
A number of experts appealed: the elderly wake up in the middle of the night, they would rather lie still and do these 3 things

author:Dr. Chua's health talks

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"Oh, Uncle Yuan, you are also here for a physical examination!" Aunt Hua met a neighbor in her community, Uncle Yuan, in the waiting room of the hospital. While waiting in line, the two chatted about trivial things in life.

Aunt Hua, a retired librarian, likes to do tai chi and take care of her own flowers and plants, and is very health-conscious. Uncle Yuan is a typical happy old man, who was a courier before retirement, and now his biggest hobbies are walking and watching TV.

A number of experts appealed: the elderly wake up in the middle of the night, they would rather lie still and do these 3 things

Uncle Yuan suddenly remembered a discussion on TV a few days ago, "By the way, Aunt Hua, there are experts on TV who mentioned that after the elderly wake up in the middle of the night, there are a few things that they try not to do, saying that they are not good for health." ”

Aunt Hua asked curiously, "Oh? What are the specific things? Uncle Yuan touched his head, "I didn't pay much attention to this, I just remember to be careful." It just so happened that Aunt Hua was called at this time, and she walked into the consultation room and decided to ask the doctor about this problem. After listening to Aunt Hua's question, Dr. Zhang smiled and began to explain.

A number of experts appealed: the elderly wake up in the middle of the night, they would rather lie still and do these 3 things

"Aunt Hua, in fact, this question is very interesting, there are indeed a few things that our doctors often recommend that the elderly try to avoid after waking up in the middle of the night." Dr. Teo explained the three main recommendations in detail.

The first piece of advice is to avoid getting up right away and doing strenuous exercise. "Older people have a decline in blood vessel and heart function compared to younger people, and when they wake up in the middle of the night, their blood pressure may not be adjusted, and doing strenuous exercise, such as walking fast or doing exercises, may increase the risk of heart attack," says Dr Zhang. ”

A number of experts appealed: the elderly wake up in the middle of the night, they would rather lie still and do these 3 things

He also told a case of an elderly patient who got up in the middle of the night and did several sets of squats, which caused heart problems and was rushed to the hospital.

The second piece of advice is not to eat a late-night snack or drink too much water. "The digestive system is already resting at night, and sudden ingestion of food, especially greasy or indigestible food, not only affects sleep, but can also increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract. Drinking too much water at night may lead to frequent nocturia, which can impair the quality of sleep. ”

A number of experts appealed: the elderly wake up in the middle of the night, they would rather lie still and do these 3 things

Dr Teo also stresses the importance of avoiding the use of electronic devices such as mobile phones or computers late at night. "The blue light emitted by these devices interferes with the production of melatonin, a key hormone that maintains sleep cycles," he explains. Long-term exposure to blue light can not only cause sleep problems, but it can also impair vision. ”

In addition to these basic precautions, what are some niche but key habits that seniors can do to help them stay healthy in their daily lives?

A number of experts appealed: the elderly wake up in the middle of the night, they would rather lie still and do these 3 things

Dr. Teo has a thorough understanding of this aspect. He shares some lesser-known but highly beneficial health habits that can significantly improve the quality of daily life for older adults.

First of all, he advocated that the elderly should develop the habit of regularly checking the safety of household equipment. For example, regularly inspect gas lines, electrical wiring, and non-slip mats, etc., to prevent accidents in your home. Although not directly related to health, this habit actually greatly reduces injuries caused by family accidents in older people.

A number of experts appealed: the elderly wake up in the middle of the night, they would rather lie still and do these 3 things

Secondly, Dr. Zhang advises the elderly to learn basic self-massage techniques. Through a simple hand, foot and neck massage, it can not only relax the muscles and relieve fatigue, but also improve blood circulation, which has a positive effect on cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Finally, Dr. Zhang emphasized that the elderly should increase social interaction and maintain good communication with relatives and friends, which can not only enhance emotional connection, but also give psychological support and comfort invisibly, which is very beneficial to the mental health of the elderly. How would the quality of life and health of older people change if they were able to adhere to these healthy habits?

A number of experts appealed: the elderly wake up in the middle of the night, they would rather lie still and do these 3 things

By adhering to these healthy habits for a long time, the quality of life of the elderly has been significantly improved, not only because many common health problems such as cardiovascular diseases and digestive problems have been avoided, but also because the risk of accidents in life has been reduced by enhancing their own safety awareness and improving the living environment.

Through simple and effective daily habits, seniors can not only maintain good health, but also be mentally and emotionally enriched, truly achieving a long and healthy life.

A number of experts appealed: the elderly wake up in the middle of the night, they would rather lie still and do these 3 things

What do you think about getting up late for seniors? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

A number of experts appealed: the elderly wake up in the middle of the night, they would rather lie still and do these 3 things