
"Mom, why did that guy cut in line?" Your answer directly affects the child's future pattern

Compared to adults, children will be more principled.

In the world of children, everything is black and white, their thinking is simple and transparent, there will never be hooks and flattery, as long as they remember the rules, they will try their best to abide by them.

"Mom, why did that guy cut in line?" Your answer directly affects the child's future pattern

Once they see other people violating the law, they will become the embodiment of justice, no matter what, they must fight against the evil forces, even their own parents, the rules must be obeyed.

"Mom, why did that guy cut in line?" Your answer directly affects the child's future pattern

"Mom, why did that guy cut in line?"

Qingqing is three years old, successfully sent to kindergarten by his mother, although he only attends classes in small classes, but for himself, the change is very big, he is a big child who has to carry his school bag to school every day!

And her mother found that since Qingqing went to kindergarten, the sense of rules was particularly strong. When you see garbage on the ground at home or outside, you must pick up the garbage and put it in the trash.

"Mom, why did that guy cut in line?" Your answer directly affects the child's future pattern

At first, the mother felt that this was nothing, after all, the baby was well-behaved and sensible, and others would praise him a few times when they saw it, and there was no harm in his growth, and there was no obstruction to her behavior.

Once, Qingqing and her mother lined up to do the bus together, although no one guarded, but everyone also lined up in line, which not only saved everyone's time on the bus, but also highlighted the city culture, right?

Just after the bus came, when everyone got on the bus in their original order, a young man rushed from a distance next to him, directly in front of Qingqing and his mother, which made Qingqing very puzzled, and asked his mother while getting on the car: Why can that person cut in line, mom?

"Mom, why did that guy cut in line?" Your answer directly affects the child's future pattern

The child's voice is actually quite loud, the whole car should be able to hear, the person who cut in line must have heard it, but the mother in order to protect Qingqing, just comfortingly said: He actually said sorry to you, you didn't hear it!

"Mom, why did that guy cut in line?" Your answer directly affects the child's future pattern

The mother's answer still has a great impact on the child's development

Blindly perfunctory can only make children more incomprehensible

If your child asked you that question, how would you answer it? I think most mothers will be perfunctory, casually find a reason to help the young man excuse, such as he did not do it right, you do not learn, how he does not care, and so on.

Once the mother says such a thing, the child will feel very disappointed, for this kind of rule-breaking behavior, they simply can not understand Ha, they are just stuck in the stage of having to abide by the rules, and think of themselves as the guardians of the rules.

"Mom, why did that guy cut in line?" Your answer directly affects the child's future pattern

After getting such an answer, they will continue to ask, why? This is the commonality of children at this stage, and it is also something that parents cannot avoid and Wu yes. This will increase your own troubles, and you will have to constantly explain to your children why this situation occurs. It is not until the child gets the answer he wants that they can shut up.

It is important to protect your child's awareness of the rules

When the child is about one year old, he has some experience and feeling about the rules, first experiencing the gradual exploration of the rules, then seeing the violation of the rules and rebelling loudly, and finally the internalization of the rules, no matter when he will strictly abide by the rules.

"Mom, why did that guy cut in line?" Your answer directly affects the child's future pattern

In this process, no matter which link has a problem, it will seriously affect the formation of children's rule consciousness, because if their normal three views are passively stimulated by the outside world, they will question themselves and question their own ability.

Slowly, more negative stimuli will make them weaken their sense of rules, and since everyone does not obey, why should I obey? Imitating adult behavior is also a basic life skill for children.

Take the opportunity to guide your child to regulate his or her own behavior

Why can't parents firmly grasp this experience and turn it into a situational teaching? Parents can spend more time and time to discuss this matter with their children throughout the whole process.

"Mom, why did that guy cut in line?" Your answer directly affects the child's future pattern

Why is this happening? Guess what the reason this young man was in the queue? Will you behave like this in the future? Do you feel ashamed if you behave like this?

After a series of in-depth discussions, the child must not forget this experience, and from the bottom of his heart, he will have dislike and disgust for this person, and it will also help to regulate his own behavior.

Today's summary:

If your child asks you that, do you think about how to answer it? Feel free to share your thoughts with us!

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