
When husband and wife quarrel, it is wise for a smart woman to stop losses at these "three moments"

Love is beautiful and romantic, and beautiful and romantic love will make the feelings of two people continue to heat up, quickly fall in love in the shortest possible time, and step into the palace of marriage hand in hand.

However, after staying in the marriage for a long time, some people will be upset, perhaps it will be different from before, leaving the former mountain alliance and sea oath behind, forgetting the original intention, at this time there is no considerate, warm, respectful and tolerant marriage at this time, and the two people will quarrel endlessly, and even start a cold war, accumulate resentment, hang a good marriage on the branches, sway in the wind and rain, fall at any time, and even labor and swallow flying, becoming familiar strangers to each other.

Although quarrels between husband and wife are inevitable, they need to grasp each other in a measured manner. Where there is a crowd, there will be contradictions, and the same is true between husband and wife, living under the same roof, the figure is inseparable, and it is inevitable that some disputes will occasionally occur.

Sometimes small fights and small fights will also enhance the feelings between each other, the so-called flirting, but making a big move will only make each other's feelings go into a desperate situation, and it is too late to make up for the dead sheep. Then, when the husband and wife quarrel, it is wise for a smart woman to stop the loss in the following "three moments".

When you blame yourself

Men and women sometimes have different mentalities, and a man will do his best to give her what she wants, give her the best, and let her do whatever she wants when facing the woman he loves.

However, because men and women have different cognitions and concepts of love, most men will feel that if they love a woman deeply, they should provide her with better material security, and lack some of the warmest companionship;

Although material life is an indispensable and important part of reality, the average woman does not seek the so-called rich and noble, but only seeks peace, happiness and peace, health and happiness, and nothing more.

Couples because of some trivial matters in life, sometimes inevitably encounter disagreement, some disputes, and even quarrels, at this moment, some women are wronged, and then they will tear their faces with men and pour out their inner pain.

Even the brain is hot to turn all the old accounts out, in order to suppress men's emotions, but it is counterproductive, so that men's emotions are more rebounded, more bad, so that women are discouraged, and then they will accuse men: "You don't love me at all, you are too ruthless to me...".

At this moment, men will feel that they have a deep affection for women, but in the end they have found nothing, thinking that the woman in front of them is a white-eyed wolf, white is good for her, but everything he has paid for her has not been remembered at all, and he has drifted away.

At this time, men will be even more annoyed and angry, and then they will scold women: "Where am I not good for you..." Then they are justified with each other, and the mother-in-law is reasonable, and the quarrel will no longer have an end, endless.

And a smart woman, at this moment, will grasp the degree, at this "critical moment" will be silent, calm response, otherwise it will only make the contradictions between each other escalate.

And some men will still chase after you, casually saying: "Since you accuse me of being bad for you, then you should find a man who is good for you...", so smart women will not be strong for a while, a moment of speed, and will not bring each other's feelings into a deadlock.

At a time when men are under too much pressure

When a man is facing pressure, he often feels mentally and physically exhausted, will be absent-minded in doing anything, feel that the whole world is gray, and completely lose confidence in life, especially men will regret and suffer.

If at this time two people are still arguing because of some things with different views, then the woman must remember to point to the point, what things to say, what things not to say, to be measured.

At this time, the pressure of men, simply do not have the energy to quarrel, if the woman is not unforgiving entanglement, the man will feel that the woman does not understand things, did not think about her, it is better to break up and settle down.

So, smart woman, when the man is under pressure, if two people happen to quarrel and make you very angry, then what you need is to talk about things, don't mention the previous things, and say it again, silence in time, don't talk about each other endlessly.

At the lowest point in a man's career

In a rapidly economically developing society, career has almost become the most important benchmark for measuring a man's worth. In real life, although money is not omnipotent, it is impossible without money;

Maybe a person may be rich and may be very status, but without his own career, it seems to be a defect in a man's life, and he cannot get the joy of achieving success in his career, because some pleasure and happiness in a person's life are not replaced by material things, and more happiness and joy are mostly from the spirit.

And women do not have a career, can share the joy with men, can be successful women behind successful men. But in the process of men's career development, often mixed with many unpredictable variables, when men's careers into a trough, the mood is very low, self-abandonment, and even hate iron is not steel.

At this time, if a woman has a dispute with each other because of some trivial matters in the family, and confronts the man tit-for-tat, and does not give in to each other, often the woman will immediately take his career failure or poor management to talk about things, accuse him, laugh at him, let the man have no place for himself, or even collapse, depressed and degenerate, but it is more than worth the loss.

A man's failure in his career is the most painful thing in his life, and the most important thing is to adjust his mentality in the shortest possible time, to face life, to face his family;

And smart women at this moment, will be calm to men, although there are many dissatisfactions in the heart, many unsatisfactory, but will also use their warmest words to communicate with him: "Nothing is a big deal, even if it is not successful, after all, that road you have walked, there is no regret, life has wind and rain and troughs, after the wind and rain will inevitably appear rainbow ..." Let a man from a man in the lowest trough of life, the most need for family understanding, comfort, tolerance and encouragement, especially their lover.

Of course, a man has encountered setbacks and bumps in his career, not necessarily all failures, but more of an accumulation and inspiration of experience, as long as he has enough financial support and noble people to help, he will often succeed and stand up again in the mall.

It is normal for husband and wife to quarrel, and there is a local saying in the countryside: "Which smoke does not smoke?" "The so-called small quarrels are pleasant, big quarrels hurt the body, and occasionally a small quarrel is often helpful to enhance the feelings between husband and wife, but it makes the feelings between each other continue to heat up."

Even if there is a contradiction or conflict between each other, and the smart woman will face it calmly, she will take care of it, she will stop the loss in the above "three moments", which is a wise move, and the flower of happiness can bloom forever!

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