
Is garlic the "hair product" of diabetes? Reminder: If you don't want the islets to be "injured", try not to eat the 3 things

author:Sharp-eyed life

Uncle Liu has just turned fifty, and the spirit head, hey, don't mention how much! Every day is like a young man, he is the one who jogs in the park in the morning, and he dances square dances and plays badminton in the evening.

His body is so hard that people can envy him, and a small illness like a small cold can't get close to his body.

But Uncle Liu, the taste of eating is not ordinary. The bacon, chicken liver, and pork liver, he is the same.

Is garlic the "hair product" of diabetes? Reminder: If you don't want the islets to be "injured", try not to eat the 3 things

Especially the bacon, in his words, "If you don't eat bacon, how can you eat?" He even researched several unique bacon recipes on his own, often showing his hand to his family.

However, there are always surprises in life. A few days ago, Uncle Liu went to the hospital for a routine physical examination, and the results were like a bolt from the blue - he was told that he had diabetes.

Hearing the news, Uncle Liu was stunned. The wonder in his heart, how could it be? I love to move so much, how can I have anything to do with this disease?

He thought back to his habits like a movie in his head, and suddenly thought, "Is it because of garlic?" I always put a lot of garlic in my cooking, and I heard that garlic is the 'hair product' of diabetes. ”

He nervously asked the doctor, "Doctor, is my illness because I eat too much garlic?" His eyes were full of doubts and expectations, as if a doctor's words could unravel all the confusion in his heart.

Is garlic the "hair product" of diabetes? Reminder: If you don't want the islets to be "injured", try not to eat the 3 things

Diabetes, a metabolic disease known as "wealth disease", has been increasing in the incidence of middle-aged and elderly people in recent years. Many people mistakenly believe that garlic is the "culprit" that causes diabetes.

So, is garlic really the "hair thing" of diabetes? How should we properly view the relationship between diabetes and diet?


Is garlic the "hair product" of diabetes?

Garlic is not the "hair of diabetes", on the contrary, it may have some benefits for diabetics.

Although garlic contains certain carbohydrates, it is extremely low and has little effect on blood sugar levels.

In fact, certain compounds in garlic, such as sulfur compounds and antioxidants, are thought to have a positive effect on blood sugar control.

Is garlic the "hair product" of diabetes? Reminder: If you don't want the islets to be "injured", try not to eat the 3 things

However, individual reactions may vary from person to person, and diabetics should consume garlic or other foods in moderation according to their individual circumstances and as recommended by their doctor to ensure stable blood sugar control.

Therefore, it is not accurate to think of garlic as the "hair thing" of diabetes, and it is a food that may be beneficial for diabetics.


Foods to avoid for people with diabetes

High-salt foods: such as bacon, bacon and other processed meats. These foods are high in salt, and long-term consumption will not only easily lead to an increase in blood pressure, but also increase the burden on pancreatic islets and affect the normal secretion of insulin.

For people with diabetes, it is important to control salt intake.

High-sugar foods: such as cream cakes, candies, sweet drinks, etc. These foods have a lot of added sugar during the preparation process, which can cause a rapid rise in blood sugar levels after consumption.

Diabetics should strictly limit their intake of these foods to avoid aggravating the condition.

Is garlic the "hair product" of diabetes? Reminder: If you don't want the islets to be "injured", try not to eat the 3 things

High-fat foods: such as animal offal, fatty meat, fried foods, etc.

These foods are high in saturated and trans fats, and long-term consumption not only increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, but also may increase the burden on pancreatic islets, making blood sugar control more difficult.


Risk factors for diabetes

High blood pressure: There is a strong link between high blood pressure and diabetes. Long-term hypertension can damage vascular endothelial cells and affect insulin sensitivity, thereby increasing the risk of diabetes. Therefore, controlling blood pressure is essential to prevent diabetes.

Alcoholism: Excessive alcohol intake can interfere with the normal secretion and action of insulin, leading to an increase in blood sugar levels.

Long-term heavy alcohol consumption may also trigger diseases such as pancreatitis, which can further impair pancreatic islet function. Therefore, moderate alcohol consumption or abstinence from alcohol is one of the important measures to prevent diabetes.

Is garlic the "hair product" of diabetes? Reminder: If you don't want the islets to be "injured", try not to eat the 3 things

Being overweight or obese: Being overweight or obese is one of the important risk factors for diabetes. Too much fatty tissue can lead to insulin resistance and insufficient insulin secretion, which increases the risk of diabetes.

Maintaining a healthy weight and body shape is important for preventing diabetes.


Recommendations for the prevention of diabetes

Quit smoking and alcohol: Both tobacco and alcohol can have adverse health effects, especially for people with diabetes. Quitting smoking and alcohol can help stabilize blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of liver disease.

Actively monitor blood glucose: Regular monitoring of blood glucose levels can help us detect and control abnormal fluctuations in blood sugar. Self-monitoring by using a home blood glucose meter is a great option.

Is garlic the "hair product" of diabetes? Reminder: If you don't want the islets to be "injured", try not to eat the 3 things

Eat plenty of fiber-rich foods: whole grains such as pumpkin, corn, sweet potatoes, and a variety of vegetables and fruits. Not only are these foods nutritious, but they also provide essential dietary fiber to help lower blood sugar and blood lipid levels.

Keep moving: Regular physical activity can increase your body's sensitivity to insulin and help control your weight and blood sugar levels.

Whether it is aerobic exercise, such as running, swimming, or strength training, such as weightlifting, etc., it can effectively improve physical condition and prevent the occurrence and development of diabetes.

Is garlic the "hair product" of diabetes? Reminder: If you don't want the islets to be "injured", try not to eat the 3 things

Garlic is not the "culprit" of diabetes, the real "culprit" is our bad lifestyle and eating habits.

From now on, let's pay attention to our diet and lifestyle habits, and take a firm attitude to protect our health. After all, health is the greatest asset!

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