
The eyes are the windows of the mind

Some people say that the so-called life depends on who you meet...



1. The eyes are the windows of the soul, the breeze, the shadows of the trees, the blossoms... Decorated the windows of the Chinese, but also decorated the dreams of Chinese. "Smoke comes from the mountains, and the sunset in the bamboo." Birds flew up the eaves, and clouds came out of the windows. "The window of the ancients is the heart of the ancient people's forest spring, and it is the poetry of the ancients." Through this pair of eyes, we feel a lot of beauty.

2. Real life may be like this, disorderly, absurd, unpredictable, and a little tenderness can be found in the cold reality. —— @Dionysus in bullying the sun god

3. Whether a person is unique or not lies in the soul and spirit, not in the form of pretense. Many people think that they are alone, the most unsonable, because they can see such a lonely and self-congratulatory everywhere.

4. Human nature is not immutable, and human nature is different at every stage. The system talks about human nature, it is more about different stages, your desires, emotions, needs, obsessions, spirits, experiences, wisdom... Summarize one of you. The game is never an empty glove white wolf. In the process, it is often added a little bit of ego. If you want to win more and lose less, you have to predict the trend of your own humanity.

5. Why do some people work harder the better they are? To become better is the sugar that is first bitter and then sweet, and those who taste the sweetness are addictive.

6. No one can do everything under the sky, I always think that many things under the sky are uncertain, but there are too many things worth doing under the sky, so pick those things that can be done, do it, and do it. That's my outlook on life.

7. Meet for a better self, it is best to make the other person better, if not, the meaning of the encounter disappears. Encounter is not about fate, we would rather think of achieving a better version of ourselves, that kind of encounter is meaningful. We tend to think of things and people that increase our experience as beautiful encounters, not necessarily by the above criteria. - Druids

8. Why is the Penal Code so thick? The answer is: because man is a very bad animal.

9. When you take most of the resources, when you take most of the attention, it means that you have to take most of the responsibility.

10. The script of fate that a man receives at birth determines the height of the beginning of his life. The choice and effort of the day after tomorrow determines the upper limit of the height that can be achieved under this high premise.


1. Emotional Bricklayer says: The best way to get revenge on the ex who abandoned you is to work hard, soar, and make him regret it. Sounds like it's right. However, the truth of the matter is this: knowing that after you have soared, in order to extinguish his sense of loss, he will magnify your shortcomings and think of you very badly, so as to comfort himself. So even if you fly yellow, in his heart, you are still not a good person. That's human nature. What people want is not the truth, but the "facts" that they themselves are willing to believe.

2. Man is changeable, and no one who remains unchanged will either become good or bad. People in love marriages are no exception. Get better and prove that he is responsible and worthy of love. Got bad, proves he's irresponsible, sorry love. Accepting love is to accept the contract that becomes good for love, the person who breaks the contract and becomes bad, take back the love, live your normal life, your life will not infect his bad, life will get better and better.

3. If you ask me, what is most important for marriage? I would prefer kindness. Goodness is a pool of clean water, and love is a lotus flower. Because of goodness, there is more tolerance, compromise, concession, pity, self-cultivation...

4. Many women learn that their husbands are cheating, and they have to fight with Xiao San to the death. Totally unnecessary. Those marriages that can't be put down, inseparable feelings, in the future after you are born again, farts are not.

5. To sublimate from love to true love between two people, there must be a process of joint value creation. This value may be emotional value, wealth value, social value, life value, reproductive value, family value, emotional value... It even includes the value of suffering. The more experiences you experience, the deeper the connection. Extramarital affairs are secretive and gray. It does not have the conditions for co-creation.

6. What is the ideal that marriage cannot be lost? That's character. How to judge the character? Two words, one is to do things seriously, do their best, this is what Confucius said "loyalty"; the other is good at understanding others, have temperature, not harsh, this is Confucius said "forgiveness". These two words are incomparably powerful, and the way of the Master is only faithful and forgiving. The standard of character must always be A. Concessions up to B.

7. Love is stronger than gold, so the stronger the wedding souvenir, the better, so there is a diamond ring. But in fact, pure gold is soft, and it can be seen that the real purpose of people in the era of love is to obtain precious metals, and perhaps things like cattle, horses and sheep. This did not prevent people from accepting love than gold, nor did it prevent people from accepting diamonds. Because it can still be explained that firmness does not refer to hardness, but to long-lasting corrosion resistance, determined by the atomic structure of gold, which symbolizes the polishing of life.

8. Over the years, I have found that women's so-called advantages are usually in trivial matters. For example, buy clothes, buy bags, go to the playground, queue up, etc., and the advantage taken by men is a real strategic resource, a resource necessary to help you become a top predator. So, men can't talk to women about fairness.

9. The individual who enjoys freedom bears the price of freedom. Make your own decisions, take responsibility for yourself. If you want to reduce the probability of your spouse cheating, you don't want to break up with your spouse. Then I will teach you one of the most reliable ways, that is, the door to the door. The closer the wealth, the more loyal the partner, the two sides are really just to build a small family together, and there is not much messy thought.

10. If you finally find that your current state of life is exactly what you desire from the heart, and that you can live in peace with yourself, then whether you choose to connect with another independent soul or be spiritually self-sufficient, there is nothing wrong with it.


1. People who are not entangled are very clear about how long it takes to do different things, and they have a number in their minds, which is called being able to experience the dimension of time all the time.

2. When a person does not like you, or uses you as an outlet, do not try to change the other person's thoughts and attitudes for a short period of time. But the relationship between you and him is indeed caused by evil, not a good cause. When the other party holds a certain opinion, a certain attitude, every time they see you, they will become more and more angry and disgusted. Therefore, pulling away from the black can immediately stop the growth of this evil condition. The other party can't see you, so they can't continue to project emotions on you, and they won't become more intense grudges. But if you want to go back to see and talk about it after you have pulled black away, it is actually another evil fate, and the final fruit becomes unpredictable.

3. Before starting a war, we must first think about how to end it. Yes, there is nothing more terrible for a great power than a war that will end at some point. If there is, then nothing more than this – this war is still happening all around you.

4. The world is big and varied. If you see everything in your eyes and put it in your heart, you are not free and narrow, and the state of mind that is the most free to operate is the state of mind.

5. Five colors are blinding, five tones are deaf, five flavors are refreshing, flaccid field hunting is maddening, and rare goods are obstructive. It is impossible to live without desire, but to consciously control your desires and keep your physical and mental desires within a reasonable range, which is the difference between masters and ordinary people.

6. To be reasonable, it is only the cause and the landing that is the effect. Even if you are the rational side from beginning to end, the problem is that you have no problem with this unreasonable person. Or rather, you simply don't have a simple and crude way to reverse this person's ideas immediately. He has difficulties, and you have to change him, and you have to get rid of those dilemmas that hinder his progress.

7. You look at the goddess a hundred times, the goddess is not yours, you practice the divine skills a hundred times, and the divine skills are yours.

8. Physical injuries and illnesses are not strictly speaking healed, but you yourself rely on metabolism to eliminate the traces. The mind, and perhaps so, there is no cure, only reconstruction and iteration. Thinking that relying on sealing, or strong medicine, it depends on whether your psychology is incomparably strong, otherwise, there will never be a cure, and sooner or later it will jump out and make you grief-stricken. - Druids

9. What is the most important technique for writing an article? My own experience is to decompose tasks. It is to decompose a general meaning into more specific meanings. When the decomposition is complete, the difficulty of writing is reduced. For example, if you want to introduce a city, it is difficult to write an article, but if you write ten people who represent the history and reality of the city, the difficulty is greatly reduced. For example, if you want to write a year-end summary, it seems that there are many big things and small things, and it is easy to write a running account. Can I write about the five people I want to thank this year, who they are, and in what ways they have helped me grow, so the difficulty of writing will come down.

10. After reading a lot of books, having a good heart, having strong skills, and moisturizing the relationship, it is a good thing to read books at this time. Reading for the sake of reading, reading books as an escape, only getting superior arrogance, that is nothing more than a nerd.


1. Seeking truth from facts is the Tao, and doing things according to the law is God. I'm ordinary because that's the truth, and I'm confident because I dare to admit my own ordinaryness.

2. A man's perception is not determined after he becomes famous, but before he becomes famous.

3. There is no savior in this world, and there is no god emperor in this world. There are two choices in life, one is to wait for the ideas in your village to be changed by someone from the outside; the other is to take the initiative to come out on your own.

4. Life's things, nine times out of ten, the effect is very slow, decades later to have results, slower, stupid, starting from a lower starting point, as long as you don't give up the effort, it doesn't matter, there is always one thing suitable for you, there is always a person who is suitable for you, always can sigh at a certain moment: life is really interesting.

5. A sense of boundaries refers to a person's clear awareness of the boundaries of one's responsibilities and obligations, and the extent to which such boundaries are maintained. When a person has a clear sense of boundaries, when a person is really mature. Maturity here means that one can finally handle one's own relationship with others, one's relationship with the world, and one can maintain a suitable distance from each other.

6. I don't fantasize that everyone can draw boundaries calmly, and feel free to maintain a sense of boundaries, and crossing them is the norm of life. If you can't help but care for others, can't help but advise others, you can control this mentality when you are counterattacked. If you can't help but ask others for help, can't help but blame others, and only when you are rejected can you understand your responsibilities. When the conflict disappears, when it feels like it can maintain relationships effortlessly, when there is a sense of boundaries, it is even mature.

7. What you care about, what is your weakness, the more you care, the more vulnerable you are. Powerful people are never in the accident, only do not care, in order not to be hurt. Life is made up of time, and the value of time depends on what you do with it. You take it and entangle with low-level people, and that's a low-value life. If you look up at the stars with it, it will give you back a legendary life.

8. The natural gap between people is not as big as you think, and the opportunity is given to who grows. A big project doesn't involve you, you can only grow in your dreams. What a person likes and what they can do must be thoroughly distinguished. For example, when you are a person like me, I like to listen to Guo Degang's serious talk about whether to wash coal with water or select coal for rocket launches. But when it comes to specific work, life, and actual problems to deal with, I will first pause Teacher Guo and return to the old road of looking for data and iterative progress.

9. The truth in any field is universal. Anything you want to do requires you to have a crumbling enthusiast mentality, really invest time and energy to do it, not just point out the country.

10. A professional investor, in a lifetime, can find an excellent, and sustainable development of long-term targets, just like the early investment in Ali Tencent, a war is enough to make themselves a god. It's impossible to make you pick a cabbage all over the place. Encountering a team that opens its mouth is the norm, and it is very rare to find a 1% increment, then find no increment, commonly known as equivalent transactions, no loss or profit. If an equivalent transaction cannot be found either, there are only two things to evaluate. First, whether there is really an effort, serious, diligent and rational, almost traversal search. Second, whether you know yourself correctly, whether you really have enough chips than you think.

point of view:

1. On the topic of son preference, my personal view is that men and women are equal, equal to the three rights, property rights, education rights, and professional rights.

2. Don't belittle your own parents, former bosses, or former lovers in front of outsiders. Why? Because, if the listener is an experienced person, he will think that you are not of good character.

3. The Fed wants the US index to rise and pull the dollar by raising interest rates, thus providing downward space for water release. There is a cost to raising interest rates, just incite expectations, war expectations. Because the dollar has an attribute of hedging, the United States is trying to cause risk aversion in Ukraine, wanting to withdraw European safe-haven funds to the United States, pulling up the U.S. index, providing space for the United States to release water, and incidentally making the U.S. interest rate hike less urgent. Putin had to shoot, the bear beat the two Ha, who got the wish? The Fed got its wish. - West Wind

4. I really think it is a good thing that the countryside disappears, the same surname, gathered in one place, around an ancestral hall, people with foreign surnames come to bully others, this is not a kind folk custom, this is the earth overlord. There is no future for the Earth Overlord. I don't care if you are Sima Yi of Hanoi or Cao Cao of Chen Liu, it is in your village, and when you enter the big city, you are a drop in the ocean, like a grain of sand mixed into the desert.

5. Evaluating the war, evaluating geopolitics, is still outside my ability, and I am still unable to give any conclusive personal conclusions. But I observe life, I observe people, I observe words and deeds. I observe the shift, so I record the shift. I have doubts myself, so I record the doubts. Whenever such a moment comes, I am secretly glad that I did not make rash and reckless judgments. And remind myself once again: the world is a much broader and more complex existence than I know, and all I see is a limited number of sides. - And the head of the dish

6. The most important event of the 20th century is nothing else, not World War I, World War II, nor the collapse of the Soviet Union, the most important event of the 20th century was the decoupling of the dollar from gold on August 15, 1971. Since then, humanity has truly seen the emergence of a financial empire that has incorporated the entire human race into its financial system. The United States needs a large amount of capital repatriation to support the daily life of Americans and the American economy, in this case, whoever blocks the return of capital to the United States is the enemy of the United States. This invisible war in the fields of finance, trade, currency and other fields has been going on for a long time, and it is very white-hot. China has been passively dragged into the Cold War. There is no need to show favor or explain this matter. Because politics just needs an enemy, you say you are innocent, you don't have a harmful heart and it is useless. Say you're the enemy, you're the enemy.

7. The largest reservoir in China is the property market, and the United States is the stock market. Behind this is the fact that one likes to buy land, and the other likes to buy a boat. Buying stocks is buying ships, early companies are ships, fleets travel, bring profits or lose money, for risk management, began to invent a variety of financial products and models. Buying a house and buying land is an idea, the field can hit the grain, and the house can be rented. So you look at us as if we've completed urbanization, but in fact, a lot of people just want to change places and continue living in the village. Two cows in one acre, wife and children hot kiln head. This is no different from an iron rice bowl and two suites, wife and children hot kangtou, and thinking mode.

8. The biggest difference between urban and rural areas is that the latter values blood, and the former values utilization value. Bloodline is a stable structure, and utilization value is an unstable structure. If you try to establish a stable rural life model in the modern city. As long as you observe for a longer time, you will find that the rural thinking mode cannot adapt to the city.

9. Real estate looks at the population in the long run, land in the medium term, and finance in the short term. Among them, land points to "supply", population points to "demand", and finance is the link between supply and demand, that is, "money". The relationship between the three is the underlying logic of the property market.

10. When you say that you want to marry a boy from a country during a war in a country, that does not constitute a danger to others. But on the other hand, when you say that you want to marry someone else's girl, it constitutes taking advantage of people's danger.


1. The patience of ordinary people often does not exceed one night. This is intermittent hesitation, continuous mixed eating and so on. Think about a thousand roads at night, get up in the morning and take the old road.

2. The Internet is full of giant babies, and they think with emotions, only willing to contact the information they like, not the real information, and move at a moment' notice and ignite at one point. Many cunning self-media people have seized the psychology of the network giant baby, so, tailor-made, crazy output of emotional text, catering to the giant baby, in order to win traffic, these self-media people earn a lot of money, while being regarded as a confidant by the giant baby, but the self-media people at home while counting money while laughing: this group of fools, really good deception.

3. Some people's hearts are as calm as a mirror, and some people are turbid waves. The latter often has a high desire to speak, because usually no one wants to listen to what he says. Understanding this, we will not naturally expect others to only like it, and we have already predicted the malicious intentions.

4. All men are mortal, and mortals should take good care of their hearts. What others say, their own hearts are pulled, and strong emotions are generated, which is still a kind of external control. Everyone longs for a strong and courageous and independent heart, but it is difficult to do it, and it is difficult to be controlled by the influence of the outside world. And to realize that you are a mortal, to realize that others can control yourself by stimulating emotions, then you should cut off this control. Cut off the connection, and the quiet mind will no longer be troubled when it looks at many troubles, so it will grow a little tougher.

5. It is not one's own responsibility, but one's own responsibility, which is a manifestation of one's arrogance. Arrogance is punished and causes unnecessary suffering.

6. If the weaker side wants to develop, it will be seen as a threat by the stronger side. The comfortable days are too long, and the big head is used to it, which is taken for granted. There is basically no solution to this contradiction. As long as you develop, you are not willing to be honest and be a weak person, and eating the fifth that is allocated to you is your fault. That is the root cause of many conflicts.

7. A circle of faces, you can scold him, he will be afraid, because even if the law can not help him, public opinion can make the person unemployed or disqualified. The problem is that a circle without a face, as long as the law can't help the other party, it really has no rut. The knife cuts off the water and the water flows by itself.

8. Good girls, if they do not become brave and strong, do not resist, do not fight. Blindly shrinking hands and feet, bound by invisible shackles. So how far do you have to retreat to absolutely guarantee your own safety? Dig three feet into the ground, dig a hole in the ground and hide? You know, fear is also an invisible shackle.

9. Social media itself has little power, and the reason it has amazing power is that people can't wait to believe it, and this strong desire to believe gives power to all kinds of rumors on social media.

10. There is something in society that approximates a "common clock". It is what society expects of us at different ages. For those of us living in China, it could be going to elementary school at the age of 6, falling in love at the age of 20, having a garage at the age of 30... When a person lives in accordance with this expectation, it is easier for him to gain a series of social approvals, and people will think that such a life is "good" and "happy"; conversely, he will have to bear the pressure from the social clock. For those who revere the social clock, the existence of singles of marriageable age is a challenge to the traditional marriage and family ideology they follow. Over time, being single becomes a negative evaluation of a person.


1. I finally got the reading comprehension test questions of the Zhejiang Provincial Joint Examination Language Paper, and I also saw my article above, and studied the questions and reference answers more carefully. It was very sad to watch, and at least 12 of them I couldn't get. If I had taken this paper, I would have gone home and beaten up for not doing the right article for myself... and the head of the dish

2. History doesn't repeat itself, but it always rhymes. When one three views crushes another and negates "unrighteousness", it is shallow in the cultural field. But the premise of all this is not to violate the law and discipline, which is the authority that a civilized society should have. All cultures of modernity need the blessing of civilization.

3. To educate your children well is not to cheapen others, but to pave a normal path for your own children. Otherwise, you raise a child with a bear, and the road he will walk in the future will be rougher than anyone else's.

4. In ancient times, a person, born a little smarter, and then had the opportunity to read a few books, the so-called half of the Analects to rule the world is possible, and today, it is a joke. Today, if you want to achieve a talent, it is impossible without data feeding. Liberal arts-style "success", as long as you read a few books, declare yourself to be the present liang, today's Zhuge Liang, practice a duck mouth is enough. The success of the science type is inseparable from the accumulation of resources and the feeding of data. In other words, we grow like artificial intelligence.

5. In fact, it is good to work hard, only do things, do not compare, the heart will be fixed, forget the ranking, just read, every day, the cycle begins. The really good things are simple, simple, and everyday.

6. "Why do I read so many books on my phone, but I can remember so few" – a similar question now has an answer: Remember to take a deep breath.

7. Men's football always puts my mentality in a very awkward state. I feel like a parent, with a son and a daughter, a son carefully cultivated, hiring various famous teachers, exhausting the family's wealth, and finally a street wanderer. The street slipper is also counted, turn around and drink and fight, lose, who lost? The other party who lost to him was a vegetative person........ And the daughter, never how to cultivate, back to the family to take the exam, note that it is not a provincial title, is an Asian title.

8. This is also the portrayal of many families in our country, parents give enough resources to cultivate their sons, the result of the son's books are not well read and do not work well, get married, buy a house, buy a car, the parents pour out their family wealth and even borrow debts, the daughter in the family is like a grass in the stone crevice, with a little sunshine and rain, growing vigorously, until it can be seen by the parents, but it is often sucked blood in the end.

9. As long as you have money or talent, all the big cities in the country rob you, why rob you? Because you are the resource. No one pays attention to where you are, even if you are like Li Bai, you broke Ye Cheng. As long as you are only eight buckets tall, with a lot of money, and go to which city, the local girls are lined up to marry you, and the local leaders are very excited to hold your hand and say, this is home. If you're not just eight buckets tall and have a lot of money, sorry, queue. How to get the household registration you go to see, there are many, many requirements. If you still want to rub benefits, want to take advantage of the arbitrage of buying a house, there are more restrictions.

10. A child is not born like whom, but who raises like whom. Many people talk about Gu Ailing these days that her parents are very good people, so the genes are good. But they may have overlooked that if it were not for the excellent people who brought their own, this child may not be as you think.


1. Some people say that most people have not reached the point of fighting talent, in fact, this sentence should be said in reverse, most people are low in talent, not to the point of hard work. Because most people's efforts are valuable, but this value is more repetitive than creative.

2. When we enlighten others, we are like a wise man, discerning everything and saying what we say. However, when we encounter problems ourselves, we always can't figure it out. why? Because things have not happened to us and have nothing to do with our own interests, we, as bystanders, are very clear-headed. However, things happen to themselves, with interests, positions, emotions, the ass determines the head, the brain is not good.

3. The real estate agent said to the owner: Your house, the price is at the top, it is recommended to sell. However, for the same house, the agent said to the buyer: this house, this price, can rise in the future, it is worth starting.

4. I dare not say that there is no end in the wilderness, but I have seen people who have real skills, real achievements, and people who make me admire, none of them can afford to lose this person, willing to be an Internet celebrity, big V...

5. Why do there always be little geniuses who think they know more strategy than the top think tanks of the world's two top powers? Only by tasting carefully can we understand what is called "digging a well for the sweet spring of Qinghuan". - Rush

6. Game is a controversial term. In my opinion, it is a kind of ingenuity. It is very good to avoid using low-intelligence methods such as coercion, prayer, suppression, and scoundrels.

7. If you want to be the boss, you must understand how the boss is formed. The talents of the world have come to Chang'an, and only then have the Grand Tang Dynasty. We need people just like people need a good doctor when they are sick, it doesn't matter where this doctor is, whether it's human or not, it really doesn't matter.

8. Panjiayuan is no longer a place to pick up leaks, and Lijiang is no longer a place with sexual encounters. In history, there will always be an opportunity to open a window, and then the window will close quickly and tightly, which is common sense.

9. Many people say that they don't work after financial freedom. The realistic logic of this sentence is not very true, a job makes you financially free, then you must be extremely good at it, but also got wonderful feedback, work has the freedom to get out of finance, this is itself enjoyment, who is willing to stop it?

10. Careful consideration must be made at the beginning of everything to ensure that the balance is accurate. --Frank Herbert, "Dune"


1. When I was a child, I raised a small hedgehog, and it was well raised, but in the winter, it was motionless, did not eat or drink, and I buried it sadly, and inserted a small stick in its grave. In junior high school, it was found that hedgehogs would hibernate... hibernation......

2. There is a colleague in the unit, a Mongolian, who belongs to the great god-level figure who is always wandering in the sky. After a year of vacation home, after several days of vacation and not coming back, the leader called, Ya said on the phone: Leader, I am still riding a horse on the Hulunbuir grassland to find my family, my family is a nomadic, now I don't know where to move.

3. The university is not an economics major, but there are also some electives, and the teacher said that the week before the exam will give a total review to ensure that all the test points give tips. So a few days later, everyone entered the examination room confidently. The exam paper answered very smoothly, but all of them got stuck in the last question, so that the marketing strategy of Coca-Cola was discussed, and the NND review did not have this test point at all! So I asked the teacher that what he said didn't count! As a result, the teacher calmly said, I wore a Coca-Cola advertising T-shirt that day, didn't you see it?

4. A friend goes to an ancient temple and encounters a fortune teller on the way. My friend asked, "Calculate for me how long I can live!" The fortune teller stared at his friend's face for half a day and said, "Friend, your fate is good!" The friend was overjoyed and asked, "Tell me quickly, how long can I live?" The fortune teller said, "You can live to death!" ”

5. In the first phase of the star class of the college entrance examination, two girls took the Fudan Mathematics Department, but they both said that their dream was to make a movie. Wang Han: "The teachers in Fudan are sorry, our children in Hunan are like this, they are in the mathematics department, but their dream is to make movies." Qian Feng: "Isn't it a digital movie now?"

6. Dad and Mom quarreled, I went to the room to comfort Mom, and then, I wanted to make a joke, tease Mom and say, "Since there is a quarrel, why don't you divorce?" As a result, the mother came and said, "I have discussed with your father, no matter how you can not get a divorce, because neither I nor your father want your custody."

7. Before we got married, my girlfriend Xiaofei and I liked my husband. After dinner, I quipped to my husband: "If you had to choose again, would you choose me or Xiaofei?" Erzhu Husband: "Of course it's Xiaofei!" I was angry: "Why?!" The head of the goods did not look up: "Her husband now has three hundred yuan of pocket money per month, and I have two hundred and fifty yuan." "Nima! They actually want to abandon me for fifty dollars!

8. When I was in elementary school, I was often trained by the homeroom teacher and was extremely unhappy. Once he disciplined me, I secretly put a pushpin on the tire of his bicycle, so he became a regular visitor to the repair shop. That's why he married the pretty daughter of the owner of the garage.

9. Drink with dad, who is slightly drunk: "After you get married, I want you to have a boy!" "Dad, what age, how come you are still an old concept, how pedantic is the idea of favoring sons over daughters?" "Son, I don't mean this, Dad actually wants you to have a girl, but you look like, giving birth to a girl you may delay her life..."

10. Today my nephew asked me if I could get him a bank card, and I asked him what he wanted a bank card for. He said: I want to save my old money and pocket money, my father has lent me several times, this feeling of not being afraid of thieves stealing is afraid of thieves worrying about I really can't stand it!

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