
The doctor said frankly: people who are not easy to get Alzheimer's usually have 4 things in common, and it is recommended to understand

author:Dr. Chua's health talks

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In a rare gathering of friends, the surrounding lights are soft and warm, and the table is filled with delicious food. Zhao Jun, a postman, was chatting with his friend Dr. Fang.

Dr. Fang, a passionate geriatrician, suddenly brought up an interesting topic: "Did you know that people who are not susceptible to Alzheimer's disease usually have four things in common? Zhao Jun listened curiously, this kind of information was fresh and important to him.

The doctor said frankly: people who are not easy to get Alzheimer's usually have 4 things in common, and it is recommended to understand

First of all, Dr. Fang mentioned that those who are physically and mentally healthy often have a lifestyle that includes continuous physical activity.

He described in detail a case, Aunt Zhang, who was nearly eighty years old, insisted on jogging every day, although the speed was not fast, but this continuous exercise made her mind more agile. The key here is not just to exercise physically, but more importantly to stay mentally energized and optimistic.

The doctor said frankly: people who are not easy to get Alzheimer's usually have 4 things in common, and it is recommended to understand

Although he did not directly mention specific cases in his account, he emphasized the important role of social interaction in delaying cognitive decline. Regular interaction with family and friends stimulates multiple areas of the brain and helps keep the brain active.

The third point is eating habits. Dr. Fang mentioned that eating foods rich in Omega-3, such as deep-sea fish, can effectively support brain function. These types of fish, such as salmon and mackerel, are rich in essential fatty acids, which play a vital role in maintaining the health of nerve cells and promoting nerve conduction.

The doctor said frankly: people who are not easy to get Alzheimer's usually have 4 things in common, and it is recommended to understand

With such dietary adjustments, it can help enhance memory and cognition, which can lead to a strong foundation for brain health. He described in detail a patient whose memory was well maintained even in advanced age due to regular consumption of marine fish.

Finally, he used a very vivid example to illustrate this point: Uncle Wang, an old man who used to suffer from insomnia, after adjusting his sleep habits, not only was he able to sleep peacefully at night, but also his mental state and cognitive ability during the day were significantly improved.

The doctor said frankly: people who are not easy to get Alzheimer's usually have 4 things in common, and it is recommended to understand

Although these ideas are often discussed in medicine, Dr. Fang's tone and examples make them vivid and easy to understand. His narration not only includes the stories of patients, but also incorporates his insights as a doctor, which Zhao Jun feels very beneficial.

At the end of the party, on the way home for Zhao Jun, he reflected on Dr. Fang's words and thought about his own lifestyle. He realized that although he worked as a courier and had a certain amount of physical activity every day, it seemed that he could do better when it came to eating and socializing.

The doctor said frankly: people who are not easy to get Alzheimer's usually have 4 things in common, and it is recommended to understand

How can we incorporate these brain-healthy habits more effectively into our daily routines? First of all, we need to realize that changing habits is never achieved overnight.

For example, increasing physical activity can start with daily walks and gradually increase to brisk walking, and maybe end with some light badminton or table tennis. It's easier to become a lasting habit rather than a spur-of-the-moment impulse.

The doctor said frankly: people who are not easy to get Alzheimer's usually have 4 things in common, and it is recommended to understand

For diet, Zhao Jun can try to eat marine fish at least twice a week to increase his intake of Omega-3 fatty acids while cutting back on high-fat and high-sugar foods.

In terms of socialization, Zhao Jun realized that although as a postman, he had brief exchanges with many people every day, this superficial socialization could not really activate the brain's social networking. He decided to start participating in activities such as book clubs or running groups, which would allow him to make more lasting social connections through in-depth communication.

The doctor said frankly: people who are not easy to get Alzheimer's usually have 4 things in common, and it is recommended to understand

The improvement of sleep is also an important aspect. Zhao Jun plans to adjust his bedtime habits, reduce the amount of time he spends on electronic devices at night, and try reading to help him fall asleep and ensure quality rest every night.

Even ordinary lives hide the potential for change. With some simple but effective lifestyle modifications, we can not only improve our quality of life, but also effectively prevent some common geriatric diseases. And these changes do not require huge sacrifices, but are accumulated bit by bit in daily life.

The doctor said frankly: people who are not easy to get Alzheimer's usually have 4 things in common, and it is recommended to understand

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The doctor said frankly: people who are not easy to get Alzheimer's usually have 4 things in common, and it is recommended to understand