
Whether a husband and wife can grow old with a white head depends on this, not anything else

In the matter of feelings, many people will care too much about other people's opinions, but ignore the most important, their own feelings.

Especially marriage, compared to feelings, marriage may involve more people and more things, and often everyone will consider more.

On the road of life, the shoes should fit, the people should be in tune, your changes and pay, to leave to the people who deserve it, how others see it, in fact, it is really not so important.

But the feelings are good, the marriage is good, even if you leave other people aside, just between the parties, there will be various problems, and the so-called love is easy to get along with and it is more difficult to keep each other.

Facts have proved that whether a husband and wife can grow old with their bare hands depends on this, not anything else.

Whether a husband and wife can grow old with a white head depends on this, not anything else

1. Tolerance is the embodiment of love

I believe that everyone will have such an experience, the same thing different people will do different effects, if it is a nasty person, even if the matter itself does not make everyone disgusted, it will also extend negative emotions to the essence of the matter because of disgust for each other.

If it is replaced by a person you like, even if this matter itself is disgusting to everyone, it will also greatly reduce the disgusted emotions because of this love in your heart, and even take the initiative to find various reasons and excuses for the other party to make this matter more rational.

So it is not difficult to see from here that love will make people more inclusive, although this tolerance is targeted, but we have to admit that tolerance is a manifestation of love.

Whether a husband and wife can grow old with a white head depends on this, not anything else

When we fall in love with a person, we will involuntarily become generous, even if the other party does something they don't like, they will tolerate each other as much as possible, without too much harshness.

For couples, there may not only be love in life, but love is the precondition for two people to be able to go hand in hand, if there is no love, even if the objective factors are perfect, this marriage is still difficult to reach the end.

2. Tolerance is the cornerstone of getting along for a long time

Compared with the love fire between the electric light and flint, the two people get along together, it is the most difficult, everyone has their own temperament, no one is willing to change easily, and most importantly, it is not easy to change this thing itself.

Initially, because there is passion as a support, even if there is a contradiction, it can be infinitely reduced, but the passion is time-sensitive, and after it gradually dissipates, the shortcomings of each other will be infinitely magnified, and then it is time to test each other.

Whether a husband and wife can grow old with a white head depends on this, not anything else

The disintegration of many marriages and love also began here, but there are also many people who, after experiencing this period of time, let the feelings further sublimate, and the key factor that dominates the deterioration or sublimation lies in tolerance.

In the case of sufficient tolerance, many contradictions will be resolved invisibly, unnecessary quarrels will not appear, and feelings will naturally be more stable.

In fact, many people also know their own shortcomings and deficiencies, so they are also aware of their lover's tolerance and tolerance, and they will be grateful and moved.

Under the pull of this emotion, they will try to change themselves, and then let the relationship last longer, so in the process of getting along with two people, tolerance is a very important cornerstone, if even this can not be done, the marriage will be in a precarious situation.

Whether a husband and wife can grow old with a white head depends on this, not anything else

3) Tolerance is a virtue

Even if marriage is not discussed, simply in terms of the character of tolerance, it is a kind of virtue, and when we return to life, we will surely meet a variety of people, people with temperaments, and people who are disgusted by everyone in all aspects such as personality.

But there is a point, you hate does not mean that the other party is not good, may just be different from each other's three views, so at this time you need to be tolerant enough.

When you have an inclusive heart, you will not be too extreme when looking at problems, your mentality will gradually be peaceful, and your interpersonal relationships will not be too bad.

And people who know how to tolerate, often the character is not bad, but also know how to get along with people, when entering the marriage, and the lover will be easier to get along with than others.

Whether a husband and wife can grow old with a white head depends on this, not anything else

From the above content, it is not difficult to see that couples want to go long, tolerance is really important, the reason why there are many couples quarreling, a large part of the reason is that they are not tolerant of each other.

Perhaps for many small partners, although they can also be tolerant, but the degree is very limited, and while they tolerate each other, they will also ask each other to know how to be grateful.

Having such an idea is itself wrong, tolerance can be seen as selfless dedication in marriage, not asking for return, once everyone has a utilitarian heart, then the whole thing will deteriorate.

Whether a husband and wife can grow old with a white head depends on this, not anything else

Your maturity is not because you have lived for many years, how many roads you have traveled and how many failures you have experienced, but because you have learned to give up, learned to be tolerant, and know how not to argue.

Many people think that as long as they are adult, they are mature, in fact, many people are not mature enough even if they have passed the age of establishment, when you really learn these, marriage or love, it is not a difficult thing for you, because at that time, you have really learned how to love people.

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