
Qingwei | my mother-in-law

Text | Yang Aiwu

Xu was a child who watched the drama a lot, and when he first saw his mother-in-law, he felt that she was like the silver ring in the Yu opera "Chaoyanggou": they were all women in the mountains, the same simple clothing, the same clean, neat, and understanding; although the mother-in-law lost her teeth prematurely, her eyes, eyebrows, face, and mouth clearly told people that her mother-in-law was a beautiful woman when she was young. Brother Liu told me: When my mother-in-law was young, she was the captain of the women's team in the village, leading the women in the village to get up early and greedily engage in side steamed steamed steamed buns, and after work, they had to wait for a family of eight people to eat and drink, and wash the family's clothes.

In order to expand the Mengshan Reservoir, the mother-in-law's home and the people in the lake area went through several relocations, when the children were still young, it was the mother-in-law and the father-in-law who pulled a cart of stones from the mountains together, they used the stone foundation, and personally built a house; it was the mother-in-law and the father-in-law who pulled their four brothers and sisters to grow up and go to school by relying on a few acres of mountainous land... A hard-working mountain village woman, this is the first impression that my mother-in-law gave me. When the Spring Festival returned to visit the New Year, the aunts and aunts in the village spoke highly of their mother-in-law, saying that the mother-in-law was spicy and capable, and her mind was skillful.


In my first year of marriage, my mother-in-law made me and my eldest uncle and sister-in-law a pair of black flat suede cotton boots each. The cotton boot upper is straight, the pressure is neat, the sole stitches are symmetrical, the most commendable, the cotton boots seem to be able to do with my feet, stretch the foot in, not wide, not narrow, not loose and not tight, I am like a treasure. Speaking of which, I have a special affection for handmade cotton shoes, and since I can remember, my mother was the secretary of the party branch in the village, and she did not have time to make clothes and shoes for us like other people's mothers, except to lead the members to work in the slopes or to go to the commune or the county. Because I am a girl, the aunts and ladies in the village have some preferences, they make me single shoes in the summer and cotton shoes for me in the winter, although my mother can't take care of it, I don't lack shoes to wear.

That winter, it was already very cold, I saw that my eldest brother was still wearing a single shoe on his feet, so I learned from the neighbor's bride, tearing old clothes into strips of cloth, boiling paste with noodles, gluing strips of cloth into gowns, and then taking my eldest brother's shoes, pressing them on the gowns, and cutting out the soles of the shoes under the guidance of my grandmother... When Sister Changying, who came to my house for the party membership meeting, saw the soles of my shoes, her eyes widened in surprise, and then she painfully grabbed the soles of my shoes in my hand. She stayed up for a few nights and got my eldest brother to put on brand new cotton boots. I was about twelve years old. I never wore my mother's shoes since I was a child. My mother-in-law made shoes for me, which warmed my heart, and the boots made by my mother-in-law looked good, and I was reluctant to wear them for a long time.

Later, when I became pregnant, my mother would not let me wear high heels, so I put on the cotton boots made by my mother-in-law. Many people who see this pair of cotton boots praise their mother-in-law's needlework. The cotton boots made by my mother-in-law let me see my mother-in-law's spiritual skills.


When my mother-in-law was fifty-five years old, she came to the city to help me with my children. One weekend, I took the kids out to play. When I came home at night, I saw what my mother-in-law was sewing, and I looked closer, it turned out that it was the mother-in-law who made shoes for her daughter, and the mother-in-law's rough hands, picking up the needles, were so dexterous, and between the needles and threads, a piece of blue cotton cloth became a pair of exquisite and cute children's shoes, the shoes were pressed with red edges, and the front face was embroidered with five-color threads with a delicate flower. It wasn't so much a pair of shoes as it was a work of art, and I played with it for days before I put it on for my daughter. The daughter who put on the new shoes became a low-headed person, and when she saw someone, she lowered her head and stretched out her feet, and the daughter, who could not speak, was showing off her grandmother's craftsmanship in her own way. The mother-in-law said that she loved flowers since she was a child, and she hoped that her granddaughter would wear the flowers she embroidered more beautiful than the flowers.


Mother-in-law said that she liked flowers since she was a child, I entered the door for more than twenty years never saw her plant flowers, but enjoyed many years of mother-in-law planted vegetables, speaking of which, the mother-in-law planted vegetables is also a master, her cucumber rack is not only firm and beautiful, green leaves, crawling full of melon beans The cucumber rack was once an intoxicating scenery of the mother-in-law's original yard.


Four years ago, the lake area was transformed, and the mother-in-law moved in and moved into the house. In order to purify the air, I sent two pots of hanging orchids; when the pot was warm, the fourth aunt sent pots of kumquats. When the kumquat enters the door, it is full of kumquats, which is gratifying. In my experience of raising kumquats, my mother-in-law's pot of kumquats will not last long. Unexpectedly, every once in a while, I would see the changes in kumquats, although I have not grown any more oranges, but I have been growing new leaves and expanding their length without perseverance. I gave my mother-in-law's hanging orchids, one of which was forked and blossomed, growing well, and my niece saw her love and moved back to her house.

In the winter of the previous year, my mother-in-law, who was nearly eighty years old, rushed to buy a pot of dragon whisker trees by herself, and I once raised two dead trees at once, so I paid more attention to its fate. But the mother-in-law is very good at it. Now, in the living room of the in-laws' house, there is a kumquat tree in the east and a dragon whisker tree in the west, with two pots of hanging orchids in the middle. I asked my mother-in-law many times, this flower is raised, and the mother-in-law has no tricks to understate. Before the Spring Festival last year, I went to help my mother-in-law clean up, opened the balcony door, and I saw two lush dry lotuses. It was the eldest sister who worked in the small factory who brought back a few seeds, which gave birth to the enthusiasm of the mother-in-law to raise flowers, and the mother-in-law rushed to buy flower pots, and then went to the distant field to dig two bags of soil, and there were two pots of dry lotuses.

When I saw it, two dry lotuses were covered with budding bones. Seeing that I liked it, my mother-in-law insisted on giving me a pot, and she said that she had planted a pot for me. The pot of flowers brought back from my in-laws' house bloomed on the balcony of my house like a full-fledged competition, one after another for nearly a month. The delicate yellow flowers made me feel the love of life of my mother-in-law who has suffered a lot.


Returning to my mother-in-law's house on New Year's Day, I went straight to the balcony to look for the shadow of the dry lotus, and the balcony was empty. I asked my mother-in-law why she didn't plant this year, and my mother-in-law said that my brother was afraid that she wouldn't let her plant it because of her hard work. When I got home, I found last year's seeds and planted two pots, and I thought that when the flowers I raised were ready to bloom, I would send a pot to my mother-in-law.

"Life is not only in front of you, but also poetic and distant". My mother-in-law has not read a book, she only recognizes her name and a few common words, she does not know what is poetry, where is far away, but my mother-in-law must have a poetic heart, so she can actively face the suffering of the past, know how to cherish and enjoy the current life...

After writing this article, I folded my hands and wished my mother-in-law a happy, healthy and long life in her old age.

Qingwei | my mother-in-law

About the author: Yang Aiwu, pen name Ami. He is a member of the Peasants' and Workers' Democratic Party, a member of the Chinese Essay Literature Society, a member of the Provincial Youth Writers Association, an executive vice chairman of the Municipal Youth Writers Association, and a columnist of Zibo Evening News. The articles have been scattered in newspapers and periodicals inside and outside the province such as Zibo Financial and Economic News, Ten Years of Literary Scene, Zibo Sound Screen Newspaper, Qingdao Morning Post, Beijing Youth Daily, China Discipline Inspection and Supervision Daily, Shandong Pictorial, Rural Public, etc. Over the years, I like to wander in famous works, record my life in words, and continue to practice in writing, hoping to gradually perfect myself.

One point number Shandong financial literature

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