
Can't people with high uric acid eat tofu? Reminder: If you don't want to get kidney failure, you should eat less 3 kinds of foods that hurt your kidneys

author:Dr. Chua's health talks

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"If the uric acid is high, can you eat tofu?" Zhang Ming has not been able to sleep well recently because of this problem. Three years ago, he was diagnosed with high uric acid during a physical examination, and the doctor advised him to pay attention to his diet.

Recently, his neighbor, Aunt Li, was talking about food and health on a bench in the community, and mentioned that people with high uric acid should avoid eating tofu to prevent kidney damage.

Can't people with high uric acid eat tofu? Reminder: If you don't want to get kidney failure, you should eat less 3 kinds of foods that hurt your kidneys

Zhang Ming is an elevator maintenance technician, who has to go up and down every day, and when he is tired, he always likes to go home and cook some tofu soup. The next day, he took advantage of his lunch break to go to the hospital to find the doctor who had diagnosed him.

Dr. Cheng is a middle-aged man in his fifties with nearly 30 years of medical experience, and he has his own unique views on patients with high uric acid. "People with high uric acid can't eat tofu? This is actually a misunderstanding. ”

Can't people with high uric acid eat tofu? Reminder: If you don't want to get kidney failure, you should eat less 3 kinds of foods that hurt your kidneys

Dr. Cheng explained with a smile, "Tofu is a soybean product, and the main ingredient is protein, which by itself does not directly cause an increase in uric acid. However, people with high uric acid should indeed take care to reduce their intake of certain foods. ”

Zhang Ming asked intently, "Then what foods do I need to avoid?" Dr. Cheng elaborates, "In particular, be careful with seafood, red meat and beer. They all contain high levels of purines, which tend to increase the concentration of uric acid in the body, which can further cause gout problems. ”

Can't people with high uric acid eat tofu? Reminder: If you don't want to get kidney failure, you should eat less 3 kinds of foods that hurt your kidneys

He further elaborated, "Many patients ignore the harmfulness of these foods, and after long-term ingestion, not only the problem of gout is exacerbated, but also the gradual failure of kidney function may be caused. ”

Zhang Ming nodded, looking a little worried: "Doctor, I can understand that these foods should be eaten less, but what should be done?" "For seafood, for example, you can choose low-purine fish, such as sea bass, crucian carp, etc., and avoid high-purine shellfish and shrimp. Red meat can be replaced with white meat, such as chicken or duck, while beer is best left behind. ”

Can't people with high uric acid eat tofu? Reminder: If you don't want to get kidney failure, you should eat less 3 kinds of foods that hurt your kidneys

Zhang Ming also wanted to know more, so Dr. Zheng gave another example: "For example, one of my patients, who is also high in uric acid, likes to eat seafood, especially shrimp and crab, and as a result, not only does uric acid remain high, but he also often has gout attacks. Later, at our suggestion, he reduced his intake of these foods, improved his eating habits, and his uric acid level decreased significantly. ”

Dr. Cheng then added, "For you, Zhang Ming, in addition to adjusting your diet, you should also maintain moderate exercise, such as walking or swimming. Because excess weight is also an important factor in the cause of high uric acid. ”

Can't people with high uric acid eat tofu? Reminder: If you don't want to get kidney failure, you should eat less 3 kinds of foods that hurt your kidneys

Zhang Ming listened to Dr. Zheng's advice and felt a little bottom in his heart. He began keeping track of his daily diet and planned to swim at least twice a week in an attempt to control his uric acid levels through these methods.

A few months later, Zhang Ming came to the hospital again for a follow-up examination and found that his uric acid level had dropped significantly. Dr Cheng applauded him for the change and reminded him to continue this lifestyle.

Can't people with high uric acid eat tofu? Reminder: If you don't want to get kidney failure, you should eat less 3 kinds of foods that hurt your kidneys

"I'm glad I've changed from you." Dr. Cheng smiles, "However, you have to remember that treating high uric acid is not just about avoiding gout or kidney problems, but also about overall health. This healthy lifestyle should become your norm. ”

Zhang Ming thanked Dr. Cheng for his help and advice. When he returned home, he began to promote his experience to his friends and family around him, hoping that they would benefit from it as well. However, one day, he happened to see a show on TV about healthy eating, and he mentioned a point that made his eyes shine.

Can't people with high uric acid eat tofu? Reminder: If you don't want to get kidney failure, you should eat less 3 kinds of foods that hurt your kidneys

It was mentioned in the program that although controlling purine intake is necessary for people with high uric acid, there are also some foods that may affect uric acid levels through other mechanisms, such as foods high in fructose, although they are not high in purines.

He approached Dr. Cheng again and asked for this new information. Dr. Zheng nodded and explained, "It is true that foods high in fructose, such as sweet drinks, certain fruits, and processed foods, increase the production of uric acid during metabolism, which is not good for people with high uric acid. This is why simply avoiding high-purine foods is not enough to completely control uric acid levels. ”

Can't people with high uric acid eat tofu? Reminder: If you don't want to get kidney failure, you should eat less 3 kinds of foods that hurt your kidneys

Zhang Ming realizes that a healthy lifestyle and eating habits need to be constantly updated and adjusted, and as scientific research deepens, there are always new discoveries that may influence his life choices.

What do you think about high uric acid? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Can't people with high uric acid eat tofu? Reminder: If you don't want to get kidney failure, you should eat less 3 kinds of foods that hurt your kidneys

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