
The daughter is provided for graduate school, so as to find a husband, and the son is supplied to college graduation and quickly earn money to support the family

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In the morning, I brushed a message that the current graduate students are all "girl scouts", and the tutor is helpless and asks where the boys have gone.

There was a girl who worked hard to get into graduate school, but when the tutor selected the students, she said a word that made her happy, the tutor wanted boys, but all the girls came.

It's a real phenomenon.

More than a decade ago, the ratio of male to female graduate students was 7:3, but now the male-female ratio of graduate students is 4:6, which is not surprising that it is a girl scout.

This reminds me of the views of many parents at present: let the daughter go to graduate school, find a good husband later, let the son read until college graduation, hurry to the social experience, so as to earn money to support the family.

The daughter is provided for graduate school, so as to find a husband, and the son is supplied to college graduation and quickly earn money to support the family

Why has the male-female ratio of graduate students reversed?

More than ten years ago, I did not mention it, at that time, the concept was conservative and backward, not to mention graduate school, that is, normal reading, but also boys and girls.

The times have opened up, so why are the number of boys in graduate school now inferior to that of girls?

The number of boys studying in graduate school is relatively more than ten years ago, it is definitely an increasing trend, 10 years ago, when we graduated, we said "undergraduates grab a handful, graduate students are more popular", now undergraduates are everywhere, graduate students "one grasp a handful".

The overall trend is increasing, but the number of female graduate students is growing faster, and there is already a trend of overtaking.

The daughter is provided for graduate school, so as to find a husband, and the son is supplied to college graduation and quickly earn money to support the family

There are several reasons for this:

1. The attitude of parents affects the child's choice

As mentioned above, many parents have different attitudes towards their sons and daughters, and parents will think that their daughters will graduate from graduate school, increase their own capital, and can find a husband with good conditions.

Unless boys really have the ability to engage in scientific research, they still graduate early to earn money to support their families, and practical work experience is more important.

Because some parents think this way, girls continue to go to graduate school, and boys graduate from college and work.

The daughter is provided for graduate school, so as to find a husband, and the son is supplied to college graduation and quickly earn money to support the family

2, boys are good employment

Graduating from college ten years ago was already equivalent to unemployment, and in the blink of an eye we have all graduated for ten years.

Before graduating from college, most of the students were prepared for "grasping with both hands", signed a job, joined the work, and did not find a job, then went to graduate school.

Relatively more difficult than girls to find a job this reality, boys to find a job is relatively easy, some jobs are indeed willing to recruit boys, because boys can suffer, girls have requirements for the environment.

When I graduated from college, there was a power plant that recruited people, which directly indicated that I wanted boys, because the working environment was not very good, and girls were inconvenient.

The employment situation of boys is good, the belief of male students in graduate school is much lower, and the employment situation of female students is poor, so it is just a matter of taking graduate school, hoping to have better opportunities.

The daughter is provided for graduate school, so as to find a husband, and the son is supplied to college graduation and quickly earn money to support the family

3, it is not that the boys do not want to take the test, it is that they have not been admitted

Another reason is that in fact, there are not many boys participating in the examination, but many boys did not wholeheartedly prepare for the exam when they first took the graduate school, half-heartedly, riding a donkey to find a horse, and finally the results were not satisfactory.

It's not that boys don't want to go to graduate school, it's that they didn't get in, and there's no way.

In contrast, girls are much more down-to-earth, serious preparation, and high online rate.

The daughter is provided for graduate school, so as to find a husband, and the son is supplied to college graduation and quickly earn money to support the family

Do you want to provide for your child to go to graduate school?

Whether the child wants to go to graduate school, the first thing to look at is not the employment situation, can not because the current employment is not good, you want to let the child continue to study for graduate school, this is an escape problem, because the employment situation can only be more and more tense year by year.

Whether the child should go to graduate school, should look at the child personally, if the child is really suitable for scientific research, or in-depth research, and the child has the internal driving force to learn, good at thinking, willing to spend time and time to study, which shows that the child is really suitable for graduate school.

In fact, whether the child is really suitable for research, parents must know, because the child's state speaks for everything.

"If you can't find a job, just continue to study for graduate school", this attitude is a negative attitude, and children should go to society in advance to experience and change their previous style.

The daughter is provided for graduate school, so as to find a husband, and the son is supplied to college graduation and quickly earn money to support the family

Whether a child should go to graduate school should not be based on the general environment, but should be based on the child's personal standard.

By the time the child graduates from college, he is more than 20 years old, he is already an adult, they are fully able to handle their own affairs, and they are fully able to make decisions about their own affairs, and what parents have to do is not force interference, but sit down and communicate well.

This matter is related to the future of the child, if the child is not suitable for scientific research, even if it is through the effort to do the topic of admission to graduate school, it only prolongs the time of employment, in this case, undergraduate or graduate school, there is not much difference, the only difference is three years later employment.

If the child is really suitable for in-depth research, three years of graduate school, it will make the child transform.

The daughter is provided for graduate school, so as to find a husband, and the son is supplied to college graduation and quickly earn money to support the family

Don't let your daughter go to graduate school with the attitude of "let your daughter find a good place to return"

Parents of the kind of "daughter to graduate school" to increase their own capital, the concept of finding a good husband in the future can also be abandoned, unless the parents have enough capital, like the internet celebrity Mei, foreign study abroad gilded, and then as an international student into Peking University, and finally find a good husband.

If the parents are not so capable, this gold does not have to be spent.

Whether a girl goes to graduate school is the same as whether a boy goes to graduate school, that is, whether an individual wants to further his or her education, whether he can calm down and study, rather than being affected by the environment.

If you want to get a higher salary, it is even more unnecessary, we have graduated for ten years, it turns out that the work after graduate school is not necessarily higher than the salary after undergraduate students, graduate students in school for three years, undergraduate students in society for three years, these three years is seniority.

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