
The "killer" of coronary heart disease was detected, which was several times higher than staying up late! Doctor: This is the most likely thing to hurt the heart

author:Dr. Chua's health talks

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"What's going on? How can I get coronary heart disease? Shen Ming asked anxiously while holding the hospital physical examination report.

Shen Ming, a middle school teacher, has a very regular daily life, and he devotes almost all of his time to teaching and grading students' homework, and rarely stays up late. However, today's hospital check-up unexpectedly revealed that he had a heart problem.

The "killer" of coronary heart disease was detected, which was several times higher than staying up late! Doctor: This is the most likely thing to hurt the heart

The doctor's words reminded Shen Ming of a passage he had seen on TV before, saying that there was a big killer of coronary heart disease, which was several times more powerful than staying up late. So he hurried to the doctor, hoping to find out what was quietly hurting his heart.

The doctor looked at Shen Ming's anxious appearance and patiently explained: "Actually, there are many factors that affect heart health, such as eating habits, exercise frequency, etc., but you may not realize that excessive mental stress is also a very big influencing factor. ”

The "killer" of coronary heart disease was detected, which was several times higher than staying up late! Doctor: This is the most likely thing to hurt the heart

"Mental stress?" Shen Ming was a little surprised. "Although we usually don't see the effects directly, the damage to the heart can be very serious over time." The doctor went on to explain that not only the psychological stress, but also the associated physiological reactions, such as high blood pressure and elevated blood sugar, are all related to this.

"So, what can we do to alleviate this stress?" Shen Ming asked. "As a teacher, the main pressures you face come from classroom teaching and the high expectations of parents, so it's important to manage your time and energy wisely."

The "killer" of coronary heart disease was detected, which was several times higher than staying up late! Doctor: This is the most likely thing to hurt the heart

The doctor talked about a patient named Zhao Li, who was originally a middle-level manager in a company who was under great pressure and often worked overtime late at night, and when he came to see the doctor, he already had severe angina.

By reducing working hours and increasing rest and exercise, Zhao Li's condition has improved significantly. "The right amount of exercise is also crucial." "Regular physical activity improves heart function, improves blood flow, and reduces the likelihood of heart disease," the doctor adds. ”

The "killer" of coronary heart disease was detected, which was several times higher than staying up late! Doctor: This is the most likely thing to hurt the heart

Shen Ming felt a hint of comfort after hearing this, and he decided to start with his lifestyle changes, such as adjusting his work rhythm, increasing physical activities, and trying some relaxing activities, such as yoga and meditation.

By changing his lifestyle, Shen Ming found that his mental state had improved greatly. While it is inevitable to encounter various stresses in life, we can adjust and cope in a positive way to keep our hearts healthy.

The "killer" of coronary heart disease was detected, which was several times higher than staying up late! Doctor: This is the most likely thing to hurt the heart

Heart health is closely linked to our lifestyle habits, emphasizing that it is not just a medical issue, but also deeply influenced by our daily behaviors. Changes like Shen Ming's, although small, can inadvertently protect our hearts from some serious health problems. Many people may be like Shen Ming, ignoring the impact of mental stress on health.

They may think that only direct physiological activities like staying up late can harm their health, ignoring the potential harm to the heart caused by seemingly intangible factors such as stress and mood swings.

The "killer" of coronary heart disease was detected, which was several times higher than staying up late! Doctor: This is the most likely thing to hurt the heart

We should be aware that balancing work and rest and arranging time reasonably is not only necessary to improve work efficiency, but also necessary to maintain health.

So, how does a middle school teacher like Shen Ming find this balance between onerous teaching and family responsibilities? In fact, the teaching profession is one of the high-stress professions, and long-term high-pressure conditions not only affect heart health, but can also lead to other psychological problems such as anxiety and depression.

The "killer" of coronary heart disease was detected, which was several times higher than staying up late! Doctor: This is the most likely thing to hurt the heart

Establishing a support system that provides mental health services and training in stress management is essential to protect teachers' mental and physical health.

What are some of the behaviors or habits in our daily lives that may seem inconsequential but can actually have a significant impact on our heart health? For example, work pressure, pace of life, sleep quality, eating habits, etc., understand how they combine to lead to heart health problems.

The "killer" of coronary heart disease was detected, which was several times higher than staying up late! Doctor: This is the most likely thing to hurt the heart

Through this analysis, we can better understand how lifestyle changes directly affect our health, so we can take more targeted preventive measures to protect our hearts and maintain overall health.

What do you think about coronary heart disease? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

The "killer" of coronary heart disease was detected, which was several times higher than staying up late! Doctor: This is the most likely thing to hurt the heart