
The more parents do not pay attention to education, the more the children are bored with school, and the worse their grades are

During the break, I chatted with a group of teachers, and one of the teachers said, believe it or not, I just have to talk to any parent, even if I don't know who her child is, I know whether the child is good or not, whether it is polite or not.

Other teachers listened to each other and agreed, and the old teachers who have worked for several years know that in fact, to understand a child, there is no need to observe this child, as long as he looks at his parents, he knows how the child's character and learning are.

This is actually nothing peculiar, we say that parents are the child's first teacher, many children's habits are derived from parents, so through parents, you can intuitively observe what the child will be.

For example, if some parents are Themselves Ma Daha, then his children are likely to be so-so. Some parents are well organized, and their child is likely to be a highly disciplined child.

A few years ago, read an article written by an education scholar. He said that parents are copies of children, when children have problems, they should not look for children's problems first, but should first find the original, that is, the parents' problems, I agree with this sentence.

For example, in the class I teach, there is a girl who is particularly nervous and suspicious, and when I talk to her many times, I find it difficult to open her heart knot. After a semester of running-in, she told me that her family environment was very bad, and later when I talked to her mother, I found that her family environment was indeed very bad, like a TV series.

When I talked to her mother, I found that her mother was a very suspicious and cautious person. At the same time, the view of the problem is also slightly extreme in many cases, which may be related to her second marriage, in short, many of the words and deeds of this child, I can find the original version from her mother.

Now back to the topic of my article, the reason why many children have the problem of boredom is probably not in the children, but in the parents.

Many parents may not attach importance to education at all, and their psychology of not attaching importance to education, through words and deeds, imperceptibly passed on to children, so that children also have the psychological characteristics of not paying attention to learning and being bored with school.

I once met a parent, and after the parent-teacher conference, I left the parent alone to talk to him about his child's learning. In the course of half an hour of talking, I captured a very sharp scene, this parent has been repeatedly emphasizing, the child is still young, as long as there is no accident, learning or not learning is his business, I pay money to meet his requirements, and when he grows up, don't complain about me.

In fact, everyone can feel that if the parent is holding such a mentality, it can be imagined that his child will certainly not work hard in learning.

Many times, the attitude of parents also determines the attitude of children.

There is a little girl in the class, not only good at learning, but also has a good personality, is a child who is loved by people, and her teachers and classmates have a high evaluation of her.

Later, when I chatted with the mother of the child, I found that the mother of the child herself was also a woman who liked to learn and read very much, and although she had been working in the workplace for many years, she still maintained the habit of going home to read for half an hour every day.

She and her daughter often discuss learning, she never tells her daughter the great truth of learning, she just tells her children through her own words and deeds, learning itself is a part of life, through learning itself can improve themselves, but also feel fun.

It is precisely because of the influence of the mother that the mother attaches great importance to education and learning, so the child also subtly accepts this behavior.

I have read a lot of college entrance examination experience, found that there is a common feature, in these children's families, their parents are very important to education, they rarely talk about the big truth to their children, most of the parents are through their own words and deeds to tell their children that education is very important, learning is very important.

Some readers may say that in many families of children who study well, some parents have not received much cultural education, and parents may just be ordinary migrant workers, so how do their children become talented?

Here it is necessary to clarify a concept, the difference between knowledge and wisdom. I don't think that a person without knowledge is equivalent to having no wisdom, and many people without knowledge have enough wisdom in life. Knowledge can be learned, while wisdom is not limited to forms, but can be perceived through various forms in life. Although some parents do not have much cultural knowledge themselves, they have the experience and wisdom of life, so they attach great importance to education, and they also recognize the power of education and knowledge, so they teach their children this knowledge through words and deeds.

Therefore, when we educate children, while caring about children's food and clothing, we should also care about his thoughts. If the child's academic performance is not good and he is bored with school, then we must think about whether this problem is not in our parents themselves.

The more parents do not pay attention to education, the more the children are bored with school, and the worse their grades are
The more parents do not pay attention to education, the more the children are bored with school, and the worse their grades are
The more parents do not pay attention to education, the more the children are bored with school, and the worse their grades are
The more parents do not pay attention to education, the more the children are bored with school, and the worse their grades are
The more parents do not pay attention to education, the more the children are bored with school, and the worse their grades are

We must believe that planting a positive, idealistic seed in a child's heart is far more important than providing him with a rich meal with exquisite clothes.

The way to get along

There are interesting and interesting things and attitudes. Analyze the feelings of both sexes, the psychology of men and women, interpret the origin of love marriage and family, discuss the wisdom of getting along with friends in the workplace and friends, share love skills, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationship, learn children's parent-child relationship, family education, and make your life more harmonious.

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