
The 4-year-old girl did not cry or write her homework in the cabin hospital, and the 3 excellent qualities behind her were angry

The spread of the disease has made countless people anxious, and they cannot go out of the house every day, let alone children, and adults are restless. But a 4-year-old girl broke up the Internet.

The 4-year-old girl did not cry or write her homework in the cabin hospital, and the 3 excellent qualities behind her were angry

She is from Changchun, Jilin Province, only 4 years old, and still in kindergarten. Because the family was diagnosed, they followed their parents to the cabin hospital for isolation. Ordinary adults can't stay in places like hospitals, but this little girl's performance has made many adults and doctors give a thumbs up.

The 4-year-old girl did not cry or write her homework in the cabin hospital, and the 3 excellent qualities behind her were angry

At the beginning, the family was afraid that she would not adapt, after all, the child was only 4 years old, the conditions of the cabin hospital were also limited, many people were in a large space, just isolated, but the range of activities was limited, could not be as free as the family, and every day to drink medicine, is a very bitter Chinese medicine, but a 4-year-old girl is stunned is not crying, the performance has made everyone praise.

Parents are the best teachers for children, and a good family atmosphere and parents' words and deeds are the basis for children's good upbringing. Many netizens have said that this little girl is only 4 years old so self-disciplined and peaceful, there must be a pair of parents who will educate behind them, and some netizens said that their children are disobedient, so they want to ask the parents how to educate their children.

First, a high degree of self-discipline

Every day, the little girl followed her parents to eat, sleep, take medicine on time, and take time to write homework, and exercise on the ground for a while, although the daily medicine was very bitter, she did not complain a word.

It is also very serious about learning, sitting on the desk alone and writing homework, not disturbed by the noise of the hospital, even if the hospital isolates their own homework. Many netizens said that this little girl is too self-disciplined, her parents are very successful in education, focusing on work, and learning seriously, so that children can become talents no matter where they go.

The famous "marshmallow experiment" shows that children who are highly disciplined from an early age and can control themselves will be more successful in their future families after their careers.

And in daily life, parents can do these 2 points, you can cultivate a self-disciplined child.

1. Do not do "arranged" parents, be "consultant" parents

Excessive diligence of parents will steal the child's independence and growth opportunities, learn to lean down and listen to the child's inner thoughts, but not interfere too much, but give opinions. Let them learn to take responsibility for their actions.

2. Parents should lead by example

The child imitates through the words and deeds of the parents, so you are gentle and gentle, you are polite, he is polite, you love to quarrel, he is timid and grumpy, what you are, the child is what he is. If you want your child to be well-behaved and self-disciplined, first of all, parents must become his example.

Second, actively exercise

If you want to end the disease early, exercise is the key, and daily exercise can improve the resistance of human organs and resist the invasion of diseases. So the little girl will bounce around in the hospital every day to exercise, learning and exercising without pulling.

Moreover, children exercise more, can gradually feel the changes and stimulation of the external environment, not only conducive to the exercise of skin, respiratory tract, bones. It also forms a protective system that enhances tolerance and further protects against disease.

In addition, moderate exercise can make the brain frontal lobe congestion active, improve the child's attention, because in the state of exercise, when people carry out aerobic exercise, the frontal lobe area is congested and active, then the attention will be particularly concentrated, which is very helpful for learning.

Moderate exercise can also help children fight anxiety, serotonin is a substance that can help people relieve anxiety and calm emotions, and exercise can increase the content of brain serotonin. Therefore, parents must urge their children to exercise more, even if they are online classes at home, they cannot relax their exercises.

Third, the mentality is optimistic

Many children cry when they are sick and go to the hospital, not to mention that they are trapped in the hospital every day and cannot move around, but she is happy and happy, and faces every day positively.

We know that a positive mindset can make people feel happy and help the brain relax, and a positive mindset can make a coward a warrior, making people change from weak-minded to strong-willed. What children lack now is a peaceful mentality, and if they want to let children face life and future social competition with confidence and courage, they must cultivate a good mentality from an early age.

How far can children go in the future, the ability to resist setbacks and peace of mind is the key, we see that many children have to cry when the building blocks fall, parents do not meet their wishes to cry, parents scold to run away from home, and even jump off the building to commit suicide, can not withstand a little wind and rain, like flowers in the greenhouse, how can the future withstand the cruel competition in society?

Becoming a talent not only requires a healthy body and intelligence, but also a good attitude. And this little girl has had such a good attitude since she was a child, calmly coping with the unsatisfactory life.

In addition, many children take online classes at home every day, and they should also pay attention to the improvement of their own immunity and provide a few small suggestions for everyone.

First, drink more boiled water to replenish body water

Regular drinking of boiled water can enhance the vitality of lactate dehydrogenase in various organs of the body, so as to enhance the body's immunity and disease resistance. The daily intake of boiling water for normal people is most appropriate at 5-8 cups, and water can help digestion, relieve constipation, lubricate joints, adjust body temperature, and improve children's physical functions.

Second, rest on time and go to bed early

10-12 hours of sleep a day can maximize the strength of the child's physical resistance. Moreover, in the state of deep sleep, sleep factors can promote the increase of white blood cells, while strengthening the detoxification ability of the liver, so that bacteria and viruses that invade the human body can be eliminated. And sleeping more can also ensure that the child is full of energy the next day, whether it is learning or exercising, it is more motivated.

Third, a reasonable diet

Diet regularity, do not often eat junk food and spicy stimulating food, to ensure adequate nutritional intake of three meals a day, but also conducive to the improvement of children's resistance, such as milk, eggs, bread, green vegetables, fruits intake. Timely supplementation of calcium, iron, zinc and other nutrients needed by the human body will also make the child's resistance stronger and stronger.

Finally, no matter where it is, the body is the capital of the revolution, and protecting oneself, protecting one's children, and improving one's own resistance is king.

Parents are the best teachers for children, but also the leader of children, may we work together to help children grow up healthy and happy.

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