
After Xiaoman, the body focuses on dispelling dampness, these 4 kinds of food are recommended to be eaten often, the price is not expensive, and the method is simple

author:Brief Food

In the small full season, it is just like a melodious overture of nature, gently opening the prelude to the hot summer. At this time, the sky is clear, the sun is gentle but hot, the rain and dew are more abundant, and everything on the earth grows vigorously in this blend of water and fire. For us, this is not only a season to appreciate the beauty of nature, but also a critical time to recuperate the body and mind and conform to the laws of nature.

After Xiaoman, the body focuses on dispelling dampness, these 4 kinds of food are recommended to be eaten often, the price is not expensive, and the method is simple

At such a climate transition point, the humidity in the air quietly rises, and we may feel a unique "summer rhythm" - the body seems to become more sensitive as the environment moistens. In order to live in harmony with these seasons, it is important to adjust your eating habits and choose foods that help your body maintain a state of balance. After Xiaoman, the body focuses on dispelling dampness, these 4 kinds of food are recommended to be eaten often, the price is not expensive, and the method is simple!

After Xiaoman, the body focuses on dispelling dampness, these 4 kinds of food are recommended to be eaten often, the price is not expensive, and the method is simple

1: Barley, this small white pearl, known as the "king of the valley" since ancient times, is not only rich in protein, vitamins and minerals. In the hot and humid season, a bowl of warm barley porridge can not only help the body to remove excess moisture, but also replenish the light energy needed in summer, making people feel a rare freshness and comfort in the sultry weather.

After Xiaoman, the body focuses on dispelling dampness, these 4 kinds of food are recommended to be eaten often, the price is not expensive, and the method is simple

100 grams of barley; 50 grams of rice; Water; a few red dates; a small handful of goji berries;

After cleaning the barley the night before, soak it well in water to make it easier to cook soft and glutinous.

The next day, filter the soaked barley seeds, wash the rice, and remove the red dates and slice them for later use.

Pour the barley, rice and enough water into the pot, bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce the heat to low and simmer. Stir occasionally to prevent sticking to the bottom.

When the porridge is half-thick, add red dates and wolfberries and continue to simmer over low heat until the porridge is thick and the barley and rice are fully cooked.

According to personal taste, a small amount of rock sugar can be added to taste the porridge when it is ready, but the natural sweetness of the barley itself is attractive enough, and you can also choose to leave no sugar to retain the original flavor of the ingredients.

After Xiaoman, the body focuses on dispelling dampness, these 4 kinds of food are recommended to be eaten often, the price is not expensive, and the method is simple

2. Winter melon soup. Winter melon is cool and sweet, and it is an ideal ingredient to dispel heat and dampness in summer.

Peel and cut the winter melon into pieces, put it in a pot with a small amount of pork ribs or dried shrimp, add enough water to boil, turn to low heat and simmer until the winter melon is transparent and soft. Only a pinch of salt is needed to flavor the soup to keep it fresh and flavorful.

After Xiaoman, the body focuses on dispelling dampness, these 4 kinds of food are recommended to be eaten often, the price is not expensive, and the method is simple

3. Red bean barley tea. Red beans and barley are both good helpers for dispelling dampness, and the combination of the two can enhance the effect of dampness and promote the discharge of dampness from the body.

Wash the red beans and barley in a ratio of 1:1, no need to soak, put them directly in a pot with water and boil, turn to low heat and cook for about 30 minutes until the water becomes darker. You can add a small amount of rock sugar to taste, let it cool and drink, especially suitable for drinking after ice in summer.

After Xiaoman, the body focuses on dispelling dampness, these 4 kinds of food are recommended to be eaten often, the price is not expensive, and the method is simple

4. Scrambled eggs with bitter gourd. Bitter gourd is cold, and eating it in summer helps to remove moisture from the body.

1 bitter gourd; 2-4 eggs; Salt; Cooking oil; Scallions; Ginger; Essence of chicken or monosodium glutamate; perilla seed oil;

Wash the bitter gourd, remove the head and tail, cut it in half and dig out the white part and seeds in the middle, this part has a strong bitter taste. The bitter gourd is then cut into thin slices or dices, depending on personal preference. If you are afraid of bitterness, you can mix the cut bitter gourd with salt and marinate for 10 minutes, then rinse with water and squeeze out the water, which can reduce the bitterness.

Crack the eggs into a bowl and beat them with chopsticks until the egg mixture is slightly bubbly, so that the scrambled eggs are fluffier.

Pour an appropriate amount of cooking oil into the pot, pour in the beaten egg liquid after the oil is hot, and when the edge of the egg begins to solidify, gently push it with a shovel to make the egg form a large piece, fry it until it is basically formed, and then put it out for later use. This will keep the eggs tender.

After Xiaoman, the body focuses on dispelling dampness, these 4 kinds of food are recommended to be eaten often, the price is not expensive, and the method is simple

Leave the bottom oil in the pan, add chopped green onion and ginger (if using) and sauté until fragrant, then add bitter gourd slices/dices and stir-fry quickly. Add an appropriate amount of salt according to the amount of bitter gourd and personal taste, and continue to stir-fry until the bitter gourd changes color, close to ripe but still maintains a certain degree of crispness.

Pour the previously scrambled eggs back into the pan and stir-fry well with the bitter gourd, allowing the flavors of the eggs and bitter gourd to penetrate each other. If you like, you can add a little chicken essence or monosodium glutamate at this time to enhance the freshness.

Depending on your preference, you can drizzle a small amount of perilla seed oil or other vegetable oil at the end to increase the aroma, stir-fry a few times and then remove from the pan and serve.

After Xiaoman, the body focuses on dispelling dampness, these 4 kinds of food are recommended to be eaten often, the price is not expensive, and the method is simple

Not only are these four foods affordable, but they are also easy to prepare, making them suitable for frequent consumption in daily life, helping the body to effectively cope with summer humidity and keep them fresh and healthy. Remember to pay attention to your personal physique while enjoying the food, eat it in moderation, and avoid excessive cold affecting your health.


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