baby cabbage: Baby cabbage may be coated with a formaldehyde solution to extend its shelf life, and long-term consumption may pose a risk of cancer.

Is cucumber the "killer" behind stomach cancer? Doctor: If you want to have a healthy stomach, don't eat these 6 vegetables

When consuming these vegetables, one should pay attention to the correct cooking method and the amount of food consumed to ensure health.

For example, lentils need to be cooked, zucchini should be cooked at no high temperatures, garlic sprouts and green tomatoes need to be fully ripe, and pumpkin and baby cabbage should be eaten fresh.

Aunt Zhao's worries are not groundless, but cucumbers are not the "culprit".

Understanding the impact of each vegetable on the stomach and intestines and matching them reasonably is a smart choice to maintain gastrointestinal health.

Let's work together, like Aunt Zhao, to arm ourselves with knowledge, protect our stomach, and enjoy food and health at the same time!

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