
From a new washing machine perspective, the development pattern of Changhong Meiling white electricity

author:ICON Media ABI
{"info":{"title":{"content":"从一款洗衣机新品透视长虹美菱白电发展格局","en":"From a new washing machine perspective, the development pattern of Changhong Meiling white electricity"},"description":{"content":"近几年来,伴随着市场从增量到存量的转变,越来越多的家电企业谋求新的发展,一改以往“粗放”的线条,重视起自身内驱动力,向内...","en":"In recent years, with the transformation of the market from increment to stock, more and more home appliance companies are seeking new development, changing the \"extensive\" lines of the past, attaching importance to their own internal driving force, and turning inward..."}},"items":[]}

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