
Every middle-aged man who cries late at night should learn Zhuangzi's threefold realm of life

Ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign, if you want to choose a person who lives the most freely, it is Zhuangzi!

Zhuangzi, whose real name was Zhuang Zhou, was born into a declining aristocratic family during the Warring States period. Although in a chaotic world, he grew into a famous thinker, philosopher and writer in the middle of the Warring States period, one of the seven sons of the pre-Qin Dynasty, one of the main representatives of the Taoist school, and founded the philosophical school Zhuang Xue, together with Lao Tzu and called "Lao Zhuang".

Every middle-aged man who cries late at night should learn Zhuangzi's threefold realm of life

Different from Lao Tzu, the realm of life pursued by Zhuangzi is to get rid of path dependence, get rid of the shackles of the environment, break free from the shackles of human nature, get rid of all the shackles of the soul in the world, and let the spirit develop to a higher level in life.

So how can we live freely and live our own lives? Zhuangzi told us that if we want to live freely and transparently, we must remember these twelve-character proverbs: "Don't stay in things, don't get stuck in the heart, and don't mess with people."

Not stuck in things, not burdened by things

Zhuangzi wrote in "The Getaway" that a fish called Kun can transform into a peng and swim for nine days. It will take advantage of the June wind and fly to the South Meditation.

Many people will envy the unrestrained nature of Kun and Peng, but Zhuangzi believes that their freedom is "waiting". A person's true freedom should be "God and man are useless, and saints are nameless."

In other words, it is not stuck in external objects, not leaning on glory, and not seeking fame and fortune.

Ji Kang, one of the Seven Sages of the Bamboo Forest, retreated in the bamboo forest, built an iron shop, attracted mountain springs, usually tired of playing iron, he jumped into the pool to soak for a while, not bound by the world, transcendent.

The poet Lin Kui lived in seclusion at the foot of the lonely mountain in the West Lake and maintained a simple life by selling plums. On weekdays, drive a flat boat back and forth between the mountains and rivers, or lean by the plum tree to watch the white cranes dance, carefree and carefree.

Tao Yuanming once said a very famous sentence, people can't help but bend their waists for five buckets of rice. He was willing to plant beans south of the mountain and bring the moon lotus hoe back.

No matter how good the official food is, it is not as good as a cup of chrysanthemum wine in your hand. Glory and wealth have become jokes and interesting things in other people's eyes, and what is there to care about?

In zhuangzi's wisdom, not being burdened by things is the first realm of life.

Every middle-aged man who cries late at night should learn Zhuangzi's threefold realm of life

Don't get stuck in the heart, don't be tired of other people's evaluations

One day, Zhuangzi and Keiko pass by the bridge over Haoshui.

Zhuangzi said, "Look at how happy these fish swim below. Keiko said, "You are not a fish, how do you know if the fish is happy or unhappy?" Zhuangzi immediately replied, "You are not me, how do you know that I do not know the happiness of fish?" ”

Life is like a drama, we are not in other people's repertoire, how can we know the joys and sorrows of others. Good happiness is always your own, not in the eyes of others.

Zhihu has such a question: "Why are there so many people who do not understand their own lives, but desperately try to persuade you?" ”

In Maugham's The Moon and Sixpence, the protagonist Charles is based on the French Impressionist master Gauguin. In the book, Charles was originally a London securities broker and lived an enviable and happy life.

But when he was 40 years old, like "possessed by the devil", he suddenly ran away from home and went to Paris to pursue the ideal of painting.

In Paris, he stayed in the most dilapidated hotel, ate the most rudimentary meals, became seriously ill, and almost lost his life, but still had no regrets. Later, he came to Tahiti, married an indigenous woman, and spent his days writing without changing his pleasure. Until the end of his life, his paintings remained unrecognized, but he still did not agree.

There is a powerful saying in the book: "Do what you want to do most and live in the environment you love." Is to be indifferent to tranquility and indisputable with the world, is it to spoil yourself?

The greatest sorrow in life is that as an independent free person, in the end, he lives for the wishes of others. True happiness should be in one's own heart, not in other people's populations.

It is better to try to please others than to try to live your favorite way. In Zhuangzi's wisdom, not being burdened by the evaluation of others is the second realm of life.

Every middle-aged man who cries late at night should learn Zhuangzi's threefold realm of life

Don't mess with people to find yourself

Keiko became prime minister in Liangguo, and Zhuangzi wanted to meet this good friend. Someone hurriedly reported to Keiko that "Zhuangzi came to Liangguo with bad intentions and wanted to replace your phase." Keiko was very frightened and wanted to stop Zhuangzi, so she sent someone to search the capital for three days and three nights.

Zhuangzi calmly came to see him and said, "There is a bird in the south, and its name is Osprey, have you ever heard of it?" The bird spread its wings. Flying from the South China Sea to the North Sea, non-sycamores do not inhabit, do not practice and do not eat; non-Liquan does not drink. At this time, an owl was eating a rotten mouse with relish, and just as the bird flew overhead. The owl hurried to protect the rotting rat meat, screaming to intimidate the chicks to leave. Now you also want to scare me with your Liang Guo? ”

Zhuangzi's words actually expressed his lack of concern for the position of prime minister. However, Keiko regarded her official position as very important, and was afraid of being robbed, so the grass and trees were all soldiers, and the wind and noise were loud. Keiko's neurotic look seemed ridiculous in front of the calm and calm Zhuangzi.

In Zhuangzi's wisdom, the third realm of life is not chaotic with people. What you are asking for may be something that others hate.

Life in the world, can not be wrapped up by others, for the goal of the public to live, to live their own appearance, according to their own wishes to live, such a life is not in vain.

Every middle-aged man who cries late at night should learn Zhuangzi's threefold realm of life

Zhuangzi's thought is both rich in philosophical thinking and romantic emotional support, like a kaleidoscope, which can be seen from every angle of its color and magnificence, and still has a strong vitality to this day.

"Don't be stuck in things, don't be trapped in the heart, don't mess with people." Zhuangzi's wisdom in life is worth savoring.

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