
E-commerce big data analysis|In the post-epidemic period, the demand for honeysuckle is on the rise

author:Zhongkang Yunling Fu Qing master

Honeysuckle is from the "Compendium of Materia Medica", which is a variety that can be planted for many years at a time. Honeysuckle mainly has the effects of clearing heat and detoxifying, evacuating wind and heat, etc., which can be taken internally and externally, and has a good antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, and is known as "plant antibiotic".

Honeysuckle is an anti-epidemic variety, and after experiencing a sharp rise in prices during the epidemic period, the current market has gradually returned to normal levels.

In this issue, Zhongkang Yunling Traditional Chinese Medicine Industry Big Data Center analyzes this variety according to the honeysuckle sales data of Taobao Tmall platform in 2023.

1. The consumption of raw materials for honeysuckle (single variety) is greater

E-commerce big data analysis|In the post-epidemic period, the demand for honeysuckle is on the rise

Figure 1: TOP100 sales volume and raw material consumption of honeysuckle-related products on Taobao Tmall platform in 2023

As can be seen from Figure 1, in 2023, the consumption of alloy honeysuckle medicinal materials in the top 100 honeysuckle products (including health tea with honeysuckle in the formula) sold on the Taobao Tmall platform will be 225 tons, and it is estimated that in 2023, the total amount of honeysuckle-related products sold on the e-commerce platform will be about 416 tons.

In 2023, there will be 2,848 SKUs of honeysuckle products on the Taobao Tmall platform, with a total sales volume of 1.362 million, of which 655,000 SKUs with the top 100 sales volume will be sold, accounting for 48.08%. On the other hand, the sales volume of the top 100 product SKUs of health tea containing honeysuckle raw materials (hereinafter referred to as honeysuckle health tea) was 2.66 million. The consumption base of honeysuckle health tea products is larger, and summer is the best-selling season for honeysuckle (single variety).

Second, the price of honeysuckle (single variety) is stable and declining

E-commerce big data analysis|In the post-epidemic period, the demand for honeysuckle is on the rise

Figure 2: Distribution of the sales price segment of the top 100 honeysuckle (single variety) products sold on Taobao and Tmall platforms in 2023

In 2023, the sales of the top 100 honeysuckle (single variety) on the Taobao Tmall platform will be 17.05 million yuan, accounting for 31.4% of the total sales of honeysuckle (single variety). From the perspective of the sales price of TOP100 honeysuckle (single variety), the SKU price is dominated by goods below 20 yuan, and the number of sales of goods below 20 yuan is 400,000, accounting for 61.2%.

Figure 3: Distribution of the sales volume of the top 100 honeysuckle (health tea) products on Taobao and Tmall platforms in 2023

In terms of honeysuckle health tea, the sales volume of the top 100 products is about 140 million yuan. From the perspective of the distribution of the sales price band of TOP100 honeysuckle health tea, the price is mainly 30-40 yuan, and the number of SKUs sold between 30-40 yuan is 1.026 million, accounting for 38.53%.

From the point of view of the distribution of honeysuckle price band changes every month, with the decline in the price of honeysuckle raw materials, the purchase cost of merchants has decreased, the price of commodities has been lowered, and the sales volume of the price band below 20 yuan has gradually increased, and at the same time, the average price of commodities in the second half of the year has also decreased compared with the first half of the year, and the average price has basically remained at around 25 yuan.

3. Honeysuckle is most often used with heat-clearing and anti-surface medicinal materials

E-commerce big data analysis|In the post-epidemic period, the demand for honeysuckle is on the rise

Figure 4: The word cloud of the top 100 honeysuckle (health tea) ingredients in sales in 2023

As can be seen from Figure 4, under the premise of following the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, honeysuckle health tea is mainly used with heat-clearing and anti-surface varieties, such as chrysanthemum, wolfberry, cassia seed, etc., to achieve the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, moistening the lungs and nourishing the liver.

Fourth, honeysuckle is suitable for both internal and external use

E-commerce big data analysis|In the post-epidemic period, the demand for honeysuckle is on the rise

Table 1: Top 10 sales volume of honeysuckle products in Taobao nourishing and health care category in 2023

In 2023, most of the top 10 best-selling products of honeysuckle can not only be drunk in tea and water every day to relieve symptoms such as sore throat, but also suitable for babies to take a bath to relieve itchy skin and treat eczema and other symptoms.

Fifth, the current honeysuckle market is mainly stable

E-commerce big data analysis|In the post-epidemic period, the demand for honeysuckle is on the rise

Figure 5: Honeysuckle market price trend of medicinal materials from 2018 to 2023 (unit: yuan/kg)

Current price trend: Honeysuckle mature plants generally need 3-5 years to enter the full flowering period, and the full flowering period can be as long as 5-10 years, with the characteristics of one-year planting and multi-year harvesting. At the beginning of 2023, affected by the opening of the epidemic, the price of honeysuckle has skyrocketed, and the current price of honeysuckle has dropped to about 160 yuan/kg.

E-commerce big data analysis|In the post-epidemic period, the demand for honeysuckle is on the rise

Figure 6: Medium and long-term price trend forecast of Zhongkang Yunling honeysuckle (unit: yuan/kg)

For more detailed data and analysis, please log in to Zhongkang Yunling Variety Insight Product Query


Future Quotes:

1. Insufficient momentum for the market to rise Due to the particularly large planting area of honeysuckle and sufficient production, if there is no major disaster or epidemic impact in the later stage, it is difficult for honeysuckle to increase its price, and it is also conducive to a moderate reduction in production. In the medium and long term, the price of honeysuckle will fall steadily in the future. For traditional Chinese medicine manufacturers or e-commerce sellers, it is recommended to pay attention to the changes in respiratory diseases such as influenza, purchase with the market, and reduce inventory. At the same time, attention should be paid to the reduction of production capacity of domestic species, which may shorten the duration of the low price cycle.

2. Personalized factors to stimulate the market There are the following situations that may stimulate the phased rise of the honeysuckle market: first, strong capital intervention, second, large-scale upper respiratory tract epidemic raging again, third, the quality threshold is raised, such as the ban on honeysuckle, honeysuckle branches and stalks mixed into the use of policy measures and so on.

With the rise of traditional Chinese medicine health craze, coupled with the epidemic in recent years and the high incidence of respiratory diseases at the end of 2023, the consumption and demand of honeysuckle as a tea drink and ingredient in e-commerce channels are in an upward cycle.

(Unless otherwise noted in the article, the data are from Zhongkang Yunling)

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