
A 45-year-old man was diagnosed with bowel cancer and died 3 months later

author:Sharp-eyed life

Lao Liu, a 45-year-old truck driver, is happy all day long and looks particularly energetic. But who knows, this bowel cancer actually found him quietly. From diagnosis to death, in just three months, everything came too suddenly.

recalled that half a year ago, something was wrong with Lao Liu. He always ran to the toilet frequently, and every time he seemed very anxious, and when he came back, his face became more and more ugly.

A 45-year-old man was diagnosed with bowel cancer and died 3 months later

His wife saw it in her eyes and felt pain in her heart, and persuaded him to go to the hospital many times, but Lao Liu always said: "I'll go after this trip." "The results dragged on and on.

Until that stormy night, Lao Liu suddenly rolled on the ground with a stomachache and rushed him to the hospital. The results of the examination were like a bolt from the blue - advanced bowel cancer.

When my wife heard this, she broke down, and her tears fell down like beads with broken threads. Lao Liu was also stunned, he never thought that he would have anything to do with the word "cancer".

The next treatment process was like a year for Lao Liu. He struggled with illness every day, but in the end, he couldn't make it.

The doctor told them that Lao Liu's illness was inseparable from his occupation and living habits. Sitting and driving for a long time, coupled with an extremely irregular diet, always eating instant noodles, sausages, and drinking soft drinks are all high-risk factors for bowel cancer.

Lao Liu's death left endless grief for his family and sounded the alarm for the people around him.

A 45-year-old man was diagnosed with bowel cancer and died 3 months later

Bowel cancer, a term that once seemed distant, is now appearing more and more in our field of vision. According to statistics, the incidence of bowel cancer has been increasing year by year in recent years, and there is a trend of younger people.

So, why are there more and more patients with bowel cancer? What does it have to do with our habits?


What is bowel cancer

Bowel cancer, also known as intestinal or colorectal cancer, is a malignant tumor that occurs in the intestine and grows mainly from the intestinal mucosa.

It is a common type of cancer in the gastrointestinal tract with a high incidence, second only to gastric and esophageal cancer, and is the most common part of colorectal cancer.

A 45-year-old man was diagnosed with bowel cancer and died 3 months later

Most patients with bowel cancer are over 40 years old, and men are more common than women.

The pathogenesis of bowel cancer is related to a variety of factors, including chronic inflammation of the intestine, cancerous intestinal adenoma, and a high-fat and high-protein diet.


The relationship between dietary habits and bowel cancer

Dietary habits play a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of bowel cancer.

In recent years, with the improvement of people's living standards, the dietary structure has undergone significant changes. High-fat, high-protein, low-fiber foods have become frequent on the table, while high intake of processed and red meat also exacerbates the risk of bowel cancer.

A 45-year-old man was diagnosed with bowel cancer and died 3 months later

The accumulation of these unhealthy food components in the human body will cause a great burden on the intestines in the long run, and even cause chronic inflammation, laying a hidden danger for the occurrence of bowel cancer.


Foods to avoid

Processed meat products: such as bacon, sausages, etc., which are made with a lot of salt and preservatives.

Long-term large intake will not only increase the burden on the kidneys, but also may cause irritation to the intestines and induce bowel cancer. Therefore, we should minimise the intake of these foods.

Barbecued meat: During high-temperature cooking, a variety of carcinogens may be produced, such as benzopyrene. When these substances enter the body, they can cause damage to intestinal cells and increase the risk of bowel cancer.

Therefore, barbecued meat, although delicious, should be consumed in moderation and avoid excessive intake.

A 45-year-old man was diagnosed with bowel cancer and died 3 months later

High-fat meats: such as pork, lamb, etc., which are high in fat.

Long-term high intake can not only lead to problems such as obesity and cardiovascular disease, but may also increase the risk of digestive tract cancers such as bowel cancer. Therefore, when we choose meat, we should try to choose lean meat and control our intake.

In addition, poor lifestyle habits such as lack of exercise, long-term constipation, smoking, and excessive alcohol consumption are also potential triggers for bowel cancer. These habits can lead to slowed bowel movements and toxins to stay in the intestines for too long, which increases the risk of bowel cancer.


Early symptoms and recognition of bowel cancer

Changes in bowel habits: In the early stages of bowel cancer, patients may experience symptoms of increased bowel movements, which may be due to abnormal bowel movements.

At the same time, diarrhea, constipation, or alternating between diarrhea and constipation may occur. In addition, the quality of the stool may also change, such as the stool becomes thinner, or the stool is bloody, pus-and-bloody, mucus-like, etc.

A 45-year-old man was diagnosed with bowel cancer and died 3 months later

Abdominal pain: In the early stage of bowel cancer, patients may experience symptoms of vague abdominal pain. This pain may be intermittent, unclear abdominal discomfort or a feeling of bloating. If there is intestinal obstruction, severe abdominal cramps may also occur.

Gastrointestinal symptoms: such as bloating and indigestion are also symptoms that may occur in the early stage of bowel cancer. These symptoms may affect the patient's appetite, leading to loss of appetite.

Systemic symptoms: In the early stage of bowel cancer, patients may also experience systemic symptoms such as weight loss, fatigue, and paleness. This is due to the fact that bowel cancer consumes energy in the body, and at the same time, decreased appetite also affects nutrient intake.

Abdominal mass: A small number of patients with early stage of bowel cancer will have abdominal mass symptoms, which are usually caused by the adhesion of the intestinal omentum and surrounding tissues of the tumor, and have a certain degree of activity.

A 45-year-old man was diagnosed with bowel cancer and died 3 months later

The incidence of bowel cancer is closely related to our lifestyle habits and dietary structure.

In order to maintain our gut health, we should actively adjust our eating habits, try to avoid excessive intake of processed meat, barbecued meat and high-fat foods, and increase the intake of dietary fiber.

In addition, maintaining a good lifestyle, such as exercising moderately, quitting smoking and limiting alcohol, is also an important measure to prevent bowel cancer. The most important thing is to get regular bowel cancer screenings to detect and treat potential problems early.

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