
Close丨The three major A-share indexes all fell by more than 1%, and more than 4,500 stocks fell

Close丨The three major A-share indexes all fell by more than 1%, and more than 4,500 stocks fell


2024-05-23 15:22Posted on the official account of Shanghai Yicai

On May 23, the three major A-share indexes opened low throughout the day, and as of the close, the Shanghai Composite Index fell 1.33%, the Shenzhen Component Index fell 1.56%, and the ChiNext Index fell 1.38%.

Close丨The three major A-share indexes all fell by more than 1%, and more than 4,500 stocks fell

Wind data shows that more than 4,500 stocks in the whole market fell.

The full-day turnover of the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges was 847.7 billion, an increase of 16.5 billion from the previous trading day.

Close丨The three major A-share indexes all fell by more than 1%, and more than 4,500 stocks fell

On the disk, most of the industry sectors closed down, and only a few sectors such as AI PC, consumer electronics, and national defense and military industry rose. Precious metals, education, tourism, media, brain-computer interfaces and other sectors were among the top decliners.

AI PC concept stocks strengthened against the market, as of the close, Yingli shares 20% limit, Feirongda rose 10%, Emdoor Information, Aoshikang, etc. followed up.

Close丨The three major A-share indexes all fell by more than 1%, and more than 4,500 stocks fell

The real estate development sector is partially active, Chongqing Development has 3 boards, Xinhualian has a daily limit, and Urban Construction Development, Binjiang Group, Vanke A, etc. have followed suit.

Close丨The three major A-share indexes all fell by more than 1%, and more than 4,500 stocks fell

Stocks on the Beijing Stock Exchange strengthened against the market, with the Beijing Stock Exchange 50 Index closing up 1.68%, and Ahwit and Kaihua Materials up 30%.

Close丨The three major A-share indexes all fell by more than 1%, and more than 4,500 stocks fell

【Fund Flow】

The main funds had a net inflow into the national defense and military industry sector at the end of the day, and a net outflow from the power equipment, computers, non-ferrous metals and other sectors.

Close丨The three major A-share indexes all fell by more than 1%, and more than 4,500 stocks fell

【Institutional Perspectives】

Caitong Securities: The Shanghai Composite Index has a critical change on a weekly basis, and the market volume and energy level is relatively reasonable, showing a certain degree of resilience. At present, the money-making effect is not obvious, so it is recommended to hold stocks to rise and pay attention to the profit-taking of profitable positions. There is pressure from 3150 to 3200 points above the Shanghai Composite Index, and the market is likely to move in a narrow range at this stage, and then there may be a new main line to drive a rebound.

Everbright Securities: As a strategic emerging industry, the low-altitude economy is developing rapidly around the world. Looking forward to the future, the development of low-altitude economy can drive the development of the industrial chain on the one hand and form new advantageous industries; On the other hand, it can shape new ways of travel and entertainment, and stimulate residents' consumption.

Guodu Securities: Nvidia's financial report exceeded expectations, and the stock split operation is expected to boost the premium. However, it should also be noted that the high stock price after a five-fold increase since last year may have fully reflected the market's pricing of performance expectations. The A-share related computing power industry chain deserves continued attention.

(This article is from Yicai)

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  • Close丨The three major A-share indexes all fell by more than 1%, and more than 4,500 stocks fell
  • Close丨The three major A-share indexes all fell by more than 1%, and more than 4,500 stocks fell
  • Close丨The three major A-share indexes all fell by more than 1%, and more than 4,500 stocks fell
  • Close丨The three major A-share indexes all fell by more than 1%, and more than 4,500 stocks fell
  • Close丨The three major A-share indexes all fell by more than 1%, and more than 4,500 stocks fell
  • Close丨The three major A-share indexes all fell by more than 1%, and more than 4,500 stocks fell

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