
Don't believe it, when eating KFC, people who don't order these 6 kinds of food are basically "foodies"!

author:Brief Food

In this fast-paced era, fast food culture is like an unstoppable trend that has swept the streets of the city. Among the many fast food brands, KFC has become a fast food mecca in the hearts of countless people with its iconic red sign and the image of the ever-smiling white-bearded colonel. However, in this sea of food, how to eat satisfactorily and shrewdly has become an art. Don't believe it, when eating KFC, people who don't order these 6 kinds of food are basically "foodies"!

1: Churros: A Morning Extravagant Choice!

Don't believe it, when eating KFC, people who don't order these 6 kinds of food are basically "foodies"!

The first rays of sunlight in the morning shine through the windows, waking up the sleeping city. When people are in a hurry looking for the solace of breakfast, KFC's breakfast series is undoubtedly one of the quick and convenient options.

However, the fritters are often quietly bypassed by connoisseurs. Unlike the traditional fritters on the streets, which exude fresh heat, are crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, and are affordable, KFC's fritters are more hygienic and environmentally friendly, but their prices are prohibitive for many diners.

Don't believe it, when eating KFC, people who don't order these 6 kinds of food are basically "foodies"!

In the world of "foodies", value for money is an important yardstick to measure food, and instead of enjoying this slightly expensive breakfast in a fast food chain, it is better to go into the deep alleys of the old streets and find that more authentic taste.

2: Family Bucket: A Big and Inappropriate Feast?

Don't believe it, when eating KFC, people who don't order these 6 kinds of food are basically "foodies"!

Family buckets, a name that sounds like it's full of family warmth, seem like the best choice for a party. However, when you actually lift the veil on it, you'll find that the content inside isn't always as good as it could be. First of all, the portion of the family bucket seems to be rich, but in fact, it cleverly uses the combination of various snacks, giving people the illusion of a large amount.

Don't believe it, when eating KFC, people who don't order these 6 kinds of food are basically "foodies"!

Second, the mix of food in the bucket is often fixed, making it difficult to satisfy everyone's taste preferences. On top of that, if you count each item of food in the bucket individually, the total price will be much lower than the cost of buying a bucket for the whole family. Therefore, those "foodies" who know how to eat are more inclined to carefully select items according to their preferences, which can not only satisfy their taste buds, but also control their budget, so why not?

3: Snacks: The game of price and value

Don't believe it, when eating KFC, people who don't order these 6 kinds of food are basically "foodies"!

On the KFC menu, there are always some small snacks such as cola, corn, egg tarts and all kinds of fried skewers. Their presence adds a bit of fun to the fast food time.

But for diners who really know how to eat, these snacks are not ideal for money. In the case of Coke, although it is almost standard for fast food, the price in KFC is several times higher than in supermarkets, and the portion size is not special.

Don't believe it, when eating KFC, people who don't order these 6 kinds of food are basically "foodies"!

As for the egg tarts, although they taste good, you can often enjoy a more delicate taste at a lower price in a professional bakery. As a result, smart foodies will choose to look elsewhere for these snacks, or simply skip these extra expenses and save their budget for a more distinctive main meal.

4: Coke: Economics in a Bubble

Don't believe it, when eating KFC, people who don't order these 6 kinds of food are basically "foodies"!

When you think of fast food, how can you not mention Coke? The cold carbonated drink always seems to bring a touch of coolness to the hot summer day. However, KFC's Coke, apart from the brand effect, actually does not have much special. Compared to bottled or canned Coke in the supermarket, the price premium in the restaurant is significant.

For diners looking for value for money, "foodies" prefer to choose to bring their own drinks, or try other KFC specialty drinks, such as seasonal juices or special drinks, which can satisfy their thirst and experience different flavors.

Don't believe it, when eating KFC, people who don't order these 6 kinds of food are basically "foodies"!

As we continue our culinary exploration, we can't help but mention two other "regulars" on the KFC menu – soy milk and porridge, which are classics at the breakfast table and deserve to be examined with a critical eye to see what role they play in fast food culture and why savvy diners sometimes take a different approach.

5: Soy milk: the collision of tradition and fast food

Don't believe it, when eating KFC, people who don't order these 6 kinds of food are basically "foodies"!

Soy milk, an ancient drink originating in China, carries the warm memories of breakfast for countless people. However, in a fast-food environment like KFC, soy milk seems to have lost some of its traditional charm. Different from the old shops on the street that use stone grinding to grind finely and cook the mellow bean aroma over slow fire, the soybean milk in fast food restaurants often adopts rapid pulping technology in order to pursue efficiency and standardization, although the supply speed is guaranteed, it is difficult to replicate the delicacy and layering of handmade.

In addition, the price does not show obvious advantages, so that many "foodies" who know how to taste prefer to take a walk to the nearby breakfast stall in the morning, taste the bowls of hot, bean-fragrant handmade soy milk, and enjoy a pure and warm from their hometown.

6: Porridge: A gentle soot in the age of fast food

Don't believe it, when eating KFC, people who don't order these 6 kinds of food are basically "foodies"!

Porridge, as an indispensable part of the Chinese nation's food culture, has become the first choice for many people for breakfast because of its warm, nourishing and easy-to-digest characteristics. However, in a fast-food chain like KFC, the emergence of congee seems to be an experiment in the fusion of tradition and modernity. Although KFC tries to meet the taste needs of different consumers by launching various flavors of porridge, such as preserved egg and lean pork porridge, chicken and vegetable porridge, etc.

Don't believe it, when eating KFC, people who don't order these 6 kinds of food are basically "foodies"!

However, in terms of taste, these porridges are often mediocre due to standardized production, and they lose the richness and deliciousness of home-cooked porridge that are slow-cooked and boiled. For "foodies" who pursue the original taste, the porridge in the fast food restaurant may be able to solve the urgent need for a while, but after all, it cannot replace the carefully boiled porridge at home, and every bite contains the temperature and emotion of home. As a result, they are more inclined to make their own products at home, or look for small shops that still retain traditional cooking techniques, and find the familiar and rustic taste.

Don't believe it, when eating KFC, people who don't order these 6 kinds of food are basically "foodies"!

A true foodie is not only about which foods to avoid, but also about how to discover infinite delicious possibilities in a limited choice. They excel at using KFC coupons, package combinations, and even seasonal events to maximize their spending experience. In their eyes, every meal is a journey of discovery, not only an adventure for the taste buds, but also a manifestation of wisdom and strategy.

Don't believe it, when eating KFC, people who don't order these 6 kinds of food are basically "foodies"!

In this era of fast food, being a "foodie" with a soul not only means knowing how to avoid those options that are not cost-effective, but also a kind of pursuit of quality of life and respect for food culture. Every visit to KFC is an examination of one's own tastes and an observation of the catering market. Remember, a true foodie can always find the extraordinary in the ordinary, and use wisdom and enthusiasm to draw a unique food map for himself.


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