
Practice the concept of big food according to local conditions

author:China Economic Net

Source: Economic Daily

The concept of big food is a concept of "seeking calories and protein from cultivated land, grassland, forest and ocean, plants, animals and microorganisms, and developing food resources in an all-round and multi-channel manner", which is an important part of promoting the structural reform of agricultural supply side. How to better understand the big food concept? What are the measures, results, and problems that need to be solved in implementing the Big Food concept in various places? Please see the reports from the localities.

Henan: Increasing grain production capacity

Henan, carrying the important mission of national food security, accounts for more than a quarter of the country's wheat output, and the total grain output ranks second in the country, stable at more than 130 billion catties for 7 consecutive years, making an important contribution to ensuring national food security.

In recent years, Henan has made great efforts to strengthen the construction of agricultural infrastructure, and has successively issued the "Guiding Opinions on Strengthening the Management and Protection of Farmland Water Conservancy Facilities" and the "Henan Provincial High-standard Farmland Construction Plan (2021-2030)", which clearly put forward the goals and measures to improve farmland water conservancy and build high-standard farmland. As of 2023, Henan has built a total of 85.85 million mu of high-standard farmland, and more "relying on Tiantian" has become "high-yield fields", creating favorable conditions for stable and high grain yield.

At the same time, Henan is also actively promoting agricultural science and technology innovation. On the one hand, it has introduced and popularized advanced agricultural technology, and on the other hand, it has established close cooperation with many universities and scientific research institutions to strengthen the research and development of agricultural science and technology, which has greatly improved agricultural production efficiency and grain output.

The implementation of grain production increase policies such as the "Implementation Opinions of the General Office of the Henan Provincial People's Government on Preventing the "Non-Grain" Conversion of Cultivated Land and Stabilizing Grain Production" has effectively stimulated the peasants' enthusiasm for growing grain. Li Dahai, a large grain grower in Chencao Township, Jian'an District, Xuchang City, said that nowadays, grain purchase prices have risen, agricultural production materials are still subsidized, and the costs of seeds, chemical fertilizers, and pesticides have been reduced.

While stabilizing grain production, Henan has actively promoted the optimization of the agricultural industrial structure. Zhang Daoming, chief expert of Henan Province's modern agricultural industry technology and economic evaluation system, introduced that Henan is located in the north-south climate transition zone, with complex and diverse terrain such as plains, hills and mountains, and is located in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain, with fertile soil and sufficient sunlight, which provides favorable conditions for the diversification of agricultural production. Therefore, it is necessary to adapt measures to local conditions, based on the endowment of land and resources, develop food resources in an all-round and multi-channel manner, build a food production structure and regional layout for the coordinated development of grain and feeding, planting, breeding and processing, agriculture, animal husbandry and fishery, and create a diversified food supply system.

Wang Qirui, a researcher at the Henan Academy of Forestry, said that understory planting, understory breeding and related product collection and processing can meet people's demand for food to the greatest extent and alleviate the contradiction of more people and less land. To ask for food from the entire land resources, it is necessary to master a degree. Under the premise of sustainable development, it is necessary to obtain it in a controlled manner, so that arable land, grasslands, forests, rivers, lakes and seas can recuperate and recuperate, so as to provide a continuous source of food.

In order to make high-quality agricultural products better to the market, Henan has also strengthened the brand building and marketing of agricultural products. By holding agricultural product exhibitions and carrying out online marketing activities, Henan's agricultural products have been able to broaden their sales channels and increase added value.

At the same time, Henan has adopted a series of policy measures such as strengthening the construction of agricultural infrastructure, promoting agricultural science and technology innovation, implementing production increase policies, optimizing the structure of agricultural industry and strengthening the brand building of agricultural products, which not only effectively guarantee the stable production of grain, but also greatly enrich the people's dining table and make important contributions to ensuring national food security. (Economic Daily reporter Xia Xianqing, Yang Zipei)

Hubei: Build a public brand

Hubei is the "province of a thousand lakes and the land of fish and rice", and the output of freshwater aquatic products has ranked first in the country for 27 consecutive years. According to statistics, in 2023, the output of freshwater products in Hubei Province will be 5.2279 million tons, a year-on-year increase of 4.5%. Among them, the output of crayfish and yellow eel continued to rank first in the country, and the comprehensive output value of the crayfish industry reached 165 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 12.6%; The comprehensive output value of the yellow eel industry was 17 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 6.25%.

"Qianjiang lobster" is the vanguard of the development of the crayfish industry in Hubei, but the industry is large and does not force the high-quality development of the crayfish industry in Qianjiang and even Hubei. Last year, Hubei Province issued the "Ten Shrimps", the first of which emphasized the idea of "one card" in Hubei Province. At the beginning of this year, Jianli City, Honghu City, Gong'an County, Shayang County, Qianjiang City, five main crayfish breeding production areas signed an agreement to jointly build the "Qianjiang Lobster" brand.

Jianli is the area with the largest crayfish production in Hubei, with a perennial stable breeding area of 1.48 million mu and an output of 170,000 tons. This year, Jianli took the initiative to integrate into Hubei's "one card" strategy, signed a "Qianjiang Lobster" brand cooperation agreement with Qianjiang City, and organized breeding, circulation and processing subjects to participate in training. Jianli Zhuhe Town Rongjing Shrimp Warehouse Co., Ltd. and other circulation intermediary organizations cooperate with the submersible network group located in the Qianjiang Houhu Management Area to brand the high-quality crayfish supply with the "Qianjiang Lobster" brand.

At present, "Qianjiang Lobster" has carried out brand operation cooperation with nearly 40 counties and cities and more than 100 market entities. As the only regional public brand of crayfish in Hubei, the "Qianjiang Lobster" standard system will also be introduced soon, covering a total of 177 standards, including environmental monitoring, operating procedures, production records, base certification, listing logos, etc. In the future, "Qianjiang Lobster" will face consumers with a new look and unified quality. Yang Yong, mayor of Qianjiang City, said that Hubei's high-quality crayfish will sail out to sea in the same boat and sing "Qianjiang lobster, popular all over the world".

The brand building of "Qianjiang Lobster" is a microcosm of Hubei Province's efforts to build a characteristic freshwater product industry chain. Hubei adheres to science and technology-driven agricultural innovation, and strives to make significant breakthroughs in the cultivation of new varieties, the development of new products, and the promotion of new models. In 2023, Hubei has successively introduced "Ten Shrimps" and "Seven Eels" to support industrial development from various aspects such as brand promotion, scientific and technological innovation, and strengthening the chain and extending the chain.

In Xiantao City, a 26,000-square-meter workshop for cultivating yellow eel seedlings at constant temperature has risen from the ground. At the same time, Xiantao has joined hands with Hubei Provincial Agricultural Development Group, the Yangtze River Institute of the Chinese Academy of Water Sciences, and Yangtze University to jointly tackle the shortcomings of large-scale breeding of yellow eel seedlings and the breeding of new varieties, and established a "Xiantao Yellow Eel" quality and safety traceability system, a rapid detection station for yellow eel drug residues, and school-enterprise cooperation to jointly develop related snack foods and health care products. Sun Daojun, secretary of the Xiantao Municipal Party Committee, said that when playing a game of chess, a fish should be intensively raised. Xiantao yellow eel ushered in the best historical opportunity, and it is the right time to expand the yellow eel industry.

Today, the total scale of Hubei's facility fishery reaches 6.86 million cubic meters, ranking first in central China. The output of yellow catfish continued to rank first in the country, the output of river crabs, mandarin fish, turtles and turtles continued to maintain the second place in the country, and the output of special aquatic products accounted for 44% of the total output of freshwater products. It is reported that this year, the aquaculture area of Hubei Province will ensure that it is stable at 8 million mu, and the total output of freshwater products will be more than 5.3 million tons. (Economic Daily reporter Liu Jie, Dong Qingsen)

Shandong: Development of facility agriculture

Recently, in Lanshan District, Rizhao City, Shandong Province, the aquaculture operation vessels of Shandong Caijin Wanzefeng Marine Technology Co., Ltd. frequently entered and exited the fishing port, preparing to harvest more than 200,000 mature salmon. Since 2021, the "Deep Blue" series of cages laid out by Wan Zefeng have begun to collect fish on a large scale.

This year, the "Offshore Granary No. 1" series of cages will also be launched one after another. Zhao Jiasheng, deputy head of Lanshan District, said that relying on the natural endowment, Lanshan District strives to promote the standardization, facility, intensification and intelligence of agricultural production, enhance the ability of facility agriculture to produce food, vigorously support modern facility fisheries based on ecological and healthy breeding, and ask for "grain fields" from the sea to ensure the effective supply of high-quality seafood.

It is reported that in recent years, Shandong has vigorously developed factory and deep-sea aquaculture, with a facility fishery breeding area of 550,000 hectares and an annual output value of 120 billion yuan.

In the breeding base of Bohantang Marine Biotechnology Co., Ltd., Haiphong Office, Zhanhua District, Binzhou City, more than 20 ecological breeding greenhouses of Jiwei shrimp covered with black "quilts" are particularly eye-catching. In recent years, Zhanhua District has vigorously promoted the "breeding push" and "company + farmer" breeding model, and cultivated a number of leading aquatic enterprises with large scale, good efficiency and strong demonstration driving force, such as Bohai Sea Products and Kohler Sea. Zhang Chi, general manager of Bohai Sea Products (Binzhou) Co., Ltd., said that in the past, shrimp could only be harvested once a year, but since there is factory farming, shrimp production in four seasons has been truly realized. It is understood that in 2023, the output of shrimp in Zhanhua District will be 38,328 tons, including 36,068 tons of Yantian shrimp, with an output value of more than 1.5 billion yuan.

Just after the beginning of summer, Liaocheng Xinxian Xinfeng Seed Industry's Qidan 633, Qidan 881 and other corn varieties continued to sell well. As a large county of grain production and melon and vegetable fungus planting, Shen County adheres to the principle of grasping both grain and melon and vegetable fungus seeds and seedlings, and systematically builds a modern seed industry system integrating breeding, breeding and promotion. Wang Yinhua, director of the Shen County Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau, said that Shen County has vigorously developed smart agriculture based on wheat seed production and modern vegetable breeding, and has made every effort to consolidate the advantages of modern agriculture with measures such as upgrading facilities.

It is reported that 60% of Shandong's vegetables, more than 95% of edible fungi, and more than 80% of livestock products and aquatic products come from facility agriculture, which has become an important pillar industry of Shandong's rural economy. Peng Futian, dean of the Institute of Facility Agriculture Industry of Shandong Agricultural University, said that Shandong's facility agriculture still has problems such as poor facilities, low level of mechanization and automation, low quality of special varieties, insufficient quantity, and lack of technical system. Peng Futian believes that to realize the transformation and upgrading of facility agriculture and improve quality and efficiency, it is necessary to strengthen independent core technology research and empower facility agriculture with science and technology.

Liu Zhenjie, a member of the party group of the Shandong Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, said that in the next step, Shandong will focus on tackling key problems from five aspects: in terms of facility planting, focus on the transformation of old facilities and the construction of modern facility agriculture leading areas; In terms of facility animal husbandry, we will focus on the factory transformation of livestock and poultry breeding, and the upgrading of slaughtering files; In terms of facility fisheries, we will focus on land-based intensive aquaculture and deep-sea intelligent aquaculture; In terms of development direction, we will focus on green transformation; In terms of scientific and technological support, we will focus on the revitalization of the facility seed industry and the research and development of special machinery for facility agriculture. (Economic Daily reporter Wang Jinhu)

Inner Mongolia: Extend the industrial chain

In the Grassland Man Food Co., Ltd., located in the Qianqi of Etuoke, Ordos City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, about 2 tons of beef and mutton are finely divided or processed into various prefabricated dishes for sale every day. Hu Bing, general manager of the company, said that considering the recent beef market, this year is also ready to launch a beef jerky production line to improve the added value of products, and it is expected that the added value of products after intensive processing will increase by at least 30%. As the first entrepreneur in Ordos to realize the sale of haggis by the gram, Hubing is well aware of the significance of extending the industrial chain of agricultural and livestock products.

Zhang Hui, deputy director of the Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Bureau of Etuoke Qianqi, said that in recent years, Etuoke Qianqi has continued to deepen the structural reform of the supply side of agriculture and animal husbandry, promoted the intensive processing of agricultural and livestock products, and realized the transformation from selling "original brand" products to selling "excellent brand", "fine brand" and "special brand" products. In 2023, the output value of the agricultural and livestock products processing industry will be nearly 4.8 billion yuan, the processing volume will be about 540,000 tons, the conversion rate of agricultural and livestock products processing will reach 75%, and the ratio of the output value of agricultural and livestock products processing to the total output value of agriculture and animal husbandry will reach 1.9:1.

As an important production base of agricultural and livestock products in the mainland, the country's "granary", "milk tank" and "meat depot", Inner Mongolia has vigorously introduced intensive processing enterprises in recent years, promoted the development of the prefabricated vegetable industry, strengthened the construction of cold chain logistics, strengthened financial services, strengthened factor security and other measures, further promoted the construction of national important agricultural and livestock product production bases, accelerated the completion of the autonomous region's agricultural and livestock products intensive processing shortcomings, promoted the development of scale, industrialization and branding, and promoted the transformation of agriculture and animal husbandry from a large output area to a strong industrial area.

When it comes to the front banner of the Horqin right wing of the Xing'an League, we have to mention the special food of the Russian sports town - "crystal" dumplings. Gao Zhenming, head of Shixin Food Co., Ltd., Quanfa Village, Russian Sports Town, introduced that the company mainly produces potato products such as "crystal" dumplings, with annual sales of more than 1,000 yuan.

Ding Xiangbin, director of the Bureau of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Science and Technology of the Horqin Right-wing Front Banner, introduced that in recent years, the Horqin Right-wing Front Banner has relied on local advantageous resources, kept an eye on market demand, promoted the implementation of "one township, one industry" and "one village, one product" specialization, branding, and characteristic development, and strived to play a good "innovation card" of local specialties, and some characteristic agricultural and livestock foods have been emerging.

Zhu Tianjia, head of the Tianjia Powder Professional Cooperative in Russian Sports Town, said that the cooperative cooperated with the company through the sales order acquisition model, which effectively increased the income of growers and cooperatives.

In recent years, Inner Mongolia has built a quality evaluation system for agricultural and livestock products such as beef and mutton, potatoes, etc., which are "nutritious, fragrant, delicious and distinctive", and has built a database of quality indicators of advantageous and characteristic agricultural and livestock products, including 113,000 quality index data. At the same time, we will vigorously cultivate green and organic agricultural and livestock products, and take the lead in the pilot construction of standardized production bases for green food in animal husbandry in the country. There are 4,328 agricultural and livestock products certified as green food and organic agricultural products in Inner Mongolia, with an output of 15,764,300 tons.

Zhao Yusheng, deputy director of the Department of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, said that in the next step, Inner Mongolia will focus on the construction of 168 agricultural and animal husbandry industrial parks, guide industries to gather in processing parks, promote the intensive processing of agricultural and livestock products, sell "beef and sheep" for "beef and mutton", and promote the extension of the chain to supplement the chain and strengthen the chain. At the same time, adhere to the development idea of "grain head and food tail, animal head and meat tail, agricultural head and worker tail", lay out and build a base of "vegetable basket, fruit basket, medicine basket, flower basket and fungus basket", and strive to cultivate new growth points. (Economic Daily reporter Yu Jian)

Heilongjiang: Strengthen intensive processing

In the production workshop of Wanwusheng Biotechnology Co., Ltd., located in Wudalianchi City, Heilongjiang Province, a small bottle of inconspicuous liquid is very eye-catching, which is to fill the gap in the industry with soybean as the raw material technology to transform liquid plant active peptides. Li Weidong, chief engineer of Heilongjiang Wanwusheng Biotechnology Co., Ltd., said that the conversion of soybeans into liquid peptides through intensive processing can make soybean protein 100% absorbed by the human body within 15 minutes, while the absorption and utilization rate of traditional protein powder in 3 hours is only 35%.

In recent years, relying on the advantages of the breeding base of improved varieties, Wudalianchi City has been expanding in the field of soybean processing, providing new and strong impetus for the soybean industry through biotechnology, and changing "soybean" into "golden bean".

Lanxi County of Suihua City is located in the hinterland of the Songnen Plain and the core area of "cold black soil", with 2.74 million mu of cultivated land passing the green pollution-free certification as a whole, and has a good foundation for vegetable planting. At present, the vegetable planting area of Lanxi County has reached 220,000 mu, the output has exceeded 510,000 tons, and the output value has reached 1 billion yuan. Feng Chunjiang, director of the Lanxi County Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau, said that Lanxi has established the development goal of "1,000 greenhouses, 10,000 cold sheds, 400,000 acres of bare land, 100 processing enterprises, and 10 billion vegetable output value", and is actively building a "vegetable basket" that radiates the northeast and affects the whole country.

At present, Lanxi County has established the development goal of "100,000 beef cattle, 2 million pigs, 100 million broiler chickens, and 10 billion livestock output value", focusing on the development of three pillar industries of pigs, beef cattle and broilers. Wang Tingyu, chairman of Zhonghe (Lanxi County) Food Co., Ltd., introduced that Zhonghe will introduce international advanced slaughtering equipment, domestic mature recycling water utilization schemes, and relatively perfect sewage treatment measures, and build a new intelligent green 5A-level enterprise by integrating intelligent manufacturing and intelligent management.

Hongxing Township, Lanxi County, is a large local animal husbandry township, and the broiler breeding industry has become an advantageous and leading industry for strengthening the township and enriching the people. Li Degong, Secretary of the Party Committee of Hongxing Township, said that Hongxing Township will focus on the development of standardized large-scale farms, and promote the integration of planting and breeding cycle, planting and breeding and marketing, and the integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries.

Driven by the "five good" of good seeds, good laws, good systems, good fields and good opportunities, the rice planting area in Lanxi County has reached 160,000 mu, with an annual output of more than 80,000 tons of high-quality rice. In order to make good rice sell at a good price, the local government has also actively introduced rice intensive processing enterprises, increased the prefabricated rice project, and promoted the development of the whole rice industry chain. Feng Chunjiang said that Lanxi will actively implement the plan of increasing grain production by 10 million tons, stabilize the area, increase the yield, increase the total amount, stabilize the grain planting area at 2.45 million mu, and be the "ballast stone" of national food security. (Economic Daily reporter Su Dapeng)

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