
Grow these 2 kinds of "small red dots" on the body, don't think it is allergies, that is the "distress" signal sent by the body, have you found that the original clean body, sometimes inexplicably wonderful growth

author:Poria cocos health

These 2 kinds of "small red dots" grow on the body, don't think it is allergy, that is the "distress" signal sent by the body

Have you noticed that the original clean body sometimes grows some small things inexplicably.

Some have no color, some are black, some are red, and they are not painful or itchy.

In fact, these are normal phenomena, mostly caused by daily stimulation or pigment deposition, but there are also some special "small red dots", which may be signals from the disease, especially these 2 kinds, don't be careless.

[These 2 kinds of "little red dots" suddenly appear on the body, reminding: most of them are the liver calling for help]

1. Spider mole

Spider anvils are common on the face, neck, chest, back of the hands, and shoulders. Bright red in color, varies in size and can range from needle size to several centimeters. It is characterized by a central point surrounded by radially dilated capillaries, resembling a spider, so it is called a spider mole.

In men with spider anvils on the surface, 85% of people may have liver tissue lesions of varying degrees, of which about 30% are cirrhosis. When any or more of the above skin vascular manifestations occur for unknown reasons, you should go to the hospital in time to check whether you have liver disease.

2. Blood mole

People with bad livers will have another kind of "little red dot" on their bodies, that is, blood moles!

Damage to the liver leads to a decrease in estrogen inactivation, and blood nevi can occur, usually above the trunk, especially on the face, neck, and hands.

See "Surgical Authenticity" Volume IV, because the liver is angry and depressed, its shape is initially red like a mole, and gradually grows like a bean, and the blood flows.

If you find that you have a lot of blood-red moles on your body, check your liver, which is usually a sign of liver damage.

[Liver is not good, in addition to these "small red dots", but also pay attention to "1 black and 1 yellow"]

1. Black face

Medically, this phenomenon is called pigmentation, which is caused by disorders of melanin metabolism caused by liver lesions. Patients often present with a dark and dark complexion, especially around the orbit.

2. Yellowing of urine

Urine yellow many people may have paid attention to, may be yellow today, tomorrow urine is light again.

However, the frequent appearance of urinary yellow for a period of time may be caused by liver disease, mainly because the excretion of bilirubin is metabolized through the liver and intestines, once the excretion channel of the biliary tract encounters obstruction, bilirubin directly enters the blood and is excreted from the kidneys, which will lead to yellowing of the urine.

Therefore, if it is only once or twice of urine yellow, for a short time and there is no other discomfort, there is no need to worry. However, if the urine is yellow for a long time, we must pay attention to whether there are other symptoms in the body, such as jaundice, tiredness, discomfort and pain in the upper abdomen, and go to the hospital in time for relevant examinations.

[Bad liver will also have the following signals]

1, dry mouth bitter, often fart;

2, the head emits oil, hair loss is serious;

3. Dry eyes, long-term dark circles;

4. Cheeks are prone to liver spots and acne;

5. The back is greasy and acne-stingy;

6, stool sticky toilet, urine yellow as tea;

7. There is a lot of fat in the waist and abdomen, and the body odor is large;

8. Emotional irritability, gratuitous tiredness, depression;

9. Insomnia, dreams, migraine;

10, less than 40 years old, two sideburns white;

【If you want to stay away from liver disease, 3 small things to do every day】

1. Exercise more and pass the liver meridian

Exercise can promote blood flow, help eliminate internal garbage in the human body, and promote liver ability repair. Exercise can also dredge the liver meridians, gradually reduce liver pressure, and benefit liver health.

There are many exercise modes, you can choose to walk, jogg, tai chi, cycling, etc., you can also tap the meridians and acupuncture points every day.

2. Sleep well

As we all know, staying up late hurts the liver. The reason why many people are weak in qi and blood, and their faces are yellow and weak, is that they often stay up late and hurt their livers, so as the saying goes, women sleep to sleep beauty, sleep well, better than all skin care products.

At this time, it is best to go to bed before 11 o'clock at night, get up before 7 o'clock the next day, and ensure eight hours of sleep. Before going to bed, you can soak your feet and listen to soothing music.

3. Drink more water to detoxify liver poison

Drinking plenty of water is good for digesting, absorbing, and eliminating waste products, reducing damage to the liver from metabolites and toxins.

In summer, people's temper is easily affected by the weather and becomes irritable, which can also damage the liver. Studies have found that when people are angry, the toxins in the blood and liver cells increase, and irritable people are 8 times more likely to develop liver disease than the average person.

Tea is rich in catechins and tea polyphenols, which can help the liver excrete toxins in time. In the summer, you can drink some herbal tea to drain liver poison while replenishing water.

Honeysuckle: detoxifying, enhancing immunity;

Chrysanthemum: lower liver fire, nourish the eyes and clear the liver;

Cassia seeds: clear liver and eyes, diarrhea liver fire, flat liver yang;

Goji berries: clear liver and eyesight, nourish liver and kidneys, improve the eyesight;

Osmanthus flower: clear the heart and remove troubles, relieve liver and rational qi;

Burdock root: liver protection and detoxification, enhance liver metabolism capacity;

Together, soak one cup a day in combination to help reduce liver damage, and the liver will slowly get better.

【Tomato beneficial product】Honeysuckle chrysanthemum cassia tea goji berry osmanthus tea 150 grams new upgrade

Grow these 2 kinds of "small red dots" on the body, don't think it is allergies, that is the "distress" signal sent by the body, have you found that the original clean body, sometimes inexplicably wonderful growth
Grow these 2 kinds of "small red dots" on the body, don't think it is allergies, that is the "distress" signal sent by the body, have you found that the original clean body, sometimes inexplicably wonderful growth
Grow these 2 kinds of "small red dots" on the body, don't think it is allergies, that is the "distress" signal sent by the body, have you found that the original clean body, sometimes inexplicably wonderful growth

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