
Lixia health, pay attention to "be careful of the liver"!

Love and be careful of the liver, pay attention not to get lost.

Lixia is the seventh of the twenty-four solar terms of the lunar calendar, and is the first solar term of summer, indicating the official beginning of the midsummer season.

"Moon Order Seventy-Two Waiting Solution": "Li Xia, April Festival." Standing character interpretation see spring. Summer, fake also. Things are false at this time. ”

Lixia health, pay attention to "be careful of the liver"!

Li Xia said that he was about to say goodbye to spring, which was the beginning of summer. People are accustomed to regard Lixia as an important festival when the temperature rises significantly, the heat is coming, the thunderstorm is increasing, and the crops enter the peak season.

Three summers

The first time the grasshoppers chirp

Second earthworm out

The Third Waiting King Gua Sheng

Lixia health, pay attention to "be careful of the liver"!

In summer, as the temperature rises, the heat is unbearable, and the heat is steaming, which brings great trouble to the liver. Mainly including:

1. The metabolic burden of the liver is aggravated

The body's metabolism also peaks in summer. The metabolism is accelerated, and the metabolic waste products generated increase with it. The liver is the body's metabolic and detoxification center, and the metabolic burden of the liver is invisibly aggravated.

2, a large amount of energy loss

Summer temperature is high, easy to sweat, discharge not only water, but also a large amount of electrolytes, a large amount of water and electrolyte loss, will directly affect the blood flow in the liver, the more lost, the deeper the impact, the greater the impact on the liver.

Lixia health, pay attention to "be careful of the liver"!

3. Insufficient hepatic blood deposits

Summer is a long day time, many people like to party at night, cool, etc., often stay up late, but at midnight, especially ugly, is the liver blood storage and blood nourishment function is the strongest time, if you do not get enough rest, the liver blood in the human body will be insufficient. If the liver blood is insufficient, the liver will develop lesions.

4. Detoxification is stressful

The heat is hot and transpiring, and the food is easy to rot and spoil. Spoiled food contains a large number of bacteria, which, when ingested into the human body through diet, will increase the detoxification burden of the liver.

Lixia health, pay attention to "be careful of the liver"!

How should liver disease patients maintain their health?

1. Nourish the heart.

Chinese medicine believes that "summer is easy to hurt qi" and "summer is easy to enter the heart". In the summer season, when the time is dry, the yang qi in nature is gradually longer and the yin qi is gradually weakened, and compared with the human organs, the liver qi is gradually weakened, and the heart qi is gradually stronger. Therefore, summer health should be based on "nourishing the heart".

2. Eat a light diet

Do not overeat, diet should be light, nutritious, eat more fresh and easy to digest food, avoid eating greasy, fried, spicy food.

Do not eat cold drinks, may lead to the deterioration of the condition, do not covet cold drinks, so as not to cause gastrointestinal discomfort, resulting in abdominal pain, diarrhea.

Diet should pay attention to freshness, hygiene, do not eat lettuce, leftovers, to prevent disease from entering the mouth.

3. Nourish the mind

In addition to eating and maintaining health in summer, it is expensive to nourish the spirit. The Su Qing Shang Da Zhen Theory says: "Spiritual introspection, illness has never been safe? "Explain the importance of nourishing the spirit for health." Summer due to the hot weather, people's mood is easy to irritable, especially easy to get angry, Chinese medicine theory believes that "anger hurts the liver", so patients in the hot weather, more attention to their own adjustment of emotional changes, do not easily angry, maintain a peaceful state of mind.

Lixia health, pay attention to "be careful of the liver"!

4. Drink water appropriately

In the hot summer, people's sweating volume increases suddenly, sweating more, water loss is more, it is necessary to replenish more water. Scientific research has found that the water required by people in a day is divided into 1500 to 2500 ml, and in summer, it can be drunk in moderation. Hydration, pay attention to time, drink a glass of water every 1 to 2 hours, drink a cup before going to bed in the morning, do not wait for thirst to drink, drink water to warm boiled water is the best. Of course, you can also drink cool and deheated green tea in moderation.

5. Ensure sleep.

Adequate sleep is a big help for nourishing the liver. During sleep, the metabolic efficiency is low, the "workload" of the liver is relatively weakened, less work, you can rest more, the liver can play a powerful regenerative function, repair damaged liver cells. Therefore, in the summer, we must combine work and leisure. It is appropriate to sleep a little later, but it is best not to exceed 11:00 pm. Get up early in the morning and get up at 8:00 p.m. at the latest. Sweat a lot in the summer, pay attention to drink more water .

Lixia health, pay attention to "be careful of the liver"!

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