
As the saying goes, "Poor couples are sad", why can many couples share suffering, but they can't share happiness?

There are only two kinds of people on Earth, one is a man and the other is a woman. So from the day of the birth of mankind, love is an eternal theme.

A healthy love often develops in the direction of marriage, and a small family is established. Although love is sweet and romantic, it will eventually turn to reality in marriage, and when two people who love each other become husband and wife, the sweetness and romance that were once sweet will gradually be replaced by chai rice oil and salt and various family frictions.

As the saying goes, "Poor couples are sad", why can many couples share suffering, but they can't share happiness?

husband and wife

Although any couple who enter the marriage hall hope to be married forever and grow old with one heart and one head, as the saying goes, "Husband and wife are the same forest bird, and the great trouble is about to fly separately", similar sayings include "there is firewood and rice is husband and wife, and there is no firewood and no rice for each thing".

Although people look forward to the beauty of love and marriage, there is always a pessimistic side in real life, and even, people generally believe that the poor and difficult family environment, or in the face of danger and difficulties, often makes marriage very fragile, which also has the saying that "poor couples are sad".

As the saying goes, "Poor couples are sad", why can many couples share suffering, but they can't share happiness?

husband and wife

Of course, many people know that the saying "poor and lowly couples Pepsi lament" is from the Tang Dynasty poet Yuan Shu's poem "Sending Sorrows", which originally meant that after the death of his wife, Yuan Shu recalled the days when they were poor and lowly, and could not help but feel more sad in sadness!

In life, there will indeed be many couples who will work and fly apart because of family economic difficulties, especially in modern society, this situation is very common, so everyone feels that "sharing happiness and suffering" only exists in the ideal marriage relationship, which also leads to many people will "poor and lowly couples Pepsi Lament" The phrase is understood literally.

As the saying goes, "Poor couples are sad", why can many couples share suffering, but they can't share happiness?

husband and wife

However, everything is not absolute, because at the same time we can also see that there are many couples, in fact, are suffering all the way together, and when they finally survive to strive for a happy life, they gradually alienate, and even to the point of divorce, husband and wife can "share pain" but can not "share the same happiness" Cases abound, why is there such a phenomenon?

In fact, it is not only that husband and wife can share hardships and cannot share the same happiness, but also between relatives, friends, and even partners, such as many good friends who have partnered to start a business, in the most difficult stage of entrepreneurship, everyone can often work together in the same boat, but once they have successfully made a fortune, they may begin infighting, and even make trouble to the court of the court.

As the saying goes, "Poor couples are sad", why can many couples share suffering, but they can't share happiness?

husband and wife

Can share suffering but can not be the same happiness, in fact, is hidden in human nature of a malignant gene, not only husband and wife, friends, entrepreneurial partners, it can be said that any kind of cooperative relationship, there may be a common suffering but can not be the same end, such a phenomenon, in fact, unveiled the truest side of human nature.

You know, the spirit of human cooperation is based on adversity such as danger and disaster, because in such an environment it is difficult for individuals to survive, and only by cooperating with each other can we move forward hand in hand, whether it is natural disasters or wars and plagues, only through mutual cooperation can victory be possible.

The same is true for husband and wife, in difficult times, husband and wife rely on each other to work together, for each other is both a psychological and emotional need, but also a practical need caused by the actual living conditions.

As the saying goes, "Poor couples are sad", why can many couples share suffering, but they can't share happiness?

husband and wife

But once rich, this need for mutual dependence will gradually be hidden, and even make people have the illusion of "without you, I will live better", so quarrels and contradictions follow, and this cruel reality has long been written all over history.

So, how can we make cooperation forever? How can the feelings between husband and wife be forever young? I think the biggest magic weapon is to constantly find new dependence needs, only each other can never leave each other, cooperation can be sustainable, love can be old, how to do it specifically, let's leave it to the follow-up article to discuss!

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