
Some friends, walking and walking, dispersed


In the anime "Spirited Away", Chihiro and her parents inadvertently break into a strange world when they move.

Parents were turned into pigs. In order to help her parents change back to the way they were, Chihiro had to make a deal with Mother Tang, handing over her memories and name, and working in a "soup house".

At Chihiro's side, there is a "white dragon" who has been helping Chihiro and telling chihiro to remember his name and not to lose the way he came.

After countless efforts, Chihiro was finally able to leave with her parents.

Hakuryu sent Chihiro away from the yuya and said, "I can only send you here, and you have to go the rest of the way, don't turn back." ”

Sending a thousand miles to the king, there must be a farewell in the end. On the road of life, there are always some people who will help you, accompany you, and lead you, but at a certain time, they have to leave.

Some friends, walking and walking, dispersed


If you can't go the same way, you are a strange road.

Su Shi said: "Life is like a reverse journey, and I am also a pedestrian. ”

Everyone has a different path to go, even if they are confidants, they cannot be inseparable.

Elderly people should have such an experience: some people who have suffered together, when everyone's life becomes better, they will slowly alienate, and they will also go to different cities to settle down; when they are busy, they suddenly think of a friend, but they only think of it, and they will not greet him; in the circle of friends, seeing the new life of their friends, they can only be deeply blessed, but they will not leave traces of "seeing"...

Many friends, walking and walking, dispersed, not because the feelings are gone, but because we are used to burying our friendship in our hearts and no longer confessing loudly.

Many friends, separated, you are still in love, but you can only end up with a sigh, and then with tears in your eyes, turn away and go away.

After Su Shi was demoted to Guazhou, he and Buddha Yin became friends and "raised bars" with each other. In the midst of the war of words and words, Su Shi improved his cultivation behavior, and his impetuous heart slowly quieted down.

The ups and downs of the official arena are common things, and when the career is not smooth, being able to quietly read and write is also another kind of gain.

However, Su Shi and Buddha Yin are not fellow travelers, and not all the pain can be borne together, and it is inevitable that they will go their separate ways.

In ancient times, Zhuangzi was a literati and Keiko was an official, but they did not care about identity, not only could they talk about it, but they could also refute each other. For example, Zhuangzi thinks that fish are happy, but Keiko says, "Zi is not a fish, but the joy of knowing fish."

After Keiko's death, Zhuangzi was in great pain and said in front of Keiko's grave, "You are dead, who will argue with me?" ”

"The way is different, not conspiring", at every fork in the road, we have to say goodbye to some people. Encounters are accidental, separate, sudden, and inevitable.

Some friends, walking and walking, dispersed


If you can't communicate, then centrifuge.

Make friends to make friends, if not, then "in Cao Ying's heart in Han".

Knowingly, netizens "tweeted" that one of her girlfriends played from childhood to adulthood. When her girlfriend's stomach hurts, she does not hesitate to rush over; when the girlfriend is out of love, she will stand silently next to her.

Tweet liked Hanfu, but didn't have the money to buy it. After some soft grinding and hard bubbles, the chirping mother finally agreed. After the girlfriend knows, she says that she is doing purchasing and needs to earn the difference in price.

Originally, there was nothing wrong with making a difference. But Hanfu arrived, passed through several times, only to find that it was a fake.

The friendship of many years was defeated by a Hanfu.

Reality tells you that there are always some people who use the feelings of their friends to make a fool of themselves. You are just one of the objects of the pit.

Borrowing money and not paying it back, unloading and killing donkeys, desperately fighting for profits, tricking the ghost behind their backs... Words like these can be used on friends.

The rich man Li Ka-shing said: "Of all deception, self-deception is the most serious." ”

That is, when we insist on trusting our friends, perhaps – overestimating our place in the hearts of others. Only when the answer was revealed was the heartache.

I have read a very philosophical passage.

Wood said to the fire, "Come, hold me tight." ”

The fire embraced the wood. Wood turned to ashes. The fire wept and extinguished itself with tears.

It turns out that people who are deceived by feelings are "self-destructive" in the first place. And the man who deceived you was also injured.

Some friends, walking and walking, dispersed


It's hard to say goodbye, it's better not to see.

In fact, there are always some relationships that end in no way, and it is not clear why.

The reader "I can't grow up" said that he was in the unit and had a particularly good relationship with a colleague. Usually, the two people go shopping together and buy clothes. Later, both resigned.

I just left my job, and I called three times a day to talk about the past and say "good night". Later, there were fewer contacts, and no one took the initiative to call. In a flash, ten years have passed, and each other has slowly forgotten.

Time is a sentient thing that can make us suddenly fall in love with a person, and meet a good person when it is the hardest time; time is also the most ruthless thing, so that we have to say goodbye to yesterday, and we have to say "goodbye" to someone we met yesterday. The most terrible thing is that some people, once goodbye, are never seen again.

Mr. Lu Xun, in his article "Hometown", spent a long time describing his friendship with Yan Tu, catching birds together, and telling stories together. But later, Lu Xun left his hometown for many years, and then returned to his hometown, and there was a gap between Yan Tu and him, and they didn't know what to say.

Feelings need to be interacted with, once you feel that the other party is very cold, you will no longer take the initiative.

It is better to see each other than to miss, perhaps, a lot of friendships, are scattered like this.

Some friends, walking and walking, dispersed


The Tale of the Giants writes, "There is nothing more painful between people than to suffer annoyance and damage in a place where you think you deserve kindness and friendship." ”

When we look back on the past, we will always find that many people have walked together for a long time, but later, they have gone in different directions, maybe they have come to Japan for a long time, and they may never see each other.

Everyone is a railroad track, somewhere, intersecting with another railroad track. Although the feelings are beautiful, we have to move on and separate from the people we meet. After all, we only have a "one-way ticket" in our hands.

Someone said, "True friends can't be separated." ”

Perhaps, it really is, people who are scattered, just get along in another way.

Hopefully, every parting is for the next reunion.

Author: Cloth coarse food.

Follow my words and go into your heart.

The illustrations in this article come from the Internet.

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