
Are garlic sprouts a blood sugar "killer"? Doctors have suggested many times: the elderly with high blood sugar should eat less of these 4 vegetables

author:Dr. Zhang Yu, a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner

I had a patient who was an elderly man with high blood sugar who was very fond of garlic sprouts.

However, he had recently heard that garlic sprouts could cause blood sugar spikes, which made him very worried.

Are garlic sprouts a blood sugar "killer"? Doctors have suggested many times: the elderly with high blood sugar should eat less of these 4 vegetables

Some people even claim that garlic sprouts are a "killer" of blood sugar, but is this really the case?

Today we will discuss this question together, what vegetables should the elderly with high blood sugar eat less?

One, garlic sprouts, is it really the nemesis of blood sugar?

Are garlic sprouts a blood sugar "killer"? Doctors have suggested many times: the elderly with high blood sugar should eat less of these 4 vegetables

However, let's talk about the effect of garlic sprouts on blood sugar, which is not a joke.

You see, the sulfur compounds contained in garlic sprouts have many benefits for the body;

For example, they can enhance immunity and promote blood circulation, but they can also stimulate insulin secretion, which is a double-edged sword.

For our friends whose blood sugar is already a little high, if there is too much insulin secretion, the blood sugar is easy to go up and down;

Isn't this like riding a roller coaster, which makes people feel uncertain.

So as our old friend of traditional Chinese medicine, I have to remind you that garlic sprouts are delicious, don't be greedy.

Are garlic sprouts a blood sugar "killer"? Doctors have suggested many times: the elderly with high blood sugar should eat less of these 4 vegetables

Especially for elderly uncles and aunts, you have to be extra careful about blood sugar.

When eating garlic sprouts, remember to eat them in moderation, don't come down with a meal, the table is full of garlic sprouts, that is not good.

We have to learn to be good friends with garlic sprouts, and occasionally invite it to the table, but we can't let it be the star of the table.

This way, we can enjoy its delicious taste and health benefits without messing up our blood sugar.

Remember, balance is key, and eating a healthy diet starts with keeping each serving of garlic sprouts under control.

Second, the elderly with high blood sugar should eat less of these 4 vegetables

1. Beetroot

Speaking of beetroot, this little red guy makes people feel sweet just by the name.

That's right, its red juice does hide a lot of natural sugar;

Are garlic sprouts a blood sugar "killer"? Doctors have suggested many times: the elderly with high blood sugar should eat less of these 4 vegetables

For those of us who are particular about healthy eating, we have to pay attention to it.

Don't look at it in stews or salads, it can add a lot of points to the dish;

But for the sake of our blood sugar stability, friends with high blood sugar really have to take it easy when eating beetroot.

Don't let that touch of sweetness become the fuse for blood sugar fluctuations.

2. Pumpkin

Pumpkin, the golden fruit of this autumn, is soft and glutinous, sweet, full of nutrition, who doesn't love it?

But the sugar in the pumpkin is also not to be underestimated.

Are garlic sprouts a blood sugar "killer"? Doctors have suggested many times: the elderly with high blood sugar should eat less of these 4 vegetables

So although the pumpkin is delicious, we also have to do what we can, and don't let that sweetness become a burden on blood sugar.

3. Corn

Corn, the yellow coarse grain, is often praised as a representative of health food.

However, the starch content in corn is not low, and it will be converted into sugar when it enters the stomach;

That's not good news for blood sugar control.

Are garlic sprouts a blood sugar "killer"? Doctors have suggested many times: the elderly with high blood sugar should eat less of these 4 vegetables

So even if it's coarse grains, our old guys with high blood sugar have to have a degree when they enjoy corn;

Remember that a healthy diet means that while enjoying delicious food, we must also take care of every cell in our body, especially the mischievous blood sugar.

4. Potatoes

When we consume carbohydrates, they are broken down by the body into glucose, which enters the bloodstream and causes blood sugar levels to rise.

It is very important for people with hyperglycemia to control their blood sugar levels, so they need to manage their carbohydrate intake strictly.

Are garlic sprouts a blood sugar "killer"? Doctors have suggested many times: the elderly with high blood sugar should eat less of these 4 vegetables

This means that if a person with high blood sugar wants to include potatoes in their diet;

They need to take this part of the carbohydrate of the potatoes into account and factor it into their daily carb quota.

They may need to reduce portions of other foods that contain carbohydrates to balance their diet.

In simple terms, people with high blood sugar can eat potatoes in moderation, but they need to pay attention to their total carbohydrate intake to keep their blood sugar levels stable.

When eating potatoes, try to choose healthy cooking methods;

Are garlic sprouts a blood sugar "killer"? Doctors have suggested many times: the elderly with high blood sugar should eat less of these 4 vegetables

For example, roast or steam, and avoid frying to reduce additional fat intake.

At the same time, eating it with some foods rich in protein and dietary fiber can also help slow down the rate of blood sugar rise.

3. How can patients with hyperglycemia make a reasonable diet plan?

Know the sugar and carbohydrate content of your food

Learn to read food labels and understand the sugar and carbohydrate content of different foods so that you can make informed food choices.

Eat a balanced diet

Make sure your diet contains the right amount of protein, healthy fats, and carbohydrates with a low glycemic index (Low-GI).

Are garlic sprouts a blood sugar "killer"? Doctors have suggested many times: the elderly with high blood sugar should eat less of these 4 vegetables

Timed and quantitative

Maintain regular mealtimes and limit portion sizes at each meal to avoid eating too many carbohydrates at once.

Eat plenty of whole grains

Choose whole grains like whole-grain bread, brown rice, and oats, which are rich in fiber, which helps release sugar slowly and keep blood sugar stable.

Are garlic sprouts a blood sugar "killer"? Doctors have suggested many times: the elderly with high blood sugar should eat less of these 4 vegetables

Enrich the intake of dietary fiber

Eat plenty of vegetables, legumes, and fruits (choose low-GI varieties) to increase satiety and help control blood sugar.

Plan your snacks wisely

Under the guidance of a doctor or dietitian, plan the timing and type of snacks reasonably to prevent excessive fluctuations in blood sugar.

Avoid sugary drinks and alcohol

Sugar-sweetened and alcoholic beverages can quickly raise blood sugar and may cause erratic blood sugar control.

Are garlic sprouts a blood sugar "killer"? Doctors have suggested many times: the elderly with high blood sugar should eat less of these 4 vegetables

Adjust according to individual circumstances

Everyone's physical condition and reaction to food is different;

Therefore, the diet plan should be adjusted based on the individual's blood glucose monitoring results and health status.

Monitor your blood sugar closely

Monitor blood sugar levels regularly to assess the effectiveness of dietary modifications and adjust your diet plan accordingly.

Are garlic sprouts a blood sugar "killer"? Doctors have suggested many times: the elderly with high blood sugar should eat less of these 4 vegetables

Seek professional guidance

It is best to consult a doctor or registered dietitian before developing a diet plan;

Ensure that the diet plan meets the nutritional needs and effectively controls blood sugar.

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