
Why is licorice tablets, the "miracle medicine for coughs," restricted from being sold and used? The doctor told the truth

author:Dr. Li from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology talks about health

In Xiao Li's medicine cabinet, there is always a box of compound licorice tablets. Whenever the seasons change, he always coughs non-stop. A friend recommended this licorice tablet, which is known as the "miracle medicine for cough", and Xiao Li felt that the effect was remarkable, and it almost became his "life-saving grass".

Recently, however, he found it increasingly difficult to find in pharmacies and even heard that it would be restricted. This puzzled him: why did a medicine that had helped him relieve his cough suddenly have changed like this?

Why is licorice tablets, the "miracle medicine for coughs," restricted from being sold and used? The doctor told the truth

1. Ingredients of compound licorice tablets and their effects

Licorice Compound Tablets are popular for their significant cough suppressant properties, and the main ingredients include licorice flow extract, opium powder, camphor, star anise, and sodium benzenesulfonate. Licorice is a traditional Chinese medicinal herb whose extract is effective in relieving cough and phlegm.

However, the concern is that the addition of opioid powder, a narcotic with a calming effect, can not only lead to physical dependence but also a range of health problems when used for a long time.

Although camphor and star anise enhance their cough suppressant effects, their irritating properties can be taxing on the respiratory system in some people.

In addition, sodium benzene sulfonate as a preservative should also be used with caution in the medical community, as excessive amounts may cause additional stress on the liver. Although this combination drug is designed to significantly alleviate symptoms in the short term, its side effects and potential risks cannot be ignored.

Why is licorice tablets, the "miracle medicine for coughs," restricted from being sold and used? The doctor told the truth

2. Problems caused by compound licorice tablets and their consequences

The use of compound licorice tablets has indeed brought immediate results, allowing many patients to feel a significant relief in cough symptoms in a short period of time.

However, problems also arise. Some users have reported multiple withdrawal symptoms including yawning, runny nose, and typical opioid withdrawal reactions after discontinuing these pills.

To make matters worse, some users become dependent on opioids after long-term use, which not only makes it difficult for them to maintain a normal life without the help of medications, but may also lead them to seek more potent cough suppressants or other opioids.

The development of this dependence, which gradually evolved into a public health problem, has forced medical experts and regulators to reassess the safety and market position of the drug.

Due to these complex side effects and health risks, regulators began restricting the sale and use of compound licorice tablets with the intention of reducing the health risk to the public.

While this measure has caused inconvenience to some patients who rely on the drug, it will help safeguard the health and safety of more people in the long run.

Why is licorice tablets, the "miracle medicine for coughs," restricted from being sold and used? The doctor told the truth

3. Why is the use of compound licorice tablets restricted?

The reason why compound licorice tablets are restricted is rooted in their composition and potential health risks. Despite the drug's remarkable cough suppressant effects, the opioid component it contains has attracted the attention of medical regulators.

Although opioids are effective in relieving pain and cough, they can also easily lead to physical dependence and addiction, and after long-term use, users may exhibit dependent behaviors and even experience withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety, insomnia, sweating, etc.

This dependence makes it difficult for patients to wean themselves off medication, and in severe cases, they may even require professional medical intervention to return to their normal lives.

In many cases, the use of compound licorice tablets is not limited to doctors' prescriptions, and many consumers have been purchasing and using them on their own for a long time through informal channels, ignoring the side effects and risks. The resulting health problems are gradually attracting the attention of public health authorities.

The government and medical institutions began to assess the potential threat to public health of this drug and, taking into account its addiction and the danger of abuse, decided to impose stricter restrictions on its sale and use.

This decision was made to reduce the health crisis that could result from improper use and to protect the safety of the majority of users.

Why is licorice tablets, the "miracle medicine for coughs," restricted from being sold and used? The doctor told the truth

4. Correct response to cough: doctor's advice

Faced with cough and other respiratory symptoms, doctors often advise patients to follow scientific treatments. First, understanding the root cause of your cough is key.

Cough can be a symptom of a cold, flu, allergies, asthma, pneumonia, and many other ailments, so it is crucial to seek the help of a doctor for an accurate diagnosis.

Your doctor may recommend treatment based on the type of cough (such as dry or wet cough), how long it lasts, and accompanying symptoms.

Opioid-containing medications are generally not preferred by doctors when treating cough except in specific circumstances and under strict medical supervision. To avoid potential health risks, more common treatments include cough drops, inhaled medications, and antibiotics if necessary.

In addition, your doctor may recommend lifestyle modifications, such as increasing indoor humidity, drinking plenty of fluids, and avoiding tobacco smoke and other irritants.

Patients should follow their doctor's advice and use their medications rationally. Self-buying medications or long-term use of medications that are not recommended by a doctor, especially those with potential risks like licorice tablets, can cause unnecessary health problems.

Proper medical advice and adherence are key to ensuring treatment outcomes and patient safety.

Why is licorice tablets, the "miracle medicine for coughs," restricted from being sold and used? The doctor told the truth

5. Dietary recommendations for improving cough

Diet plays an important role in relieving cough and speeding up recovery. In general, people with cough are advised to follow an easy-to-digest, nutrient-dense diet.

The first thing to do is to increase your intake of fruits and vegetables, which are rich in vitamins C and E, antioxidants that help strengthen the immune system and fight infections. For example, oranges, kiwis, tomatoes, and berries of all kinds are excellent choices.

In addition, patients should avoid foods that are too greasy or spicy, which may irritate the throat and stomach and worsen cough symptoms. Warm soups can provide a soothing effect, such as chicken soup, which not only provides essential nutrients, but also helps to relieve inflammation in the respiratory tract.

At the same time, adequate water intake is important to keep the respiratory tract moist and helps to dilute the phlegm and make it easier to pass.

Specific foods, such as honey and lemon, are also often recommended for cough relief. Honey has a natural antibacterial and analgesic effect and can be taken at night before bed with a small spoonful to help reduce coughing.

Lemon is rich in vitamin C, which can boost resistance and reduce sore throats. However, it is important to note that honey is not suitable for babies under one year of age.

Why is licorice tablets, the "miracle medicine for coughs," restricted from being sold and used? The doctor told the truth


Correct medication awareness and scientific lifestyle adjustment are the cornerstones of ensuring health. In daily life, a reasonable diet, moderate exercise, and adequate rest are effective means to prevent diseases.

When a condition occurs, the guidance of a medical professional is more important than ever. Doctors not only provide scientific diagnosis, but also design treatment plans and are able to formulate the most appropriate treatment for each individual's specific situation.

In the future, I hope that each of us can treat our health more rationally under professional guidance, and cherish and protect this priceless wealth.

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