
How hard you are to yourself, how good you are

How hard you are to yourself, how good you are
How hard you are to yourself, how good you are

Nietzsche said, "How hard you are to yourself, how much good luck you have in life." ”

Many people often envy the lives of others and complain about their own misfortunes. This is the weakness of human nature, and it is also the inevitability of human nature.

But if you want to be good, you have to be different from others, and you have the courage and ability to break through the weaknesses of human nature. If you want to break the inherent cycle of life, you must be able to get out and open up.

There is such a plot in "Heavenly Dao", Ding Yuanying went to Wangmiao Village to deliver contract documents, met Feng Shijie was working in the field, and Feng Shijie's first words when he saw Ding Yuanying were "tired people".

Ding Yuanying said to him solemnly, "Exhausted? Are you dead? Don't say this in the future, unless you are really going to die of exhaustion and have your last breath left, but you will die when you are finished. ”

This dialogue is difficult for everyone to understand, and then Ding Yuanying in the play made an explanation: "If you want to do something, you must remember these two sentences, don't treat others as people, don't treat yourself too much." ”

In fact, the deep meaning revealed by these two sentences is: be lenient with others and strictly discipline yourself.

People who want to make their lives comfortable must first be able to make up their minds to themselves. Self-discipline is just a preparation in advance in order to make life as few fangs as possible for you.

How hard you are to yourself, how good you are
How hard you are to yourself, how good you are

In terms of work and rest, health, know how to be cruel to yourself

With more and more ways of entertainment in life now, people are spending more and more time on these things.

Many people have become accustomed to passive acceptance, accustomed to dragging tired bodies and unconscious minds to work after going to bed late.

But health is the foundation of everything, when we are immersed in a variety of eye-catching online life can not extricate ourselves, after the spiritual pleasure to calm down, what we get is more emptiness and exhaustion.

Staying up late and having an irregular schedule undoubtedly brings double pressure to the mind and the body. Over time, a vicious cycle of not being able to guarantee adequate sleep can make people feel tired and can't lift their nerves about anything.

If you want to become a self-disciplined person, you must first ensure that you can adjust your work and rest time, know how to restrain your inner desires, and know how to "be cruel" to yourself.

The reason why Xiao Yaxuan can become an immortal goddess is because of her extremely self-disciplined living habits.

She gets up on time every morning to go jogging in the gym for 45 minutes, followed by strength training, going hiking to breathe fresh air and feel the power of walking, eating sandwiches with 90% vegetables for dinner, practicing new songs and dances in front of the mirror...

The reality is so cruel, richer and more beautiful than you, a woman who is richer and more beautiful than you, and who is crueler than you.

Don't say that the body is useless, don't say that the disease is still far away from you. People who truly love themselves must first learn how not to let themselves sink in the muddled life.

How hard you are to yourself, how good you are

In terms of personality and growth, know how to be cruel to yourself

People who know how to be cruel to themselves are because they understand the rules of survival of the law of the jungle in this world, and they know better what they want.

I once heard such a saying, deeply believed: If you know where to go, even the world will make way for you.

No one's life is smooth sailing, and a person who can be strict with himself is often very strong in his heart. Life is a bully who is afraid of hard, and when you are strong, he will show you a good side.

Lu Xun once carved an early character on his desk class, and Cai Yuanpei followed the family training of "not taking it, not speaking in vain" all his life...

All the beauty and excitement in this world are all hard worked out by themselves, and behind those who succeed, there are little-known hardships.

If you want to be envious, go for it. Lying flat, even if a pie hits your head, you can't catch it.

Zheng Yutong once said that he greatly admired Li Ka-shing, he insisted on getting up at six o'clock every morning, flying around the world every year, working from the age of 14 to the 90s, such a work intensity is beyond expectation.

Li Ka-shing has been learning all his life, and he is still no exception in his old age. He has a fixed reading time every night, biography, medical treatment, education, welfare... Every aspect is involved.

When Li Ka-shing started his business in his early years, there were very few Chinese people in Hong Kong who knew English. In order to talk about business, he studied English every morning and finally navigated the negotiation field.

Life is full of hardships, and if you are not outstanding, you will be out. An effective means of maintaining excellence and good fortune is to maintain self-discipline.

Self-discipline allows you to get away from the mess and get a high quality of life and a healthy lifestyle. Be tough on yourself, it's never too late.

How hard you are to yourself, how good you are
How hard you are to yourself, how good you are

There is not so much empathy in life, many people live by self-deception, read a few pages, jump a few times, and feel that they have a full and healthy body, and their tasks have been completed.

After that, he naturally went down and began to lie flat, seeking low-level happiness. But this is nothing but self-deception.

It is a terrible thing for a person to live by deceiving himself. Because he will continue to suffer repeatedly in his heart, but he will never be able to change himself, and he will never be able to break the existing situation.

Life is inherently dull, but there is wind when you run. One day, in the face of disappointment, you will resent the lazy self.

If you refuse to be cruel to yourself, life will take your place and be cruel to you. At this time, if you want to swing around, you have to pay more.

How hard you are to yourself, how good you are


The world is so big, thank you, you can see me!

[Wen | Wei Wei'an: the pen has temperature, for the voice of emotion, an atypical writer who loves words, invites you to perceive life together]

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