
The 94-year-old Chinese medicine doctor said frankly: Hawthorn with one thing, lowering blood pressure and blood lipids, many people still don't know

author:Dr. Wan talks about health

Content Sources:

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Hawthorn is also known as mountain red, its flesh is thinner, and the taste tends to be sour. In life, hawthorn can be eaten raw, can also be eaten as preserved fruit cake, and can also be used as medicine after drying. Hawthorn has the effect of strengthening the spleen and appetizing, eliminating food and dissolving stagnation, and is often used by people to invigorate blood and dissolve phlegm, which has high medicinal value.

Liu Yongli, 62, a retired worker from Jiangxi. When he was young, he endured a lot of hardships in order to support his family. When his children were married, he was much more relaxed. Liu Yongli can't spend his pension every month, and the children don't want his money, and every time he celebrates the New Year, he will send a lot of supplements over, and the two of them can't finish eating.

The 94-year-old Chinese medicine doctor said frankly: Hawthorn with one thing, lowering blood pressure and blood lipids, many people still don't know

Liu Yongli thought to himself, now that he is old, maintaining good health is not to cause trouble to the children, so he simply spent his pension on buying health products, from protein powder, to cod liver oil, and goat's milk. On March 16, 2022, when Liu Yongli was shopping in the mall, he suddenly felt a little dizzy in his head, he thought it was caused by poor air circulation, and he didn't pay much attention to it.

Since then, Liu Yongli has occasionally felt that his eyes are a little difficult to see, his head is a little swollen, and sometimes he has tinnitus. He thought that because he was old, his body was a little degenerate, and it was normal for him to not be able to see things clearly, and he didn't take it to heart much.

On March 29, 2018, when Liu Yongli was playing cards with friends, he suddenly felt a little breathless in his chest, and then his head was dizzy and he was covered in a cold sweat. Seeing his ugly face, his friend hurriedly sent him to the hospital for treatment.

As a result, when he went to the hospital, the results showed that Liu Yongli's blood pressure was as high as 152/105mmHg, and his blood lipid value also reached 7.5mmol/L. He was diagnosed with hypertension with hyperlipidemia.

The 94-year-old Chinese medicine doctor said frankly: Hawthorn with one thing, lowering blood pressure and blood lipids, many people still don't know

Liu Yongli never thought about it, he has always been in good health. In order to strengthen his body, he often goes for jogging exercises in the morning, how can he still be diagnosed with high blood pressure after all this? The doctor told him that high blood pressure was mainly caused by genetics, age, and unhealthy eating habits. Eating habits are the main factor, such as long-term consumption of a large amount of button meat, nutritional health products, fried food, etc., which will lead to excess nutrition in the body.

After people's living standards improve, long-term high-fat, high-sugar, high-salt diet will cause the cholesterol level in the body to rise, resulting in the deposition of a large amount of fat on the inner wall of blood vessels, which will not only increase the burden on the heart, but also cause blood vessels to harden and narrow over time. When the ducts are narrowed and the body's essential blood and nutrients pass through, the pressure and load generated by the body will increase significantly, which leads to the onset of hypertension.

Only then did Liu Yongli know that he was self-defeating, mistook health care products for treasures, and ate his originally healthy body with high blood pressure and high blood lipids. And he does eat a lot of high-cholesterol and high-fat foods on weekdays, especially fried ingredients, such as oil cakes, fried dough sticks, etc., at this time, looking back, I can't help but regret it.

The 94-year-old Chinese medicine doctor said frankly: Hawthorn with one thing, lowering blood pressure and blood lipids, many people still don't know

The doctor prescribed him nifedipine and simvastatin and other drugs to lower blood pressure and regulate blood lipids, and told him to take medicine on time, pay attention to diet, avoid staying up late and other precautions.

After insisting on taking it for a period of time, Liu Yongli felt much better, and the symptoms of dizziness and dizziness almost never appeared again, he was very happy, thinking that the disease should be almost cured, so he took the initiative to stop the medicine.

On May 17, 2018, Liu Yongli went to a gathering of old friends. My friend was very bold and polite, served a lot of big fish and meat, and the chef he invited was also very skilled, Liu Yongli couldn't help but eat more for a while. Unexpectedly, after returning home, he felt dizzy, his face turned pale, and he was covered in cold sweat. Realizing that something was wrong with his body, he hurriedly turned out the blood pressure medication and took it, but after taking the medicine, the symptoms were not alleviated, but he felt that the whole person was shaky, as if he was going to faint in the next second, and his wife saw that his condition was not right, and quickly sent him to the hospital.

The 94-year-old Chinese medicine doctor said frankly: Hawthorn with one thing, lowering blood pressure and blood lipids, many people still don't know

When I went to the hospital, my blood pressure soared to 164/126mmHg, and my blood lipid value also reached 8.2mmol/L. Soon doctors and nurses began emergency treatment for Liu Yongli. The doctor told him that if he left it unchecked, he might have cerebral infarction, stroke, and myocardial infarction in the future as the disease progressed. Liu Yongli was lying on the hospital bed, still a little palpitating, thinking that it would not work like this, if he really had a stroke one day, he didn't know how much trouble he would cause to his children.

After being discharged from the hospital, Liu Yongli looked for a famous doctor everywhere to see a doctor, and it was inevitable to regulate his blood pressure and blood lipids. Unexpectedly, he really found an old-timer in the field of traditional Chinese medicine. The old gentleman is over ninety years old, and now at the age of 94, he is still blinded or deaf, and he is full of energy when he speaks. After treating Liu Yongli symptomatically, he told him three hawthorn diet formulas and asked him to take them in moderation, and his body will naturally change over time.

The 94-year-old Chinese medicine doctor said frankly: Hawthorn with one thing, lowering blood pressure and blood lipids, many people still don't know

Liu Yongli strictly implemented the plan according to the suggestions given to him by the old gentleman. Half a year later, when Liu Yongli went to the hospital again for a reexamination. The results showed that the blood pressure was 124/86mmHg, and the blood lipid also dropped to 1.6, and all indicators basically tended to the normal range. The doctor was shocked that he had been working in the clinic for more than 20 years, and Liu Yongli was the only patient who had controlled his blood pressure and blood lipids so well, which was a miracle in clinical history.

Patients in the same department also heard about Liu Yongli's case, and hurriedly gathered around and asked: How did he control his blood pressure and blood lipids so well. Liu Yongli smiled, and he didn't hide it privately, and directly told the 3 hawthorn formulas that the old Chinese medicine doctor told him...

The first is hawthorn + salvia

Salvia miltiorrhiza can invigorate blood circulation and dispel blood stasis, which can be taken in decoction, soaked in water, or made in soup, which has the effect of protecting blood vessels and preventing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. When it is eaten with hawthorn, it can have the effect of nourishing blood and invigorating qi and maintaining the patency of blood vessels.

The 94-year-old Chinese medicine doctor said frankly: Hawthorn with one thing, lowering blood pressure and blood lipids, many people still don't know

The second is hawthorn + cassia seed

Cassia seeds can moisten the intestines and laxative, not only to make tea, but also to cook porridge. Combined with hawthorn, which lowers blood lipids, it can help the body digest, play a role in harmonizing the liver and dredging the intestines, and can help regulate blood lipids.

The third is hawthorn + chrysanthemum

Chrysanthemum can clear away heat and detoxify, and has the effect of clearing the liver and brightening the purpose. Soaking in water with hawthorn can regulate blood pressure and play a role in promoting blood circulation and removing stasis. In addition, hawthorn and wolfberry are eaten together, which can also nourish the liver and kidney, and have antioxidant effects. Foods such as hawthorn, lotus leaf, and cassia seed can all play a role in helping to regulate blood lipids.

It should be noted that due to the different physiques of individuals, the above collocation is not suitable for everyone. The combination is not for medicinal purposes and is intended for health care purposes only. Hawthorn itself has a sour taste, which has a certain effect on promoting the digestion of greasy meat. Foods such as hawthorn cake and hawthorn cake also help regulate blood lipids in the body.

The 94-year-old Chinese medicine doctor said frankly: Hawthorn with one thing, lowering blood pressure and blood lipids, many people still don't know

It should be noted that from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, hawthorn is only used to replenish, if it is a patient with weak spleen and stomach and excessive gastric acid secretion, the dosage needs to be small, and it is not recommended to take it for a long time, otherwise it may consume the spleen, resulting in abdominal pain and bloating.

Patients with hypertension and hyperlipidemia should not only adjust their diet, but also combine exercise, medication and other comprehensive methods for physical conditioning. In terms of diet, it is not only necessary to be low in salt and fat, but also to avoid high-fat foods and processed foods, such as fried chicken, fatty meat, pickles, cured meats, sausages and other foods.

At the same time, you can increase potassium-containing foods in moderation, which can help regulate blood pressure, such as apples, bananas, black beans, shiitake mushrooms, etc. Foods rich in crude fiber can also be eaten appropriately, such as cornmeal, millet porridge, cereal porridge, etc., which can improve spleen and stomach function. Eating more fresh vegetables, fruits, and foods rich in high-quality protein, such as lettuce, kiwifruit, eggs, fish, etc., can help promote vascular endothelial health and improve physical fitness.

To sum up, the above three dietary therapy and health methods are worth learning from. In addition, quitting smoking and drinking, eating a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, avoiding staying up late, regulating mood, and helping to keep your body healthy.

(Note: "94-year-old Chinese medicine doctor frankly admitted: hawthorn with one thing, lower blood pressure and blood lipids, many people still don't know" The names are pseudonyms, and some pictures are network pictures; Reprinting and plagiarism are prohibited in the article)

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