
Before the child's age, please do not take him on a trip, many parents make a mistake

Before the child's age, please do not take him on a trip, many parents make a mistake

Ting Ma Alan

2024-05-21 16:25Posted in Guangdong Parenting Creators

Hello everyone, I'm Ting's mother

During the May Day holiday not long ago, I took Tingting back to Changsha.

Before the child's age, please do not take him on a trip, many parents make a mistake

Although our hometown is from Hunan, Tingting grew up in Shenzhen, and only has the opportunity to go back to her hometown for a period of time before the Spring Festival every year.

Changsha has always been a popular tourist city, and I took her to visit a few times when Tingting was young, but as she grew up, the memories of her childhood slowly faded.

For this reason, during the May Day holiday, I took her back to Changsha for a few days.

We went to climb Yuelu Mountain and visited Yuelu Academy; We went to Orange Island to see the fireworks; We went to visit Wuyi Square, and there were so many people on May Day......

I made this itinerary with Tingting, and Tingting also felt very satisfied.

Over the years, many parents have also taken their children on a parent-child trip during various holidays.

Travel is being seen by many families as a great way to relax and strengthen the parent-child relationship. However, not all ages are suitable for long-distance travel.

Before the child's age, please do not take him on a trip, many parents make a mistake

Why is it best not to take your child on a trip until they are at a certain stage of development? What are the reasons behind it? What is the scientific basis for this?

1. What age group is not suitable for long-distance travel

From infancy to adolescence, children are constantly evolving, both physically and psychologically.

There are some critical periods in the process when children learn and adapt to their environment.

In these moments, a stable environment and daily routines are essential for a child's development.

Therefore, when we plan a trip, we should take into account the age and stage of development of the child.

For infants and toddlers aged 0-3 years, their brains develop rapidly and require a stable environment and routines of daily life.

In addition, children aged 0-3 years have a less fully developed immune system, and they are less adaptable to their new environment.

Long distances can disrupt their schedules and increase the risk of contracting diseases.

Before the child's age, please do not take him on a trip, many parents make a mistake

Therefore, in the age group of 0-3 years old, it is better for parents not to take their children on long trips.

2. When is the best time to travel with children

In general, children after the age of 3 begin to be more adaptable and curious, and they are better able to cope with changes on the road.

In addition, as children get older, their social skills and independence will gradually increase. These factors all contribute to a better experience for children while traveling.

Of course, every child grows at different rates and developmentally. Therefore, when deciding whether to travel with children, we also need to judge based on the individual differences of children.

For example, some children may develop faster in certain areas and be able to adapt to the challenges that come with traveling; Some children may need more time to adjust to their new environment.

We should make travel plans based on the child's personality, interests, and needs.

Before the child's age, please do not take him on a trip, many parents make a mistake

3. Other precautions

During the trip, we should also pay attention to the following:

1) Choose the right destination

For young children, it is very important to choose a destination that is easily accessible, environmentally safe, and has a suitable climate.

Avoid choosing overly complicated or dangerous itineraries.

2) Ensure your child's health

Before and after travelling, we should ensure that the child is in good health and does not have symptoms such as cold and fever.

At the same time, carry common medicines and first aid supplies in case you need them.

3) Maintain a regular work and rest schedule

Try to keep your child's usual routine to avoid disrupting their body clock due to travel.

Before the child's age, please do not take him on a trip, many parents make a mistake

Many people are completely free when traveling, playing late and not sleeping, and if they have to wake up early the next day, they will be very tired.

4) Appropriate activity arrangement

Arrange activities according to the child's age and interests, avoid overly stressful schedules, especially for younger children, do not arrange too many activities that require walking, when the child's physical exertion is too much, it will affect the mood, and the adult will also be very tired.

5) Pay attention to safety issues

During the trip, we should always pay attention to the safety of our children and avoid leaving them alone or in contact with dangerous objects.


Traveling with children is a great parent-child activity, but when choosing the time and destination of the trip, we should judge it according to the age and stage of development of the child.

Before the child's age, please do not take him on a trip, many parents make a mistake

As children grow up, a stable environment and daily routines are essential for their development.

Therefore, it is better not to take children on long trips until they are of a certain age.

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I am @婷momalan, a nationally certified nursery teacher, family education lecturer, committed to sharing parenting experience in small stories, welcome to follow me, and accompany children to grow up together.

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  • Before the child's age, please do not take him on a trip, many parents make a mistake
  • Before the child's age, please do not take him on a trip, many parents make a mistake
  • Before the child's age, please do not take him on a trip, many parents make a mistake
  • Before the child's age, please do not take him on a trip, many parents make a mistake
  • Before the child's age, please do not take him on a trip, many parents make a mistake
  • Before the child's age, please do not take him on a trip, many parents make a mistake

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