
The larger the pattern of people, the more obvious some of the characteristics on the body, ordinary people are difficult to pretend

The larger the pattern of people, the more obvious some of the characteristics on the body, ordinary people are difficult to pretend

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There is a saying that is very good: for life, what is important is not the position you are in, but the direction you are facing.

A person with the right direction can control his own life and control his own destiny. The stronger the sense of direction in life, the greater the pattern of people. And a person with a big pattern can exude unique charm anytime and anywhere.

We use the word "pattern" a lot, but few people can accurately summarize its meaning.

But once upon a time, someone gave an example like this:

"When you look down from the second floor, all you see is garbage. But when you look down from the 80th floor, all you see is the scenery. ”

This is the result of the different patterns, and it is also the bias formed by the different horizons.

The larger the pattern, the richer people's cognition will be, and life will be smoother. In real life, those who have a big pattern, some of the characteristics of the body will often be more obvious, and others can't pretend.

The larger the pattern of people, the more obvious some of the characteristics on the body, ordinary people are difficult to pretend

One: Be low-key

A person with a big picture is often not fond of showing off. Because in the tide of the times, they have long understood what is the most important thing. It has long been clear that low-key is the source of happiness. As the writer Han Han wrote in the lyrics, ordinary is the only answer.

In the classic novel "Distant Savior", Ding Yuanying is a successful person with a big pattern and a wide vision.

Even if he is a genius in the financial world, even if the transactions at hand are often more than nine billion, he does not lie on the merit book to eat the old money, or boast to everyone. He chose to hide his name and find the answer to his life in an unknown ancient city.

There is a saying in the novel that goes to great lengths:

"The more empty the person, the more he likes to decorate himself with fancy things." And the richer the person, the more monotonous it looks on the surface. ”

Low-key is not boring, but a kind of sobriety and self-awareness after seeing the world.

The larger the pattern of people, the more obvious some of the characteristics on the body, ordinary people are difficult to pretend

Two: Live thoroughly

The larger the pattern, the higher the person, the higher he can always stand and look farther than others. When others are still worried about the fly camp dogs, the people of the big pattern have already ascended to the top and begun to think about the true meaning of life.

This is the wisdom of "going to the next level", and it is also the transparency of "overlooking the mountains and small mountains".

In "Distant Savior", everyone regards Ding Yuanying as a "high person", because he can always see one step more than others, and any problem that makes him feel difficult to solve is a piece of cake in front of him. Ding Yuanying's transparency is reflected in his sharp view of the problem, but also in his philosophy of life.

A person who sees things thoroughly does not care to argue with others or be busy proving himself to others. Such people often understand the center of gravity of life better, and they have long been separated from the influence and manipulation of the ragtag crowd.

Living thoroughly is almost the "standard" of every person with a big pattern, and it is also a compulsory subject in their life issues.

The larger the pattern of people, the more obvious some of the characteristics on the body, ordinary people are difficult to pretend

Three: Focus on yourself

Many times, the reason why we feel uncomfortable is nothing more than because we take others too seriously and do not take ourselves too seriously. Therefore, whether it is slander or slander by others, it is difficult for us to accept it. Over time, the center of gravity of life also shifts, from pleasing ourselves to pleasing others, and we lose ourselves.

And a person with a big pattern will respect his attitude and feelings at any time, will not stay for the bustling crowd, and will not give in because of the noise of the people.

They only do themselves, only loyal to themselves, so they have less troubles and become their most loyal friends.

In the TV series "Special Combat Glory", Yan Baoyue went from a recruit to a special combatant, from a young hairy boy to a one-sided combat hero, he never cared about gossip, nor did he care about worldly views.

Just focus on being yourself and walk towards the goal. As the company commander said, he was a bullet that flew towards the bullseye without looking back, and thus fulfilled himself.

The larger the pattern of people, the more obvious some of the characteristics on the body, ordinary people are difficult to pretend

Just as the pyramids were not built in a day, the big picture cannot be cultivated overnight. However, change your way of thinking, learn to live a low-key life, be transparent, and focus on yourself, then becoming your ideal person is just around the corner.


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