
Failed to pass the examination and the examination? Remember: Failure is the norm, and victory does not happen overnight

Recently, with the end of the re-examination work, a group of candidates ushered in the victory of the bitter battle and became a graduate student.

But there are winners, there will inevitably be losers, and often most people are losers, but this is only temporary.

Failed to pass the examination and the examination? Remember: Failure is the norm, and victory does not happen overnight

They could earn a graduate degree through World War II, and the same was true for the exam, and it was not a single failure that determined a person's life.

This article is written for those who are temporarily in failure, I hope to make you feel something.


Weighing the trade-offs can make you more rational about failure

Although you will work harder than others to achieve the same results, you will still succeed after failure. Isn't it?

Maybe some people have been experiencing failure, and even in order to get into the school they want to go to, three or four battles.

Failed to pass the examination and the examination? Remember: Failure is the norm, and victory does not happen overnight

At this point you may start to doubt yourself, as i was recently asked by a test taker who said:

This year, I have been in three battles, but I still failed, lost in English, and only a few points away from going to the famous school I aspired to. And because I have not worked at home to prepare for the exam after graduation, my family has begun to oppose me, I don't know if I should continue, I want to give up, but I feel that it is a pity that I have been preparing for the exam for such a long time.

There is no answer to this question, because maybe you may succeed if you stick with it again, but it may also end up in the same way.

Failed to pass the examination and the examination? Remember: Failure is the norm, and victory does not happen overnight

So how do you make a choice? It's actually quite simple, you just need to figure out what the success of this choice you made will bring you before thinking about it. Can you afford to fail?

Weighing the trade-offs can make you more rational about failure, and if you want to succeed, you must first understand what the cost of failure is. Because life will not give you the opportunity to break the boat.


Leave a good way out, in order to make you more calm to move forward

Most people live in ordinary families, choose to go to graduate school, or take the exam, most of them are in order to better sublimate themselves, in the future can live happier.

Because of this, the vast majority of people do not have the possibility of facing failure all the time without giving up, because they cannot afford to lose, as the old people often say: first get employed, then choose a career.

Failed to pass the examination and the examination? Remember: Failure is the norm, and victory does not happen overnight

Don't be higher than the sky, let yourself have more than enough hands and not enough.

You can wantonly fantasize about the beauty that your success brings to you, but at any time you have to leave a way out for yourself, when you go to do something firmly, think about what it will bring you if it fails, and walking the single wooden bridge in one fell swoop is the most irrational behavior in life.

Perhaps you will ask: how can it become a big thing to always look ahead and look backwards when doing things?

But you have to understand that our lives are long and should not be ruined by one thing. If we have been working informally in the direction of achieving great things, then where is our end?

While you are worried about the failure of the graduate school, there are also people who regret that they have failed to select the college entrance examination, failed to take the examination, failed to obtain a doctorate, and failed scientific research.

Failed to pass the examination and the examination? Remember: Failure is the norm, and victory does not happen overnight

It can be seen that our lives are always moving forward in failure, and if we roll in a quagmire, even if we succeed, the price paid is too great and it is not worth it.

For example, after you graduate, you will finally go ashore for five years, but the best five years of your life may also be missed, which is irretrievable.

So please relax your mentality to deal with temporary success, you are not indispensable, failure is the main theme of life, calmly face failure, in order to always leave a good way back for yourself, rationally stand up on the road of your own life.


Learning to choose can make you more clear about success

Whether it is examination for graduate school or examination for public office, "the choice is greater than the effort." This immutable truth has produced success for countless people, but most people really understand it after failure.

You have to learn to choose in order to avoid unnecessary failures in life as much as possible. For example, learn to choose when choosing a school or position, learn to choose in a career, and learn to make choices in important life choices.

A good choice will make you more hopeful of success, such as every year there are lucky people with low scores to counterattack, or choose the right position for themselves, so that they can give the green light all the way in their careers.

Failed to pass the examination and the examination? Remember: Failure is the norm, and victory does not happen overnight

At this time, some people may also ask: choosing luck is the main component, can life really move forward by luck?

It is true that some people's luck is very bad, for example, when transferring, people with lower grades than themselves received a re-examination notice, but they did not. It's really sad because of bad luck.

But is the reason really just because of bad luck?

In the process of this transfer, a test taker said that his classmates were lower than himself but received a re-examination notice, and when I looked closely, I found that the low-scoring candidate had scored 88 points in politics.

The same situation is also more, partial subject candidates fail to pass a single subject and are admitted out of the box, and even more recently spread on the Internet is relatively hot, fake high score illusion to create anxiety to fake the real success to get the opportunity to retake the test.

None of this is a choice that succeeds by luck, as the philosopher says: there is never a pure choice, only a relatively possible choice driven by motivation.

Failed to pass the examination and the examination? Remember: Failure is the norm, and victory does not happen overnight

When you make your choice, you may have simply considered the pros and cons. But maybe because you haven't really experienced failure, your choice is not very rational.

You are so intoxicated with your dreams of success that you forget the costs of failure, and you may now fall into regret for failure, but you must also understand that you must take responsibility for the choices you make.

But it's not too late, and you still have hope of turning the tables against the wind. After experiencing failure, you will understand the importance of choice, which is one of the compulsory courses in your life, and it will make you more clear about success.


Conclusion: Life is your own, you only need to be responsible for your own choices

For you who fail to pass the examination and the public examination, for what choices you have next are your own business, you can choose to continue, although it is inevitable that you will face a lot of pressure, such as longer-term preparation for the exam and the sneering of the people around you.

But you don't have to pay too much attention to the eyes of the people around you, just like your high school classmates, they will only be passers-by in your life, and their views will only be distant mountains and clouds when you enter the next stage of your life, and so will your college classmates.

Failed to pass the examination and the examination? Remember: Failure is the norm, and victory does not happen overnight

World War II is not shameful, the examination is not shameful, as long as you have not given up, as long as you are responsible for your own choices, then you can make such a choice.

Of course, life is not a single wooden bridge, but an endless sea full of opportunities. You don't have to do it overnight, sometimes learn to stop the loss in time, change the course and continue to move forward, you can also lead to the other side of success.

The topic of this issue: After failing the examination and the examination, do you choose to insist on doing it again or give up?

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Single-select | What is your choice if you fail to pass the graduate school and the examination?

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