
Easy to catch fire in spring? Remind, eat more than five fruits, do less than four things, spring dryness consciously dissipate

Spring yang qi is long and yin qi is dissipated, people are easy to liver fire, if you are not careful, there will be a series of spring dryness phenomena such as dry mouth and tongue, dry throat, dry and cracked lips. The following five kinds of spring seasonal fruits are of great help in alleviating spring dryness, let's take a look.

1. Pears

In the spring, you can eat more pears, because pears are rich in glucose, fruit acid, and sufficient water, which can quench thirst, clear heat and reduce fire. It also has a good effect on sore throat and cough, and at the same time can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and treat dry stools.

Pears moisturize and dampen the wind, which can alleviate the dry discomfort of spring.

Easy to catch fire in spring? Remind, eat more than five fruits, do less than four things, spring dryness consciously dissipate

2. Strawberries

This is a spring seasonal fruit, containing a lot of vitamin C, soft and juicy flesh, has the effect of nourishing the liver, removing fire and relieving heat.

Eating strawberries in the spring can suppress a certain liver fire, and has a good effect on lung fever cough and sores and acne. Among them, pectin substances and cellulose can promote the secretion of digestive juices and help the intestines to discharge harmful garbage.

3. Star fruit

Spring is suitable for liver nourishment, and star fruit has the title of "liver protection fruit", which can effectively reduce the burden on the liver and is in line with the spring health care. It is cold, sweet and sour, crisp and juicy, can replenish the water that the human body lacks in the dry season, and has diuretic and detoxifying effects.

The rich vitamins in starfruit can also relieve mouth ulcers, relieve astringent urination and eliminate internal fire.

Easy to catch fire in spring? Remind, eat more than five fruits, do less than four things, spring dryness consciously dissipate

4. Loquat

Loquat is abundant in spring, and eating loquat can moisturize and dry out the fire. Loquat is sweet and sweet, rich in organic acids, which can stimulate the taste buds, promote appetite, and help digestion and absorption.

Loquat is well hydrated, can quench thirst, lower the fire, but also moisturize the lungs and relieve cough, treat stomach fever vomiting, short urine and other symptoms.

5. Green dates

Eating a moderate amount of green dates in the spring can increase appetite and supplement the body with adequate vitamins and nutrients. In addition, jujube is not tepid, can benefit the stomach, quench thirst and moisten the mouth, have the effect of clearing heat and detoxification, and it can also alleviate constipation caused by fire, which is also very beneficial to liver health.

In addition to dietary attention, in the spring when it is easy to catch fire, behavior habits also need to be paid attention to, and doing these four things less can greatly avoid the phenomenon of spring dryness.

Easy to catch fire in spring? Remind, eat more than five fruits, do less than four things, spring dryness consciously dissipate

1. Eat less spicy, hot foods

In the spring itself, the liver fire in the body is strong, so avoid eating spicy, fried and grilled foods, and eat less garlic, ginger and other foods. Hot warm supplement foods such as dog and mutton should also be eaten as little as possible, otherwise the liver fire will be heavier and the burden on the liver will be increased.

2. Drink less

Most of the alcohol drunk into the stomach is metabolized by the liver, and ethanol will damage liver cells and cause different degrees of damage to the liver. Especially in the spring, excessive alcohol intake can be more detrimental to the body that is already full of liver fire.

Easy to catch fire in spring? Remind, eat more than five fruits, do less than four things, spring dryness consciously dissipate

3, less stay up late

Staying up late often will cause yin deficiency and fire, the metabolism and detoxification ability of various organs of the body will also be reduced, and symptoms such as dry throat and thirst, night sweats and upset will occur. Spring will be spring sleepiness, staying up late will make the spirit worse, seriously affecting physical health.

4, less angry

A good mood is also very important for dissipating spring dryness, because bad emotions such as tantrums and depression will make the liver depressed and hurt the liver over time. Therefore, in the spring when the liver is strong, it is even more necessary to control the mood and be less angry.

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