
"I graduated from a famous school, 50 years old unemployed, a chicken feather": what is the purpose of people living?

"I graduated from a famous school, 50 years old unemployed, a chicken feather": what is the purpose of people living?


When there are more and more people in the world, we will eventually be buried in the sea of people. People come and go, people gather and scatter, I don't know how to be good.

Some people say that they might as well improve their academic qualifications, improve their abilities, and then make a living in society.

As everyone knows, there are countless people with higher education and stronger abilities than you. Sometimes, when you look back at your own life, you will find that your life is actually so small.

Human beings, after all, cannot get rid of these two words, one is ordinary, the other is helpless.

Even if you are in a certain position, you will still be constrained. More importantly, the position you are in is not always owned by you, and it will eventually become a pocket of people at some point in the future.

In this regard, some people have put forward an idea, since life is so difficult, then what are we living for?

In fact, most people have been looking for it all their lives, but it still backfires. You know, when people understand the meaning of their lives, it proves that they have endured too many twists and turns, and they have experienced too many sufferings.

Only when you are in darkness can you see the light; only when you fall into the lowest valley can you look up and see through the world; only after half a life can you have an epiphany.

You know, life is a process of continuous exploration and continuous helplessness.

"I graduated from a famous school, 50 years old unemployed, a chicken feather": what is the purpose of people living?


"I graduated from a famous school, 50 years old unemployed, why not a chicken feather"

One of my compatriots, Mr. Wang, is a 985 master's student in the Eight Classics, but he was unemployed when he was 50 years old.

According to him, his company would rather be young than older employees. This finally chilled the hearts of the company's old people. If you can be ten years younger, you must definitely mess with him. But now that I am old, I have no energy to toss.

In fact, in his early years, Mr. Wang was admitted to college because he was well educated. At that time, college students were simply the pride of heaven. However, after reading the book, he did not go to work in state-owned enterprises, but went to coastal cities to work hard and joined the private enterprises.

According to his words at that time, now that the economy is developing so rapidly and the tide of going to the sea is vigorous, who wants to stay in an ordinary state-owned enterprise for a lifetime? Therefore, he went to the Pearl River Delta to collect gold.

When he was thirty-three years old, he found that his ability was inferior to that of the people around him, and he felt a little powerless. At this time, he attributed the lack of personal ability to "insufficient education"

So, he made a choice and resigned for graduate school. In the case that the child needs to be raised at birth and the wife has no time to find a job with the child, it is really strange that he did not work to go to graduate school.

Perhaps, this is the difference in thinking and concepts between people.

"I graduated from a famous school, 50 years old unemployed, a chicken feather": what is the purpose of people living?


After two years of examination, he was also successfully admitted to graduate school. It took three or four years, and he also graduated. However, his wife and children have been suffering and living a particularly poor life.

Whenever his wife talks about him, she immediately says that he is stereotyped, does not know how to be flexible, and will not think about his family.

After coming out of graduate school, he only had one feeling, house prices began to rise, and he had been renting a house in the Pearl River Delta, and he had not bought a house, and now he did not even have ten thousand yuan.

There was no way, he could only desperately find a job, hoping to use his graduate degree in exchange for the "favor" of the market. But it backfired, he was rejected for the interview, or he was dismissed after three months of probation, and others thought he was incompetent.

After going around, he eventually went into sales. In fact, his mentality at that time was broken. I am a master's degree graduate of a prestigious university, how can I compete with these people who have graduated from high school? Isn't the market rushing for me?

With such an idea, Mr. Wang has not been able to develop. In his eyes, he is an undergraduate student of a famous school of the Eight Classics of Zheng'er and a master of a famous school of the Eight Classics of Zheng'er, why can't he live the life he wants?

To this day, he doesn't even have his own house, and he has been mixing around in the journey of life, and he doesn't know when it will be the return date.

Perhaps, if he did not recognize himself, he missed the opportunity that belonged to him.

"I graduated from a famous school, 50 years old unemployed, a chicken feather": what is the purpose of people living?


Mr. Wang's high academic qualifications prove that he has certain learning and examination skills. But why can't he live the life he wants? Because of the problem of choice.

He was right to choose to come to the Pearl River Delta. But if he had chosen to enter a state-owned enterprise a dozen or twenty years ago, would his achievements be different today? However, he felt that state-owned enterprises were too stable and that life was meaningless.

If he chooses to accept his life instead of complaining about how the people around him are so bad, and still has the same platform as him, can he live a more active life and have better room for development? However, he just looks down on people with low academic qualifications and is psychologically unbalanced.

Perhaps, it is the mistake of many choices that has caused him today's dilemma in life.

I remember an entrepreneur who said that you have the right to make mistakes in judgment, and you have willful choices, but you must pay for your own life.

"I graduated from a famous school, 50 years old unemployed, a chicken feather": what is the purpose of people living?

The meaning of life is nothing more than to pay for your own actions. What kind of choices we have had, then we need to pay what kind of orders. This is life.

People still need to be self-aware, and they must not be ambitious. Sometimes, choosing to accept one's own ordinariness is also a kind of wisdom. That's all.

Wen/Shushan has deer

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