
The 71-year-old uncle died of a cerebral hemorrhage! Go to bed early and get up early and run in the morning, doctor: 2 habits should not be had

author:Dr. Chua's health talks

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"Everyone says that it's good to go to bed early and get up early, so how can my lifestyle be like this suddenly..." 71-year-old Uncle Chen suddenly collapsed, and then died of a cerebral hemorrhage on the way to the hospital.

During his lifetime, he was an ordinary bank clerk who had been retired for many years and maintained a regular routine of life and exercise, and his death shocked and saddened the entire community.

The 71-year-old uncle died of a cerebral hemorrhage! Go to bed early and get up early and run in the morning, doctor: 2 habits should not be had

Uncle Chen's living habits have always been a topic of conversation among neighbors. Wake up at 5 a.m. every morning, rain or shine, always run in the park for an hour, then go home, eat on time, and rest on time.

His health has always been good, or at least to outsiders. However, after the examination, the doctor found that Uncle Chen had two habits that were not noticed by people, which may be the hidden danger of this tragedy.

The 71-year-old uncle died of a cerebral hemorrhage! Go to bed early and get up early and run in the morning, doctor: 2 habits should not be had

The first is Uncle Chen's morning running habits. While exercise is very necessary to maintain good health, for older people, strenuous exercise can pose risks.

Uncle Chen's doctor once warned him that he should choose less intense exercises, such as brisk walking or tai chi, to avoid overworking the heart and blood vessels. But Uncle Chen has always thought that he can withstand the intensity of the morning run, he likes the feeling of the wind blowing on his face, and believes that this is his most direct way of communicating with nature.

The 71-year-old uncle died of a cerebral hemorrhage! Go to bed early and get up early and run in the morning, doctor: 2 habits should not be had

Secondly, it is Uncle Chen's eating habits. Although he has a fixed diet schedule, his diet is not the most reasonable. He is particularly fond of eating foods high in salt, such as pickles and bacon, which are invisible boosters of high blood pressure.

In the long run, the damage to blood vessels caused by a high-salt diet is huge, especially for the elderly, whose blood vessels have begun to age, and it is necessary to pay more attention to food choices.

The 71-year-old uncle died of a cerebral hemorrhage! Go to bed early and get up early and run in the morning, doctor: 2 habits should not be had

After retirement, many elderly people often lack the knowledge of proper health management, although they have more time to focus on their lives and health. They may mistakenly simplify concepts such as "exercise more" and "eat regularly" instead of adapting them to their own realities.

In Uncle Chen's example, we can profoundly see that even seemingly healthy lifestyle habits can bring risks due to improper implementation.

The 71-year-old uncle died of a cerebral hemorrhage! Go to bed early and get up early and run in the morning, doctor: 2 habits should not be had

Many seemingly healthy elderly people increase the risk of disease because of misjudgment of their physical condition and blind following of lifestyle habits. They may ignore their doctor's professional advice and stick to what they think is the right way to maintain their health.

Uncle Chen's doctor used many similar examples to illustrate this problem when talking about his case. He mentioned another patient, Lao Li, who also had health problems due to similar habits. Lao Li also insists on running in the morning every day, and his eating habits are also biased towards high-salt foods.

The 71-year-old uncle died of a cerebral hemorrhage! Go to bed early and get up early and run in the morning, doctor: 2 habits should not be had

On one occasion, he felt tightness in his chest while running and was rushed to the hospital as soon as he returned home. The examination revealed that his blood pressure was abnormally high, almost triggering a heart attack. Doctors emphasize that for the elderly, proper exercise and a reasonable balance of diet are more important than simple exercise intensity or strict timing of food.

Doctors also mentioned that many elderly people pursue the effect of exercise excessively without fully understanding their physical condition, which is a common misunderstanding.

The 71-year-old uncle died of a cerebral hemorrhage! Go to bed early and get up early and run in the morning, doctor: 2 habits should not be had

For example, some people think that running will help them stay young and energetic, but in fact, as we age, our joints and cardiovascular system are no longer suitable for high-intensity running training.

A more appropriate approach is to engage in low-intensity exercise, such as walking or water activities, which are safer for older people and can effectively promote blood circulation without putting too much stress on the body.

The 71-year-old uncle died of a cerebral hemorrhage! Go to bed early and get up early and run in the morning, doctor: 2 habits should not be had

Uncle Chen's case and Lao Li's experience tell us that when making a life and health plan, the elderly must take into account the specific situation of the individual, including age, physical fitness, past medical history and other factors.

In addition, the role of family members is also very crucial. They should pay more attention to the daily habits of older family members, providing the necessary information and support to help them make more appropriate health choices.

The 71-year-old uncle died of a cerebral hemorrhage! Go to bed early and get up early and run in the morning, doctor: 2 habits should not be had

This model of integrating community resources and family support can not only improve the quality of life of the elderly, but also effectively prevent various health problems caused by improper living habits.

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The 71-year-old uncle died of a cerebral hemorrhage! Go to bed early and get up early and run in the morning, doctor: 2 habits should not be had