
A little thought from reading "Mr. Toad Goes to the Psychiatrist"

Books are the ladder of human progress

This is a primer on psychology, which explains in a simple and simple way the process of generating, treating and recovering some psychological problems.

The formation of psychological problems: Psychological problems generally occur in childhood, and have a lot to do with the parents' education style and family environment.

The process of growing up in life is generally divided into three stages (excluding Dink and Celibacy);

1. The stage of children and youth; this stage is also the stage that is most prone to psychological problems or buried psychological hidden dangers.

2, the adult stage; if there are psychological problems in childhood, it is generally easy to be induced at this stage.

3. The stage of parenthood; the stage of growing up again after adulthood.

In everyone's life, these three stages are the first time in life, there is no experience, it is groping through.

Wise people or wise parents will find some references and read some books to make themselves or their children walk better at every step.

Types of Parents:

1, doting parents; the greatest damage to the child's future, will cause the child's future is too self-sufficient, will not get along with others;

2, picky parents; the child's performance is very dissatisfied, often compared with other people's children, it is easy to cause children's psychological problems, easy to trigger children's rebellion;

3, laissez-faire parents; do not ask about the child's situation, the child's autonomy is extremely strong, easy to cause not close to the parents and rebellious character;

4. Friend-type parents; the type that is most conducive to the healthy growth of children, who can talk with parents and share happiness and distress.

Basic emotions in children:

Happy and affectionate




Among the basic emotions of these children, fear is the most prone to psychological problems, and parents need to help the intimidated children in time not to let fear leave a psychological shadow on their young minds.

Child's ego status:

Natural type children

Adaptable children

How children respond to children with discerning parents:

The biggest help in childhood is the parents and the environment, whether the child can grow up healthy and happy, the parents' education will play a decisive role.

Mr. Toad's psychological problems are caused by childhood.

Mr. Toad's parents are of the picky type, the father is extremely strict with Mr. Toad, and the mother can only obey the father.

Unable to resist his father, Mr. Toad takes a negative approach to coping with procrastination, boredom and withdrawal compromise, and buries the hidden danger of psychological problems.

Mismatch between mental age and physiological age:

Ideally, the psychological age of the child is slightly greater than the physiological age from childhood to adulthood, and it is usually said that the child is more mature. The ideal situation after the age of forty is that the mental age is slightly less than the physiological age. The usual saying is that the mentality is good.

The best medicine for children's psychological problems is communication and inspiration;

To do these two steps, the first thing is to gain the trust of the child.

Preaching is not a good method;

Asking questions, clicking, inspiring children to think and find answers is a good way, which can not only awaken children's curiosity, but also easily make children interested in learning.

When it comes to children's education, parents have to pay more learning and effort than their children.

For patients with psychological problems:

First, you must make sure that the patient trusts you, and you can continue with a sense of trust;

Without a sense of trust, the patient will not open up, the doctor will not know the patient's true situation, and it will be difficult to find the entry point to solve the problem.

The second is to let the patient speak and pour out his feelings and thoughts;

If the patient can speak, confiding in the heart is a very good start, and the process of the patient's heart is also a good emotional release and reduction of psychological pressure, which is a good start.

Third, inspire, not preach; inspire patients to think for themselves about what's the problem? How to solve it;

Preaching is a very ineffective way, especially for children, the real effect is to inspire patients to think about the causes themselves, find the cause, the patient himself will find a solution, which is much more effective than preaching, after all, the problem is his, only if he understands where the problem is, he knows how to solve it.

Fourth, analyze the causes of the problem with the patient;

Throughout the process, the doctor only plays an auxiliary role, inspiring and guiding the patient through his own efforts to get out of the predicament.

Fifth, introduce cases and games to guide patients to self-analysis and guide patients out of difficult situations.

What ordinary people usually lack most is introspection and self-analysis, which are the most critical and effective ways to understand themselves and solve problems.

"Mr. Toad Goes to the Psychiatrist" is a good introductory book on psychology, and friends who like psychology or want to study psychology can read it.

This book is also suitable for young parents and friends to read.

In terms of the method of education about children, it can be read together with "To Kill a Mockingbird".

"To Kill a Mockingbird" is a good father's way of educating his son and daughter; "Mr. Toad Goes to the Psychiatrist" tells some analysis of children's psychological problems. Combining these two books, I believe that young parents will have a good inspiration for educating their children.

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